Tigard Youth Advisory Council T Y A C Mission: To empower, improve, and connect the lives of Tigard’s youth.

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Presentation on theme: "Tigard Youth Advisory Council T Y A C Mission: To empower, improve, and connect the lives of Tigard’s youth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tigard Youth Advisory Council T Y A C Mission: To empower, improve, and connect the lives of Tigard’s youth.

2 Bike Safety Fair May 22 nd, 2010 Correctly fit helmets for 30 children Provided bike safety checks for children's bicycles Navigated children through a bike safety course

3 Movie Under the Stars August 21 st, 2010 we premiered the Disney Pixar movie “Up” Extra staff and funding provided by the Tigard Police Department Roughly 50 families of the community joined on the baseball field at Cook Park Sold candy, popcorn, soda and glow sticks

4 Elections Elections were held on October 20 th, 2010 Please welcome Allison Burke as President, Narin Luangrath as Vice President and Nellie Johnson as Secretary. Allison Burke Sophomore, Tigard High Narin Luangrath Sophomore, Tigard High Nellie Johnson Senior, Tigard High

5 Club Rush Recruiting event held at Tigard High School Received 45 names of potential new members Of those 45 names, 10 have become active members

6 Adopt a Family-Thanksgiving Tigard Youth Advisory Council provided a Thanksgiving dinner to a family from Metzger Elementary. Dinner consisted of turkey, stuffing, potatoes, vegetables and rolls. We were also able to provide them with staple food items like cereal, bread, and milk.

7 Christmas for Kids Christmas for Kids was held December 1 st at Fred Meyer in Portland Members of TYAC assisted in shopping with 3 kids from the Tigard-Tualatin School District

8 Adopt a Family-Christmas Tigard Youth Advisory Council provided Christmas dinner to a family from Metzger. TYAC members gave their own money to provide presents and clothes to all family members. With the help from Tigard Police Officers the gifts and food were delivered a week before Christmas.

9 Family Movie Night December 18 th, 2010 Hosted “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” at the Tigard Public Library Served hot chocolate and cookies 30+ People in attendance

10 Our Goals Recruit, recruit, recruit! Become more involved in the community by attending City Council meetings and planning more family events. Volunteer at local organizations in the community.

11 Future Events and Activities Volunteer Day at the Oregon Humane Society Park Cleanup Adopt-A-Road Good Neighbor Center Dinner Bike Safety Fair in conjunction with Tigard High School H.E.A.L.T.H Fair in May

12 Thank you for your continued support! Thank you for your continued support!

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