Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE Introduction to CAP Safety Program for New Members (Cadets and Senior Members)

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1 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE Introduction to CAP Safety Program for New Members (Cadets and Senior Members)

2 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE Introduction to CAP Safety Program for New Members (Cadets and Senior Members) Risk: ‘risk” 1. possibility of loss or injury Hazard : ‘ha-zərd;’ 2. a source of danger

3 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE  This presentation is an overview of Civil Air Patrol’s Safety program and it will cover:  Safety Program Background  The three components of CAP’s safety program: Rules and Regulations Risk Management Your Responsibilities  How the safety program is a part of every CAP activity: Safe mission accomplishment is everyone’s #1 job  Safety definitions Course Outline

4 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE  The CAP Safety program is modeled after the Air Force program. If you want to look it up, these are in the 91 series of Air Force Instructions (AFI) –  The CAP Safety program is defined in the 62 series of CAP regulations. These clearly define the two distinct duties of CAP Commanders and Safety Officers:  Safety Education  Accident Prevention  For More CAP Safety Program Information, you can look it up in:  CAPR 20-1, Organization of Civil Air Patrol  CAPR 62-1, CAP Safety Responsibilities and Procedures  CAPR 62-2, Mishap Reporting and Investigation  Region and Local Safety Policies Background

5 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE  Safety is a way of thinking and acting that keeps you out of harm’s way  It is everyone's responsibility to promote a safe environment and the commander’s responsibility to have a safety program cannot be delegated. Safety is serious business; you must follow regulations. Responsibility Hand propped starts are prohibited IAW CAP regulations

6 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE  CAP regulations govern all levels of the CAP Safety Program  Local units set up mishap prevention programs to comply with wing, region, and national policies  The local unit’s safety program must meet the needs of the local unit and identify local risks Rules and Regulations You have to follow Civil Air Patrol regulations.

7 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE Risks  There are risks in all activities. We can identify them before an activity and take steps to minimize them.  Every member’s job is to identify risks. Examples are: Wildlife, i.e. snakes, insects, poisonous plants, etc Rough terrain Road Construction Around aircraft, i.e. propeller operations, dents, leaks, tie-downs, chocks, etc. Hunting areas and seasons If you can think it, it could be a risk  If an unsafe act is happening or is about to, it is the duty of every member to try to stop it. You can use the phrase “Knock it Off” with anyone, anytime.  Learn to use safety planning tools (ORM), suggest a safer way.

8 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE Operational Risk Management (ORM) Operational Risk Management (ORM) is a process that looks at an event or task that is going to be performed and shows what the risks are and helps members make a decision if the risks are worth taking or to STOP!

9 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE

10 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE Operational Risk Management (ORM) These are the Principles of ORM  Accept no unnecessary risks  Make risk decisions at the appropriate level within the chain of command  When the risks are too great, the activity should stop  Include ORM in all planning for ALL unit activities

11 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE These are the basic steps of the ORM process: 1. Identify the hazards 2. Assess the risks 3. Analyze risk control measures 4. Make control decisions 5. Implement risk controls 6. Supervise and review  Repeat steps one through six as needed Operational Risk Management (ORM)

12 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE 1. Flight or Deputy Commander, as applicable 2. Squadron Commander 3. Group Commander, as applicable 4. Wing Commander 5. Region Commander 6. National Commander..and every commander has a Safety Officer starting with the Squadron Commander. This is what the chain of command looks like and this is the order you would always want to follow:

13 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE  They cannot delegate their responsibility for the safety program. However, the Safety Officer position has been created to assist the Commander and is unique in the chain of command. Any Member may stop any CAP activity at any time for safety reasons.  Safety Officers administer the unit mishap prevention program for their Commander and can be your contact for any questions or concerns. Responsibilities of all Commanders are:

14 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE Your responsibilities are: Responsibility for your safety AND the safety of all the team members around you. To be personally honest and to have the highest integrity because safety demands awareness and concern at all times. To say “STOP” or “Knock it Off” when you see or know of an unsafe act is the right thing to do! Any Member may stop any CAP activity at any time for safety reasons.

15 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE  Identifying hazards in advance is the best way to prevent mishaps  Safety improvement or hazard reporting can be done online or with a CAP Form 26 (CAPF26). This can be done anonymously.  At least annually, ORM will be discussed during each unit’s monthly safety briefing  ORM training is available for everyone to take online at under the Safety tab. What are ways to identify and communicate hazards

16 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE  CAP units have some routine duties to ensure our safety:  Safety surveys are performed annually to help identify and report all unsafe acts and hazards, and can be completed at other times if needed  Ground vehicles shall be inspected before each use and there are some checks required to be done monthly  Aircraft are inspected before each flight and have checks done after a set number of operating hours.  Unit facilities are also inspected routinely to ensure the safety of all members and visitors of CAP

17 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE  “Mishap” means any unplanned or unasked for dangerous event, or series of events. Definitions  “Accident” means a mishap that results in death, serious bodily injury, or major damage to, or loss of, equipment or property

18 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE  Mishap Reporting  The overall purpose of mishap reporting and investigation is prevention of future mishaps.  Reporting of all mishaps is mandatory.  Local mishap reporting procedures ensure the commander and the safety officer are quickly notified of all mishaps within the unit.

19 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE Near-Miss reporting  Near-Misses are close calls involving CAP members and property where no damage or injuries occur, but should be shared as opportunities to prevent future mishaps.  These events should be reported just like a regular mishap.

20 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE Reporting CAP Mishaps and Near Misses  Some mishaps or near misses may not qualify for statistical reporting purposes; however, there may be lessons to be learned from them or they may help in identifying safety trends. Additionally, some mishaps appear to be minor in nature at first, but that may change with time.  For the above reasons, all mishaps (accidents, incidents, minor mishaps, and near misses) must be reported.

21 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE Reporting of “ACCIDENTS” In all cases of mishaps arising out of CAP activities that can be classified as an accident, an appropriate CAP member (e.g., Activity Director/Commander, Safety Officer, ranking senior member) will:  Immediately notify the CAP National Operations Center (NOC) toll-free at 888-211-1812, ext 300, (24 hrs/day)

22 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE Report, Report, Report  If in doubt, report the hazard!  If in doubt, report the mishap!  It’s better to report something if you think it shouldn’t be reported, than to not report it and find out it should have been.  The unit commander and safety officer will take it from there.

23 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE Investigating Mishaps  Death or Bodily Injury Accident  When a death or bodily injury accident is involved, there will be no formal or informal investigation conducted by any CAP member unless authorized by the CAP National Headquarters’ General Counsel office.  This will be coordinated with your chain of command and the National Safety Team.

24 Introduction to CAP Safety Program Version 2, 4.27.10, NHQ/SE What’s Next You should review CAPR 62-1 and CAPR 62-2 on the National website 62-1CAPR 62-2 The presentation posted here is for classroom sharing as a resource. For individual review and to complete the associated quiz for this course, please log into eServices and go to the Online Safety Briefing application under “MY FAVORITES” on the left side reference column. Thank you for your participation in CAP Safety through learning and safety habits.

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