Peterborough Drug Strategy

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Presentation on theme: "Peterborough Drug Strategy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peterborough Drug Strategy

2 Citizens, prevention, enforcement, treatment and harm reduction organisations, working together to reduce the negative impacts of substance use.

3 Why a Four Pillar Approach? Substance use is a population-wide issue Impacts are felt at the local level Integrates fragmented responses Provides a framework for decision making Promotes inter-sectoral collaboration Local level: traffic collisions, poverty, crime, poor health outcomes, use of shelters, sense of safety in the downtown.

4 Prevention Refers to interventions that seek to prevent or delay the onset of substance use as well as to avoid problems before they occur. More than education, prevention involves strengthening the health, social and economic factors that can reduce the risk of substance use, including access to health care, stable housing, education and employment. Examples of prevention include mentoring programs, municipal alcohol policies, and limiting the sale of alcohol.

5 Harm Reduction Refers to a range of pragmatic and evidence-based public health policies designed to reduce the harmful consequences associated with drug use. An integrated approach that includes harm reduction ensures that people who use injection or inhaled drugs are at lower risk for the transmission of HIV, Hepatitis C and associated health risks Harm reduction includes blood alcohol limits, safe injection equipment and condom distribution, counselling and referrals, etc.

6 Treatment Refers to the programming provided to people already dealing with a substance use issue, with services ranging from a philosophy of total abstinence to one that focuses on managing use. People present for help along a continuum of problems related to their substance use. Creating a community that is integrated in its messages and response to substance use concerns has the opportunity to intervene early and appropriately. Examples of treatment include residential withdrawal management (“detox”) and outpatient treatment, counselling, and substitution therapies (e.g., methadone maintenance therapy).

7 Enforcement Refers to interventions that seek to strengthen community safety by responding to the crimes and community disorder issues associated with legal and illegal substances. Enforcement includes the broader criminal justice system of the courts, probation and parole, etc. Examples: R.I.D.E. programs, investigating the sale and distribution of illegal substances, enforcing the Liquor License Act, community policing initiatives, and court diversion programs.

8 Focus 2009 - 2010 Prescription opioids Raising public awareness Improving relationships Tangible, observable projects

9 Resource and Partnership Development 2011 Expanded mandate to include all substances (alcohol, illicit drugs & medications) Established web presence and materials Secured two year funding Expanded Steering Committee Compiled known data into Discussion Document

10 Raising Awareness Film showings In-service training Resource and prevention development with local students Speakers and info sessions for parents and educators PCVS theatre production about substance use.

11 Youth Outreach Project Frontline – Increased police presence in schools with focus on diverting youth in contact with the law to John Howard Society programming. [2009-2010] Peterborough Youth Partnership - $20,000 from Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services to employ a Coordinator to Work towards local youth intervention initiatives.(2011) CBC Program (2010-2013)

12 Supportive Environments Medicine Clean Out Campaign - spring 2010-2013 Medical Planning Group on Opioid Safety - sharing information and developing strategies Co-location of staff Community Support Court

13 Community Partners The local agencies represented in the first stages of the conversation were: Peterborough County-City Health Unit (Prevention) PARN – Your Community AIDS Resource Network (Harm Reduction) Four Counties Addiction Service Team (Treatment) Peterborough Lakefield Community Police (Enforcement) Peterborough Social Planning Council Centre for Addictions and Mental Health

14 Community Partners Youth Emergency Shelter The Bridge Youth Centre Champions for Youth Park Place for Youth Whitepath Consulting KLM Counseling CAST Canada Peterborough Native Friendship Centre Hiawatha First Nation Lakefield Youth Unlimited Ontario Provincial Police Peterborough Social Services Kawartha Pineridge District School Board Peterborough Catholic School Board John Howard Society Canadian Mental Health Association Park Place for Youth Fleming College City of Peterborough

15 Getting to a Strategic Plan Funding - Ontario Trillium Foundation 2011- 2012 Literature Review and Consultation PlanCommunity consultationAnalyze the dataResearch and evidenceCompile and produce reportPrioritize and implement Implementation and evaluation – 2012 & beyond.

16 Current Projects Youth Engagement Life UnLeashed PotTalks CBC Film Making

17 Current Projects Strengthening Families Pilot in 2012/13 Fund and partnership development Proceeds of Crime 6 sessions in 2013/14

18 Current Projects Peterborough Overdose Prevention (POP) Multi-partner engagement Broad base training Peer engagement and multi stage overdose prevention training Naloxone 911 Take Home Naloxone


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