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Respiration Cellular Respiration moved to the body level.

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1 Respiration Cellular Respiration moved to the body level

2 Review of Diffusion MANY body processes require diffusion to take place Does not require energy Allows materials to pass into/out of cell Materials move from HIGH to LOW concentration (a lot to a little) Move through microscopic holes in membranes If material is the right shape and size then it is able to pass through the membrane

3 Cellular Respiration Within humans: Using oxygen and glucose create ATP ATP = body’s chemical energy source for many of your activities Requires: Intake of oxygen, glucose Circulation of oxygen and glucose throughout body Delivery of oxygen and glucose to mitochondria Creation of ATP Removal of metabolic waste after production

4 What the process needs Oxygen From breathing Glucose From eating *other energy sources are available, but not as efficient Example- lactose Body turns on lactose gene when glucose is not present

5 How you get what you need Breathing Diaphragm expands, taking oxygen into lungs Oxygen diffuses from lungs into blood stream Eating Food taken in, broken down in mouth, stomach Digested food passes into intestines Nutrients and water diffuse into blood stream Circulation Blood carries vital ingredients to cells capable of making ATP

6 The systems involved Respiratory Exchange of gases with environment Digestive Breakdown and absorption of nutrients and water Circulatory Movement of materials throughout the body

7 Respiratory System Organs/tissues include: Lungs Trachea Nose/mouth Diaphragm Heart? Main job- maintain proper level of carbon dioxide and oxygen concentration in the blood stream

8 Digestive System Organs/tissues involved: Mouth Esophagus Stomach Small/large intestine Main job- using enzymes and muscles, break food down into molecules small enough that they can diffuse back into blood stream Your body can’t do this all itself. What helps?

9 Circulatory System Organs/tissues include: Heart Arteries, veins, capillaries Main job- pick up materials needed by the body and deliver them to the proper location while also removing waste from the body

10 System Failures Asthma Emphysema Sickle-cell anemia Carbon monoxide poisoning

11 Asthma Tightening of the airways (bronchi, etc.) as a result of random events or environmental stimuli Causes typical wheeze as air is pushed through smaller tubes Treated with steroids to stimulate widening of airways

12 Asthma

13 Emphysema Collapse of alveoli in lungs causes difficulty in exchanging gases with blood stream Is a degenerative disease that is manageable but not curable Most treatments revolve around maintaining quality of life for as long as possible

14 Emphysema

15 Sickle-Cell Anemia Misshapen red blood cells Shape results in inability to carry as much oxygen through blood stream Also causes frequent blood clots *common in many African areas because, although the disease is dangerous, it decreases risk for malaria *Only beneficial if a carrier for the trait

16 Sickle Cell anemia

17 Carbon Monoxide Poisoning CO competes with O in red blood cells, and inhibits hemoglobin from picking up O Lack of oxygen causes body to run out of oxygen, essentially asphyxiating you

18 Question Based on its name, predict what bronchitis is and describe the difference between that and asthma

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