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1 Review of Toolkit Amber Gove RTI International Session 3.4.

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1 1 Review of Toolkit Amber Gove RTI International Session 3.4

2 2 Potential Purpose(s) 1.How is the system doing? Raise government/public awareness of a national or regional problem 2.How is the project doing? Evaluate discrete interventions 3.How are students doing? Help teachers track student progress in the lowest primary levels, before students have problems and drop out In all cases, the end goal is to provide resources for interventions that clearly address the problem.

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4 4 Lessons from Pilots: Phases of EGRA 1.Planning and Development 2.Adaptation and Training 3.Field Work 4.Data Entry and Analysis 5.Dissemination and Reporting

5 5 Planning and Development  Review purpose with funder and Ministry  Involve/consult with teachers, ministry staff, parents, survey team, curriculum experts  Develop a detailed workplan, clarify roles and responsibilities  Determine use of results and dissemination plan  Carefully develop sample to fit purpose, budget

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8 8 Adaptation and Training  Start with complete, but draft version  Adapt with teachers, survey specialists, curriculum experts (bring textbooks, word lists, sample stories)  Balance economy and desire to include everything  Pre-test and Pilots serve both training and instrument improvement opportunities (stopwatch practice; 0 vs. missing)  Changes must be evidence-based  Assess Inter-Rater Reliability using audio recordings

9 9 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday  Introductions  Logistics  Review EGRA development process  Review Research underlying EGRA  Review draft instrument and student questionnaire  Revise draft instrument  Application training and practice  Pre-test in 2-6 schools  Enter data as a practice exercise  Conduct simple analyses using excel  Discuss results  Discuss instructional implications  Revise draft instrument based on results

10 10 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday  Review of underlying principles  Review draft instrument  Review draft teacher questionnaire  Application training and practice  Review roles and responsibilities of supervisors and enumerators  Pilot in 3 to 6 schools (determined by the number of teams being trained)  Enter data  Analyze results and modify instrument  Print final version of the instrument  Application training and practice  Prepare and pack materials  Finalize and review logistics

11 11 Field Work  1 Supervisor plus 3 to 4 Enumerators  Timely transport is critical: arrive before school starts and meet, greet, thank director and teachers  Avoid false negatives: be nice to the children  Sample across all classrooms using teacher lists; start with youngest (1 st grade) students  Prior to leaving the school: verify completeness and avoid missing data (waste of everyone’s time)

12 12 Data Entry and Analysis  Involve supervisors in data entry if possible  Develop and test data entry program in advance  Clarify difference between 0 and missing  If using excel, ensure consistency of entry  Use analysis as opportunity to work with ministry staff  Develop strategies for analysis in excel

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16 16 Dissemination and Reporting  Develop different reports for different audiences (parents, teachers, ministry staff, testing specialists)  Recall purpose is to improve, not blame; use results accordingly  Discuss next steps, teacher training  Provide solutions to the challenges identified  Use results to mobilize for improvement

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