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Computer Science Perspective Ludek Matyska Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno and also CESNET, Prague.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Science Perspective Ludek Matyska Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno and also CESNET, Prague."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Science Perspective Ludek Matyska Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno and also CESNET, Prague

2 Grid Infrastructures Short(er) term activities Use existing knowledge, methodology and tools bases Still more proof of concept than real production platform –Homogeneity the only currently known way how to achieve production level quality

3 Network Connection Middleware, esp. security (AAA) Resource location and brokering Resource management and scheduling Predictive transfer of large amounts of data Grids much more heterogeneous and complex

4 Longer term research New computational models Collaborative environments –virtual worlds Adaptable computing environment –On demand computing Security Heterogeneity

5 Peer to peer systems Truly distributed systems (no centre) Analogy of Internet itself Search for –appropriate software architecture –security models and accountability –managerial issues –deployment (Virtual organisations)

6 Adaptive Computing New distributed algorithms Adaptive systems –self-organizing –reacting on (inevitable) changes in the network and computing environment Autonomous systems –persistent –consistency in large scale distributed collaborating systems

7 Collaborative Environments People to people and people to computers Technological and psychological aspects Coupling computational Grids (scientific visualisation) with videoconferencing tools, shared objects (documents, files, presentations, …) New immersive environments

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