S TUDY ABROAD ORIENTATION Thursday December 10, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "S TUDY ABROAD ORIENTATION Thursday December 10, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 S TUDY ABROAD ORIENTATION Thursday December 10, 2009

2 O RIENTATION TOPICS Contact information Travel essentials Health & safety Living in a new culture Registration Benefits of Studying Abroad

3 H ELPFUL PHONE NUMBERS / E - MAILS Accessibility to internet and e-mail Address, phone number, new e-mail address Bring our contact info Exchange contact info between CIE and program providers

4 T RAVEL ESSENTIALS Passport Visa Money ATM/Debit Card Cash Travel Checks Credit Card International Student ID Card Cell Phones Skype Personal Computers

5 P ACKING Contact airline for weight regulations Electrical appliances Laundry opportunities Backpack/comfortable clothing for excursions “Pack everything you think you’ll need, then unpack half of it!”

6 H EALTH AND SAFETY Obtain copies of health records and prescriptions prior to departure Medical insurance Identify the emergency phone number of your health insurance Travel tips from U.S Department of State “Respect the laws and customs of the country you are visiting”

7 L IVING IN A NEW CULTURE Adjustment cycle Homesickness

8 T OP 12 TIPS It isn’t better or worse. It’s just different. Learn to accept not expect. Don’t be afraid to ask for directions. Know about the U.S. before you go. Learn to budget your money. Set up how and when you will communicate with home before you leave. Be a practical packer. Be flexible. Be respectful of different cultures. Talk to the locals as much as you can. Take lots of pictures and keep a journal. Don’t worry about what’s going on at home – enjoy where you are!

9 R EGISTRATION We will register each student for Study Abroad credits While abroad, Fatima will email your access code It usually takes 6-10 weeks for the foreign transcript to arrive to CIE Don’t worry if an F shows up on your transcript, it will be removed when the grades are processed

10 B ENEFITS OF STUDYING ABROAD ! Personal Growth Increased professional opportunities Incredible for language and cultural Immersion Establishes lifelong international friendships/networks Resume builder Increases ability for social interaction

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