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Liz Diem Presentation Tips for PowerPoint.

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Presentation on theme: "Liz Diem Presentation Tips for PowerPoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Liz Diem Presentation Tips for PowerPoint

2 2 Overview Content of presentation Slides Graphs/Tables Animation References 2

3 3 Content of Presentation 3 Introduction Body Conclusion

4 4 Introduction Informs the audience about: Why they are here. What they will get out of the presentation. 4 In other words, tells people why the topic is important.

5 5 Body 5

6 6 Conclusion 6 Summary of the key points that are presented within the body.

7 7 Picking a Background 7 Avoid busy backgrounds. Avoid clashing colors.

8 8 8

9 9 Slides 9 Use point form Create an outline or notes Use 1-2 slides/minute Avoid too many pictures Use a picture or chart at least every second slide Remember to spell check

10 10 Choosing a slide layout 10 Choices of layout Click on Home in toolbar Click on layout Choose a layout from those displayed and click on it. The slide layout for that slide will change Advantages of different layouts 2 text box layout (this slide) allows you to: display information side by side bring in one item in text box at a time with animation as demonstrated in this slide (see slide 24) Other layouts combine pictures and text (see slide 4)

11 11 The Rule of Five to Seven Use 5 to 7: Points per slide Words per sentence 11

12 12 Too Many Words 12 To create an effective presentation, the author should try to use point form and fill in the rest of the information using speaker notes or if content is well known, memory. As you can see on this slide, too many words on a slide is overwhelming, confusing and will most definitely lead to audience members requesting toothpicks from the speaker to keep their eyes open!

13 13 Levels of Bullets 13 Only use two levels- this is the highest level One- this is the second level Two You get the second level by using the ‘tab’ key. When you want to move a point back up a level: Click on both the shift and tab key

14 14 Size Matters 14

15 15 Font Size 15 Should be at least 24 point, this is 32. Text should be visible from the back of a room. Use bigger fonts for emphasis, but not too often.

16 16 Font Type 16 Times New Roman Arial This is too difficult to see even in a 32 pt font Too chunky Too funky Just plain bad writing!

17 17 Font Color 17 Using color can be functional Can be used to contrast or compare Can be used to emphasize a word or point Violet and yellow Orange and blue

18 18 Rainbows are Nice In the sky Not as a font Overwhelming Defeats purpose 18

19 19 Let’s Talk About 19

20 20 Graphs Templates for graphs Make it simple Not too many lines 20

21 21 Too Confusing 21 Source: Unknown organization, 2011

22 22 Clear Table VeggiesGrainsMeatDairy Monday8624 Tuesday7654 Wed6535 Thurs4623 Friday6742 Sat7834 22

23 23 Animation 23 Used for emphasis Can be distracting; use like salt (sparingly) Mainly use same type of animation i.e. ‘appear’. Occasional different type for impact. Animation can only be viewed by clicking on ‘play’ button or in ‘view slide show’ mode

24 24 Animation 24 Do you find this distracting? I do!

25 25 Animation 25 What about this?

26 26 Clip Art 26 Try to obtain images from copyright free sources Simply click to enlarge, copy and paste Use the “clip art” button

27 27 Referencing 27

28 28 Referencing 28 Reference sources used on the presentation slides: Referencing required similar to documents Paraphrasing, direct quotes, tables Either at bottom of slide if it applies to all items in slide or after each point Reference list using correct format at end

29 29 Arredonto,L. (1994). Business presentations. New York, NY: McGraw Hill, Inc Lowe, D. (2007). PowerPoint 2007 for dummies. Indianapolis, Indiana: Wiley Publishing Company. Munro, C. (n.d.) Referencing and bibliographies. Retrieved from References (font can be smaller than 24 to fit them all on one slide) 29

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