Creating a Movement Creating a Movement. Secondary Mathematics News and Next Steps Staff Development Day March 18, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Movement Creating a Movement. Secondary Mathematics News and Next Steps Staff Development Day March 18, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Movement Creating a Movement

2 Secondary Mathematics News and Next Steps Staff Development Day March 18, 2011

3 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aka Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) 2010-2011 School Year  NYS grades 6-8 Math Assessments and Regents exams aligned to current (2005) math standards  Districts “unpack” and become familiar with the NYS P-12 CCLS for Mathematics  Districts begin to analyze local curricula and instruction and prepare to align to the CCLS (full implementation of CCLS September 2012 )

4 2011-2012 School Year  Districts continue to develop curricula and begin implementing instruction aligned to CCLS  NYS grades 6-8 Math assessments and Regents exams still aligned to current (2005) math standards  The reporting of state assessment results for 2011-12 will include performance mapped to both the existing NYS standards and the CCLS

5 2012-2013 School Year  Curriculum and instruction is fully aligned with CCLS  Assessments will test achievement of the CCLS  CCSS Interim Assessments are administered  Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) field testing will occur Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers

6 2013-2014 School Year  Curriculum and instruction is fully aligned with CCLS  Assessments will test achievement of the CCLS 2014-2015 School Year PARCC assessments based on Common Core State Standards are operational, pending Board of Regents approval

7 NYS Common Core Curriculum NYS Common Core Curriculum K-8 Algebra CrosswalkK-8 Algebra Crosswalk (sample) K-8 Algebra Crosswalk

8 What is PARCC? Leaders from 26 states formed the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) to create a next generation assessment system that will ensure students across the country are expected to meet common, high standards that will prepare them for their futures.

9  Be made up of 3 through course assessments and an end of year test  Measure students’ learning closer to the time when classroom instruction takes place and give feedback throughout the year  Be computer based  Include sophisticated items and performance tasks  Are designed to produce a more complete picture of student performance PARCC Assessments will…..

10 Purpose: Vertical alignment of curriculum grades 6-12 Begin integration of CCLS into our district curriculum maps Committee Members: Representatives from each building for each course/grade level will act as liaisons Committee will determine when to meet 3 times a year - half days? After school? Secondary Math Curriculum Committee

11 Middle School NYS Assessments  NYS Exams will be administered May 11-13, 2011  Field Testing will occur in all schools in May 16-19, 2011  Beginning in spring 2012, multiple-choice field test questions will be included in the operational tests.  Scoring will take place May 19, 23, 24

12 District Assessments  Cumulative district final exams at each grade level will be administered on June 22  Exams will count as 20% of the students’ 4 th quarter average  Final exam grade will be on report cards Middle School

13 MS Algebra Updates:  “Screening Rubric” has been formatted to be consistent with Science Screening RubricScreening Rubric  The “cut-off” is now recommended rather than required  All students who enroll in MS Algebra will complete a course commitment form course commitment formcourse commitment form  Algebra Readiness Assessment – 7 th grade teachers will have the option to administer via Castle Learning

14 Middle School MS Algebra Updates:  PPT was shared in all 6 th and 7 th grade classes at open house PPT  PPT and Screening form are located on MS Math webpage  MS Acceleration Info Night – April 5 th 2011 will share ppt and screening rubric again

15 High School HS Honors Policy Updates  Language changed from required to recommended  Students who enroll in honors will complete course commitment form course commitment form course commitment form  District scoring of regents exams in June, location tba

16  Projectors installed in all classrooms by the end of summer  Yellow calculator orders will arrive October 2011  Black calculators should be available in libraries for rental  Microsoft Office 2010 rollout begins next year  Aver Pen vs Tablet Technology Updates

17  CFA training this spring for MS ELA teachers, administrators, CLSs  6 th grade teachers beginning to administer CFA pre-tests/post-tests  Feedback on format, logistics, data collection needed  Teachers should begin using smaller formative assessments  Formative Assessment category in Starportal Common Formative Assessments

18 Resources op/1028_race_to_the_top_parcc_presentation.pdf 2ccrgradreqpresentation.pdf

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