Bell Ringer Assignment 1.List the planets, in order, from the sun. 2.What are the two classifications of planets? (What are the two groups they can fit.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Assignment 1.List the planets, in order, from the sun. 2.What are the two classifications of planets? (What are the two groups they can fit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Assignment 1.List the planets, in order, from the sun. 2.What are the two classifications of planets? (What are the two groups they can fit into)? 3.Who is ALF and what planet did he come from?


3 Types of Planets Terrestrial Planets Consist of the inner 4 planets All are close to the size of the Earth. All have solid/rocky surface. Gas Giants Next 4 planets after Mars. Seperated by inner planets by the asteroid belt. Larger, more gaseous, and lack solid surfaces. Pluto Does not fit into either terrestial or gas giant categories.


5 MERCURY Planet closest to the sun with no moon. 1/3 the size of the Earth In two of Mercury’s years, 3 days (on Mercury) has passed. No atmosphere; daytime temp 700K; nighttime temp 100K Space Probes: Mariner 10 which collected photos that showed planet being heavily cratered.

6 VENUS Second planet from the sun with no moons One day on Venus is 243 Earth days in length. Has a clockwise rotation Space Probes: Magellan which mapped out the planet. Known as Earths Sister b/c of simiar composition, size, and density. Atmosphere consists of CO2, Nitrogen, and Sulfuric Acid which causes a great greenhouse effect; 737K during day, 288K at night.

7 EARTH Third planet from the sun. Liquid water exists in three states: solid, liquid, and gas Atmosphere is 78% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen Large abundance of life found on Earth. Wobbles as it rotates on its axis (~13000 years, Vega will be our new North Star). First planet with a moon.

8 MARS Atmosphere is thin and has constant windstorms Largest volcano: Olympus Mons that can cover the entire state of Colorado. Largest canyon: Valles Marineris which is located at the equator of Mars. Polar ice caps have been found in addition to dry river beds and channels. Two moons: Phobos and Deimos Probes: Mariner 4, Mariner 9, Viking (landed in 1970’s), and Mars Exploration Rover Mission which landed in 2004.

9 JUPITER Largest Planet and fifth planet from the sun. 80 Earth’s can fit inside Jupiter. Has a banded appearance Has 4 major moons: Europa, Io, Ganymede, Callisto Io is known to be volcanic Atmosphere: liquid hydrogen and helium. Big Red Spot: Atmosphere storm for over 300 years now.

10 SATURN Sixth planet from the sun and second largest of all the planets. Only planet that could float in water (if you could find a bathtub big enough) Atmosphere: Hydrogen, Helium, and liquid Ammonia at poles Rings are composed of ice, rock, and dust There are 7 major rings, with several hundred ringlets inbetween them. Major moon: Titan

11 URANUS Seventh planet from the sun Two major moons: Titania and Oberon 10 rings (although not visible from Earth) Atmosphere consists of methane gas which reflects blue light. Each pole spends 42 years in night and 42 years in day. Temperature is at a comfortable 58K (below zero in celcius)

12 NEPTUNE Eighth planet from the sun. Also composed of methane gas which gives blue appearance. Has distinctive clouds and bands Great Dark Spot: giant storm that disappeared in 1994. Largest moon: Triton (has geysers) Has rings

13 PLUTO Now believed to not be a planet after all. Would be the ninth planet from the sun. Has a solid surface with an atmosphere composed of methane and nitrogen Is about 40 astronomical units from the sun. Has one moon: Charon Thought to be a moon of Neptune or a fixed comet.


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