ENG, JOU, EPR, JOU 316 Internships Dr. Jane Frick, Internship Coordinator November 2, 2005, PresentationJane Frick Established at Western in 1977 Approximately.

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Presentation on theme: "ENG, JOU, EPR, JOU 316 Internships Dr. Jane Frick, Internship Coordinator November 2, 2005, PresentationJane Frick Established at Western in 1977 Approximately."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENG, JOU, EPR, JOU 316 Internships Dr. Jane Frick, Internship Coordinator November 2, 2005, PresentationJane Frick Established at Western in 1977 Approximately 20 participants per year – Confirm career field decisions – Often lead to first professional position

2 316 Internships: Placement Complete application (online at http://staff.missouriwestern.edu/~frick/internap.html) http://staff.missouriwestern.edu/~frick/internap.html Meet with internship coordinator – Develop resume and work sample portfolio – Interview with agencies/offices Complete contract (online at http://staff.mwsc.edu/~frick/contract.html) http://staff.mwsc.edu/~frick/contract.html

3 316 Internships: During the Semester One-time mandatory meeting to review syllabus, work ethics, grading proceduressyllabus Midterm evaluation Final Report (essay or portfolio) – Samples – http://staff.missouriwestern.edu/~frick/design/index.htm http://staff.missouriwestern.edu/~frick/design/index.htm Supervisor’s final report

4 316 Internships: Issues Schedules Compensation Supervisor and coordinator roles Placement agencies

5 Internship Placement Sites (2002 – 2005) Ben Weddle and Associates – Kansas City (photography and marketing) Creative Productions – St. Joseph (advertising, copy editing, script writing) Computers Network Solution (technical writing: user documentation) Custom Convenience- Cameron (technical writing and document design) ERA McClain Realtors (advertising and marketing) H & R Block – Kansas City (technical writing and documentation) Kansas City T-Bones (marketing) MidCity Excellence Community Learning Center (news releases, newsletters, brochures) Nebraska City News-Press (photography, feature writing) New Song Media Ministry (electronic document design)

6 Internship Placement Sites (2002 – 2005) Performer.com (feature writing for this online music magazine) Picture This Yearbooks (Yearbook design and production) Project First/Upward Bound – Kansas City (news releases and brochures) Reliable Communications (Web development, news releases, brochure development) St. Joseph Cable Vision (marketing and advertising script production) St. Joseph Family YMCA (brochure and newsletter production) St. Joseph News-Press (news reporting, sports reporting, copy editing in news editorial; photography and feature writing for South Sider and Josephine) St. Joseph Packaging (technical writing and editing) St. Joseph Public Library (public relations projects, including promotional pieces)

7 Internship Placement Sites (2002 – 2005) St. Joseph School District: feature writing and news release writing for Administrative Services; Web design, news release writing, and brochure production for Apple Seed Foundation) St. Joseph YWCA Women’s Abuse Shelter (public relations writing and editing) Society for Technical Communication (Web site design) Sun Publishing – St. Joseph (manuscript editing and proofreading, style manual development, Web development, feature writing) St. Joseph 106.5 Radio (Advertising and news copy writing) WDAF TV 4 – Kansas City (news reporting)

8 Internship Placement Sites (2002 – 2005) Missouri Western (manuscript editing and proofreading and/or developing news releases, brochures, flyers, journals, Web pages, newsletters, ISO documents): Athletic Department Business Office Career Services College Relations EFLJ Computer-Aided Instructional Laboratory Griffon News Mochila Review Music Department Prairie Lands Writing Project Housing and Residential Life Student Affairs Sports Information Student Success Unity Services

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