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Chapter 9 Acute Respiratory Failure

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1 Chapter 9 Acute Respiratory Failure

2 Topics Acute respiratory failure pathophysiology Hypoxemia
Co2 retention Diaphragmatic failure Types of respiratory failure

3 Case Study #9: Ivan 45 yr old computer programmer
Well until 10 days ago Car accident Multiple fractures and lung contusion Very SOB, in and out of consciousness

4 Physical exam #9: Ivan 2cd day exam ill, with obvious dyspnea
Temp: 38.5 °C BP: 125/60 Pulse: 110 Poor breath sounds No edema

5 Investigations Blood counts normal Grossly abnormal chest radiograph
Whiteout pattern Alveolar exudate or edema Blood gases Po2: 51 Pco2: 45 pH: 7.35 Diagnosis: Acute respiratory failure (due to trauma) Treatment Intubated and mechanically ventilated (40% O2) Swan Ganz catheter inserted in RA (CVP) Patient died on 7th day

6 Pathophysiology Also called ARDS (Adult respiratory distress syndrome)
Respiratory failure When lungs fail to oxygenate the blood or prevent Co2 retention Gas exchange Hypoxemia and hypercapnia Fig. 9-3 Fig. 9-3

7 Pathophysiology: gas exchange
Fig. 9-3 I to A Pure hypoventilation Increase in Pco2 can be predicted by alveolar ventilation eq This pattern occurs in some diseases and narcotic overdose normal to B Severe VA/Q mismatch Resp failure of COPD O2 therapy results in B to F (there resp drive is driven by hypoxemia)

8 Physiology and Pathophysiology of gas exchange
Normal to C Severe interstitial lung disease Severe hypoxemia but no hypercapnia due to hyperventilation Normal to D Some ARDS patients So they follow D to E with O2 therapy

9 Hypoxemia of Respiratory Failure
Four mechanisms of hypoxemia Hypoventilation Diffusion impairment Shunt VA/Q mismatch Respiratory failure All can contribute VA/Q mismatch most important

10 Hypoxemia Mild hypoxemia Few physiologic problems
Po2 of ~ 60 mmHg still about 90% saturation When Po2 falls below mmHg CNS vulnerable Headache, somnolence, clouding of consciousness

11 Hypoxemia Tachycardia SNS activity increased Heart failure
If heart disease is present Renal function impaired Pulm hypertension Due to hypoxic VC Tissue hypoxia Major culprit here Increased anaerobic metabolism causes fall in pH

12 Carbon dioxide Retention
Two mechanisms Hypoventilation Pco2 = Vco2/VA VA/Q mismatch Inefficient gas exchange Release of hypoxic VC due to high O2 therapy Some patients depend on hypoxic ventilatory drive; despite mild hypercapnia Thus, lower O2 concentration (just enough to raise PaO2) Co2 retention Increases cerebral BF Headache, elevated CSF pressure

13 Acidosis of resp failure and diaphragm fatigue
Co2 retention Metabolic acidosis Diaphragm fatigue Due to prolonged elevations in work of breathing Hypoventilation Sever hypoxemia

14 Types of respiratory failure
Acute overwhelming lung disease Bacterial or viral pneumonia Pulm embolism Exposure to toxic gases (chlorine, nitrogen oxides) Neuromuscular disorders Causes 1) depression of breathing centers (drugs) 2) diseases of medulla (encephalitis, trauma, hemorrhage) Fig 9-4

15 Types of respiratory failure
3) Abnormal spinal conduction pathways High cervical dislocation 4) Anterior horn disease Polio 5) Disease of nerves to respiratory musculature Guillain-Barre syndrome 6) Diseases of neuromuscular junction Myashtenia gravis and anticholinesterase poisoning

16 Types of respiratory failure
7) Diseases of respiratory musculature Muscular dystrophy 8) Thoracic cage abnormalities Crushed chest 9) Upper airway obstruction Tracheal compression Essential features Hypoventilation Co2 retention Hypoxemia Respiratory acidosis

17 Acute or Chronic lung disease
Contains those pts with Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma and cystic fibrosis Those with COPD have slow downhill slide Increasingly severe hypoxemia and hypercapnia over the years Infection usu, pushes these pts over the edge

18 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Acute respiratory failure Many causes Trauma Aspiration Sepsis Shock Early Interstitial and alveolar edema Hemorrhage, debris in alveoli, atelectasis Later Hyperplasia Damaged alveolar epithelium becomes lined with type II alveolar cells

19 Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Pathogenesis Unclear Damage to type I cells Accum. Of neutrophils Cause release of histamine, bradykinin and platelet activating factor Oxygen radicals and cyclooxygenase products (thromboxane, leukotrienes and prostaglandins Pulm function Impaired Lungs become stiff Severe VA/Q mismatch Maybe 50% low VA/Q

