Center for Educational Performance and Information Michigan Association of School Personnel Administrators March 11, 2009 Thomas Howell, School Data Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Center for Educational Performance and Information Michigan Association of School Personnel Administrators March 11, 2009 Thomas Howell, School Data Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Center for Educational Performance and Information Michigan Association of School Personnel Administrators March 11, 2009 Thomas Howell, School Data Manager Lynne Erickson, School Data Coordinator REP: What’s New

2 Today’s Meeting What’s New for EOY 2009 Updates to Special Education Analysis of Fall 2008 Data Trimester Reporting Preview for Fall 2009

3 Educational Entity Master (EEM) Replaced the School Code Master (10/6/08) Maintains Michigan’s database of educational entity data Link between all educational data collections Authorized users are appointed by district’s chief administrator Information available at

4 New Look for EOY

5 EOY 2009 Updates Early Childhood –Name change to Great Start Readiness Program from Michigan School Readiness Program Special Education Assignment Descriptions –Teacher consultant descriptions updated 00200 Autistic to Autism 00210 Mentally Impaired to Cognitive Impairment 00220 Emotionally Impaired to Emotional Impairment 00230 Learning Disabled to Specific Learning Disabilities 00240 Hearing Impaired to Hearing Impairment 00250 Visually Impaired to Visual Impairment 00250 Physically or Otherwise Heath Impaired to Physical or Other Health Impairment

6 Updates Continued Educational Settings –English as a Second Language – Other –Bilingual Education – Other Field 24: Professional Development –New Category: Instructional Technology Spreadsheet of all Assignment Codes –Under REP Data Manual on REP Web site New Report –Personnel Assigned to School/Facility in Another District


8 Work with the Special Education Director in your district Report the subject area taught and FTE Report the appropriate primary age group Report accounting/function code of 122 Report Highly Qualified Status when required Reporting of Special Education Teachers

9 Birth to age 5 special education Report "60200", "60300", "60400" for early childhood classrooms dependent upon the teacher and assignment. –"60200" Early Childhood Classroom Teacher - Bachelor's Degree in Child Development without an Early Childhood Endorsement –"60300" Early Childhood Classroom Teacher - Valid Michigan Teacher Certificate with an Early Childhood Endorsement –"60400" Early Childhood Classroom Teacher - Valid Michigan Teacher Certificate with a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential

10 Elementary & Middle School Elementary Report "000ZG" (Elementary Education) for K-8 self-contained classrooms Grades 6-8 must be self-contained classrooms to report "000ZG" Middle School Report subject area assignment codes such as "000BA" English or "000EX" Mathematics Typically a middle school setting grades 6-8 or 5-9

11 Secondary Education Report the specific subject area assignments when appropriate such as "000BA" or "000EX" Report "00196" non-core academic subject areas such as transition skills or study skills Report "00197" for classrooms where all students in that class period are assessed by alternate achievement standards (MI-Access) Refer to the REP Data Field Descriptions for the complete description of codes "00196" and "00197"

12 Additional Special Education Assignment Codes 00195 Co-teaching with a highly qualified general education teacher 00192 Speech/Language Impaired Classroom – All subjects (Must report highly qualified status) 00292 Speech Pathologist with a Certificate of Clinical Competence in a non-classroom setting

13 Special Education HQ Requirements If a special education teacher is team- teaching core academic subjects with a HQ teacher, the special education teacher does not need to be HQ in those subject areas. A teacher facilitating student computer- assisted curriculum such as NovaNet does not have to be HQ.

14 Highly Qualified Status Report highly qualified status for all core academic general education assignment codes. Report highly qualified status for all special education teachers who are assigned to core academic subject areas. Assignment codes that must report highly qualified status –00192 Speech/Language Impaired Classroom – All subjects –00197 Special Education Class where students are accessed by MI-Access –00403 Special Education Instructional Paraprofessional/Aide (when assigned to a school/facility that operates a Title I Schoolwide Program)

15 Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers Elementary Special Education Teachers Provides DIRECT instruction Must be HQ Teacher must meet the definition of HQ elementary teachers – ex. Elementary Education MTTC K-5 Classrooms 6-8 Self-Contained Teacher must meet the definition of HQ elementary teachers – ex. Elementary Education MTTC Self-contained classroom: A classroom in which one teacher provides instruction to the same students for the majority of the students’ instructional day.

