…THIS IS IT! are YOU ready?. Last Minute Items… General Information: Thursday May 16, 2013 at 8:00 am! Bring pencils with erasers and blue or black pens.

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Presentation on theme: "…THIS IS IT! are YOU ready?. Last Minute Items… General Information: Thursday May 16, 2013 at 8:00 am! Bring pencils with erasers and blue or black pens."— Presentation transcript:

1 …THIS IS IT! are YOU ready?

2 Last Minute Items… General Information: Thursday May 16, 2013 at 8:00 am! Bring pencils with erasers and blue or black pens Bring a watch that does not beep Do not bring anything else: books, papers, calculators, cell phones, etc.

3 Location Appoquinimink School District teacher training center (looks like an old school) Appoquinimink School District teacher training center (looks like an old school) Appoquinimink Training Center Appoquinimink Training Center 118 South Sixth Street in Odessa 118 South Sixth Street in Odessa …now called the Marion Profitt Training Center

4 Multiple Choice Section: 70 multiple choice questions 70 multiple choice questions 55 minutes 55 minutes 1/2 of the overall grade 1/2 of the overall grade A-D Answers A-D Answers Names, charts, graphs, drawings are all possible Names, charts, graphs, drawings are all possible There is no 1/4 point adjustment for guessing, if you are not sure about a question, take your best educated guess after using process of elimination There is no 1/4 point adjustment for guessing, if you are not sure about a question, take your best educated guess after using process of elimination

5 Free Response Section: 3 required Free Response (essay) Questions 3 required Free Response (essay) Questions 130 minutes 130 minutes 1/2 of the overall grade 1/2 of the overall grade Points are given for correct responses not taken away for incorrect material Points are given for correct responses not taken away for incorrect material Points can only be removed if one part of an answer contradicts another part Points can only be removed if one part of an answer contradicts another part Read through all questions before doing anything else Read through all questions before doing anything else Think through the answer before starting to write Think through the answer before starting to write Write an outline or notes in the test question booklet Write an outline or notes in the test question booklet Don’t be afraid to cross something out, if needed Don’t be afraid to cross something out, if needed Write in sentences - DO NOT OUTLINE OR BULLET YOUR ANSWER. Write in sentences - DO NOT OUTLINE OR BULLET YOUR ANSWER. Be as complete as possible, but keep to the point. Be as complete as possible, but keep to the point. Watch the time. Don’t get caught short on the last essay Watch the time. Don’t get caught short on the last essay Structure the answer following the structure of the question Structure the answer following the structure of the question

6 Analyze: determine their component parts; examine their nature and relationship Analyze: determine their component parts; examine their nature and relationship Assess/evaluate: judge the value or character of something; appraise; evaluate the positive and negative points; give an opinion regarding the value of; discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Assess/evaluate: judge the value or character of something; appraise; evaluate the positive and negative points; give an opinion regarding the value of; discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Compare: examine for the purpose of noting similarities and differences Compare: examine for the purpose of noting similarities and differences Contrast: examine in order to show dissimilarities or points of difference Contrast: examine in order to show dissimilarities or points of difference Describe: give an account of; tell about; give a word picture of Describe: give an account of; tell about; give a word picture of Discuss: talk over; write about; consider or examine by argument or from various points of view; debate; present the different sides of Discuss: talk over; write about; consider or examine by argument or from various points of view; debate; present the different sides of Explain: make clear or plain; make clear the causes or reasons for; make known in detail; tell the meaning of Explain: make clear or plain; make clear the causes or reasons for; make known in detail; tell the meaning of

7 Test Security: Do not discuss the multiple-choice section with anyone Do not discuss the multiple-choice section with anyone Do not discuss the free response questions for 48 hours. The general rule of thumb is wait until the questions have been posted on the College Board website Do not discuss the free response questions for 48 hours. The general rule of thumb is wait until the questions have been posted on the College Board website Do NOT post, text, email etc. anything about the exam on the Internet, especially on Facebook, Twitter or other social networks Do NOT post, text, email etc. anything about the exam on the Internet, especially on Facebook, Twitter or other social networks

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