20 Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Much in common with ARDS Hemorrhagic edema Atelectasis Fluid and debris in alveoli Profound hypoxemia High degree of VA/Q inequality May also have R to L shunt (foramen ovale)

21 IRDS Chief cause Lack of surfactant
Surfactant system matures late in fetal life Check lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio of amniotic fluid Treatment Instillation of surfactant

22 Oxygen therapy Response depends on cause of hypoxemia Hypoventilation
Small increases in PiO2 work very well PAO2 = PiO2 –[PaCO2/R] PaO2 increases about 1 mmHg per mmHg increase in PiO2 Diffusion impairment O2 also very effective Increases driving pressure

23 Oxygen therapy VA/Q mismatch O2 administration can be effective
Cautions If regions of the lung are poorly ventilated (low VA/Q); takes a while to wash out the N2 and raise the PAO2 Oxygen therapy may cause poorly ventilated areas to become non-ventilated (due to collapse); shunt

24 Oxygen therapy Shunt Does not respond well to Oxygen therapy
Blood bypasses ventilated alveoli and does not benefit from the additional PAO2 Thus, 100% is a good way to detect shunt; how? However, may raise PaO2 enough Dissolved Po2 can rise from 0.3 to 1.8 ml/dl (PAO2 increase from 100 to 600) Note increase in PaO2 for person with 30% shunt (PaO2 from 55 to 110; increases SaO2 by about 10%)

25 Oxygen delivery: other factors
Hemoglobin conc., position of O2-Hb diss. Curve, Qc, distribution of blood flow Both [Hb] and Qc effect O2 delivery (QO2) in the following way Qo2 = Qc X CaO2 CaO2 = 1.39 x [Hb] x SaO2 (%) + dissolved

26 Position of O2-Hb curve and blood flow distribution
Rearrangemnt of the Fick eq. yields the following CvO2 = CaO2 –[Vo2/Qc] Or PcapO2 = PaO2 –[mVo2/Qm] Thus, CvO2 and PcapO2 fall if Cao2 (PaO2) or Qc falls CaO2 – Po2 relationship depnds on position of O2-Hb curve Curve is shifted to the right by chronic hypoxemia (2,3 DPG)

27 Hazards of O2 therapy CO2 retention In those with Hypoxic drive
Give lower O2 conc 24-30% O2 toxicity High O2conc over time can damage lung Swollen cap endothelium, replacement of alveolar type I with type II cells, edema; long-term: fibrotic changes

28 Atelectasis Following airway occlusion 100% O2 and mucus plug
Note the great diff in total pressure when 100% O2 is breathed (due to N2 washout) This predisposes the alveoli to collapse as gas leaves to equalize pressure Will happen in air breathing and mucus plug, but process is slower

29 Atelectasis Nitrogen is thus important in keeping alveoli open
Closure occurs in bottom of lung (less well expanded) Secretions tend to collect at the base as well Instability of units with low VA/Q

30 Atelectasis Lung units with low VA/Q become unstable when high O2 is inhaled Poorly ventilated areas collapse Air in much great than expired (taken up by blood)

31 Patterns of ventilation
PEEP Positive end-expiratory pressure Improves PaO2 in Acute resp diesease Why? Increases FRC Reduces airway closure Reduces shunt Minimizes the VA/Q mismatch Increases VD Compression of capillaries Increases conducting zone volume (as consequence of inc. lung vol)

32 PEEP Note the difference in the capillary volume with PEEP
PEEP also reduces Qc Impedes venous return Can damage capillaries Pulmonary edema High lung volume can cause pulm cap stress failure

33 Other diseases Pneumonia Inflammation of lung parenchyma
Alveoli fill with exudate Can be lobar or patchy (bronchopneumonia) Shunting and hypoxemia occur

34 Other diseases Tuberculosis Infection (bacterial)
Usu. Found in apices due to high VA/Q and high Po2 Antibiotics: primary treatment Old treatment? Bronchiectasis Dilation of Bronchi with suppuration Pus present, due to bacterial infection (sometimes following pneumonia) Antibiotics Cystic Fibrosis Disease of exocrine glands caused by abnormal chloride and sodium transport Excessive secretions in lung (hypertrophied mucus glands)

35 Other pneumoconioses Coal worker’s lung Massive fibrosis Silicosis
Inhalation of silica Quarrying, mining or snadblasting These are toxic particles Provoke severe fibrosis Asbestos-related disease Commonly used in insulation, brake linings, roofing materials (anything that must resist heat Diffuse interstitial pulm fibrosis (Chpt 5) Bronchial carcinoma; aggravated by smoking Pleural disease; malignant mesothelioma (sometimes up to 40 yrs after exposure) Byssinosis Cotton dust Histamine reaction Obstructive disease pattern Occupational asthma Allergenic organic dusts Flour; wheat weevil Gum acacia Polyurethane; Toluene diisocyanate

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