16 Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers Secondary means… Grades 9-12 special education classrooms  regardless of setting, self-contained or departmentalized Grades 6-8 special education classrooms  departmentalized  Math  Social Studies

17 Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers SECONDARY Special Education Teachers Provides DIRECT instruction Co-teaches or facilitates instruction Must be HQT Not required to be HQT assessed to “alternate achievement standards” tested with MEAP/MME Teacher must meet the definition of HQT elementary teachers – ex. Elementary Education MTTC Use one of the HOUSSE options, test in specific subject area, OR have a major (or equivalent)

18 “alternate achievement standards” = MI-Access Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers

19 SECONDARY Special Education Teachers Provides DIRECT instruction Co-teaches or facilitates instruction Must be HQT Not required to be HQT Students assessed to “alternate achievement standards” Students tested with MEAP/MME Teacher must meet the definition of HQT elementary teachers – ex. Elementary Education MTTC Use one of the HOUSSE options, test in specific subject area, OR have a major (or equivalent)

20 HOUSSE Options- Note: Three years of experience previously required has been retracted by the MDE 1.Completed, after receiving their initial teaching certificate, a minimum of 18 semester hours in a core academic subject program of study or towards a master’s or higher degree that supports the teaching of the core academic subject Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers that supports

21 Master’s Degrees (HOUSSE #1): March 2004 Flexibility Update Master of Arts in Teaching Master of Arts in Elementary Education Master of Arts in Secondary Education Master of Arts in Curriculum & Instruction Master of Arts in Educational Technology Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers

22 18 Hour Planned Program (HOUSSE #1): content related not necessarily content specific Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers Examples – Methods of Teaching Math Reading in the Content Areas Integrating Technology (content related) Strategies for Instructing Students with Learning Disabilities

23 HOUSSE Options – 2. Completed an individual professional development plan of 90 clock hours of professional development or 6 semester hours of coursework in the specific content area within the last five years Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers Note: Credit must have been earned AFTER initial certification.

24 HOUSSE Options – 3. Demonstrated competence as outlined in a local performance assessment of the employing district or school such as a portfolio –Multi-subject portfolio for special education teachers is available on the Office of Professional Preparation Services Web site at: – Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers

25 Years of Teaching Experience Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers HOUSSE Option #3 Components: College Level Course Work Content Specific Professional Development Activities Service to the Profession in the Content Area

26 ALL teachers- May demonstrate competence across multiple core academic subject areas by utilizing HOUSSE option #1 or #3 NEW teachers- Recommended that they take at least one of the “core four” MTTCs along with the Elementary Education MTTC Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers

27 MTTC Option Special education teachers may also opt to take and pass the appropriate SUBJECT MTTC to verify HQ Certificate will not change

28 Questions regarding Highly Qualified status or HOUSSE options? Krista D. Ried Teacher Quality Coordinator Office of Professional Preparation Services Michigan Department of Education or 517-373-0699 Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers

29 Trimester Reporting Field 10 is the of the REP –All fields dependent upon assignment code reported in Field 10 Report trimester one in the fall submission Report trimesters two and three EOY –Count total number of classes taught for core academic subject areas –If 10 or more classes, split the assignment into two parts FTE and Number of Classes taught must be different in each assignment reported.

30 Analysis of Fall 2008 Data Vacant Funded Positions Name – “In the Estate of” Suffixes - Ex. First name of Jr., Sr., etc. Mr./Mrs. as first name Title IX Coordinators Invalid SSN Terminations Pending Status - Certification Data Changing –i.e., gender, SSN, DOB, HQ Status

31 Fall 2009 Preview Foreign Languages – Highly qualified status must be reported Bilingual Paraprofessionals/Aides will be reported by program area Special Education Assignment Codes removed; guidelines provided for new reporting of these positions –00350 Curriculum Resource Consultant –00387 Work Study Coordinator

32 Need Help? What to do when things go wrong Contact our Customer Support Team E-mail: Call:517-335-0505, select Option 3

33 Help Request Dos and Don’ts Do –Send an e-mail to –Call 517-335-0505, select Option 3 –Be thorough in your e-mail or voice mail message regarding your question(s). –Be sure to leave your complete name, district code and name, application you are calling about and your question. –Wait for a response from our staff. You should have a response within 1-2 business days. –Refer to resource materials. Don’t –Call and e-mail with the same question –Call a second, third, fourth, fifth time with the same question –E-mail a second, third, fourth time with the same question Why –Five staff members access voice mail and e-mail messages continually. –More than one person may be working on the same response which will delay turnaround time for everyone.

34 EOY 2009 Submission Deadline Approaching June 30, 2009


36 for attending today’s session. ~~~ Center for Educational Performance and Information

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