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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Easy Writing Concepts Intermediate Concepts RandomMLA.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Easy Writing Concepts Intermediate Concepts RandomMLA Style Tougher Concepts

2 This is what all narrations revolve around.

3 What is conflict?

4 The second part of a narrative dramatic structure, this part of the story helps build upon the exposition.

5 What is rising action?

6 Academic writing blends these two types (or genres) of writing while adding “informed” as a key component.

7 What are personal and business?

8 These three parts must be present in all sentences in order for them to be independent clauses.

9 What are subject, verb, and complete thought?

10 Narration and compare and contrast are two modes of writing. Name 5 other modes of writing.

11 What are cause and effect, definition, argumentation, illustration, description, classification, and process?

12 This “heart” of the essay should contain your argument in a nutshell.

13 What is a thesis statement?

14 This type of deep questioning is meant to guide readers to further research.

15 What is inquiry?

16 This is a style or category of writing, such as academic writing or business writing. (Note: It also describes movies and music!)

17 What is a genre?

18 This is how often you should cite (Like This) whenever you quote, paraphrase, summarize, or use another’s ideas.

19 What is after every sentence?

20 The Christian Science Monitor is a weekly publication of this type that features seasoned journalists and in-depth analyses of current issues. (Hint: Not scholarly!)

21 What is a popular source?

22 This should be the last thing you do when revising or re-seeing an essay.

23 What is edit/proofread for grammatical and mechanical errors?

24 DAILY DOUBLE: This is where the TCC Writing Center is located on the Virginia Beach campus.

25 What is the Lynnhaven (E) building?

26 These three qualities should be shared by all effective thesis statements.

27 What are arguable, clear and concise, and able to fit all of the key claims made in the essay?

28 Identify the error in the following sentence: “Having fallen asleep studying for the quiz, Jill’s TV continued to run until the morning.”

29 What is a dangling modifier (Jill fell asleep, not her TV)?

30 Name the two available databases we reviewed or discussed when reviewing the Learning Resources Center (library) Web site for finding sources.

31 What are CQ Researcher and Academic Search Complete (also, Google Scholar and/or LexisNexis Academic)?

32 We use MLA style – an in-text parenthetical reference system – for these reasons.

33 What are to avoid plagiarism and credit the authors of the creative work, thus increasing our own credibility?

34 This is a successful example of an in-text citation for a quotation from a book: Kenneth Burke writes, “Human beings are symbol-using animals” (271).

35 What is true?

36 This comes after the city in a Works Cited citation for a book.

37 What is the publishing company?

38 Name 4 features of a block quote that separate it from a regular quote.

39 What are indent 10 spaces, do not put quotation marks, introduce and provide analysis, and put the citation outside of the period?

40 Fix the following journal article citation: Brandon Jones. Journal of Medicine. “Cures for Melonoma?” Vol. 33, no. 4 (521- 539): 2007. Print.

41 What is?: Jones, Brandon. “Cures for Melonoma?” Journal of Medicine 33.4 (2007): 521- 39. Print.

42 Your definition should rely heavily on these to help show/illustrate readers your perspective (as opposed to telling).

43 What are examples (showing)?

44 Humans use these five senses for description.

45 What are touch, taste, smell, sight, and hear?

46 These are 5 different topics of sample digital storytelling projects that we reviewed prior to turning in our assignments.

47 What are answers vary (homelessness, Kony 2012, pornography, drunk driving, chivalry, etc.)?

48 This author is responsible for one of the “voices” we mimicked for our writing homework; his essay focused on zombies.

49 Who is Chuck Klosterman?

50 Erasmus’s De Copia exercise focuses on re- writing this same passage repeatedly for a dozen or more pages.

51 What is “Your letter has delighted me very much?”

52 FINAL JEOPARDY: Knowing how to use all seven comma rules in sentences is a great skill. Please write seven grammatically correct sentences using all seven rules.

53 What are: 1.) Introductory clauses 2.) Coordinating conjunctions 3.) List of 3 or more 4.) Unessential information 5.) Coordinating adjectives 6.) Dates and places 7.) Quotations?

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