Usage Guidelines for Jeopardy PowerPoint Game Game Setup Right now, Click File > Save As, and save this template with a different file name. This will.

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2 Usage Guidelines for Jeopardy PowerPoint Game Game Setup Right now, Click File > Save As, and save this template with a different file name. This will keep the template untouched, so you can use it next time! Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the five category names on the main game board (Slide 4). Game Play Open 2 nd Slide, let the sound play. Click to 3 rd Slide, let the sound play. Click to 4 th Slide and show students the Game Board As you play the game, click on the YELLOW DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When the student answers, click anywhere on the screen to see the correct answer. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen (Slide 4) and checking off as you go. Click on the “House / Home Icon” box to return to the main scoreboard. Final Jeopardy – Go to Slide 3 and click “Final Jeopardy” button in the bottom right corner, click again for the Question, click again for final jeopardy sound, When that is finished playing click again for the answer slide.


4 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 Final 100 ???

5 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Back to Basics Water and Air Air Masses And Fronts Potpourri Severe Weather

6 The Sun transfers heat to the Earth through this type of heat transfer

7 Radiation (Know All 3 types)

8 This is the layer of gases that surrounds the Earth

9 The atmosphere (Know top 2 gases)

10 The ___________ drives all weather on Earth

11 The Sun (Know the layer weather occurs in)

12 ________ is how much something weighs compared to the space it takes up

13 Density (Know that hot air goes over cold)

14 Temperature is a measure of _________

15 Motion

16 Weather moves from ______ to ________ in most of the US.

17 West to East

18 A _______ is where 2 air masses meet

19 Front


21 Relative humidity is dependent on which two factors?

22 Humidity and Air Temperature (Know humidity)

23 Wind is __________

24 Moving Air

25 As Altitude increases ________ decreases

26 Air Pressure (Know the definition of both terms)

27 An air mass gets its name based on______________

28 Where it forms/moisture and temp

29 These fronts cause storms

30 Cold (Know warm)

31 A ______ ______ air mass forms over Greenland

32 Continental Polar (Know the 4 words)

33 These clouds usually form from a warm front

34 Stratus (Know clouds)

35 These clouds usually form at a cold front

36 Cumulonimbus (I will only test the main 3 and this one)

37 Clouds form when water ________ around small dust particles in the sky

38 Condenses (Know the water cycle!)

39 Tropical zones all have what in common?

40 Warm/near equator (Know polar)

41 These zones have seasons

42 Temperate

43 Why do we have different climates?

44 Latitude/Sun

45 The general conditions of the atmosphere at a given time and place; particularly the water content, temperature, pressure, wind speed, and cloud coverage

46 Weather

47 These storms can cover over 1000 kilometers

48 Hurricanes

49 These storms form when a funnel cloud reaches the ground

50 Tornado

51 _________ is electricity

52 Lightning

53 True/False Global warming can be considered severe weather

54 False

55 Why can a flash flood more dangerous than a tornado?

56 You can’t breathe water


58 What natural disaster has killed more people than any other throughout human history?


60 Drought

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