Stop Payments, Cancel Advices and Return Resolution Reports.

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Presentation on theme: "Stop Payments, Cancel Advices and Return Resolution Reports."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stop Payments, Cancel Advices and Return Resolution Reports

2 Central Payroll Bank Account Flow Stop Payments Cancel Advices Return Resolution Reports C/O/H Screens Requesting Copies of Checks Handwritten Checks

3 Bank Account Activity Generated Transfer Local Funds from college account to central payroll account (effective on the check date): 27Transfer from College Account$ 22Transfer To Central Payroll Account Transfer Vendor Payment amounts back to college account Total Gross + Employer Cost - Net Pay (effective one day after the check date): 22To College Account 27From Central Payroll Account$ EFT Vendor Payments such as TIAA/CREF, WESCU (effective on the date defined by the vendor payment date table): 27From College 010’s Bank Account $ 27From College 020’s Bank Account$ 22To Vendor’s Bank Account Employee Direct Deposits (effective on the check date): 22Net Pay To Employee’s Checking Acct 32Net Pay To Employee’s Savings Acct 27From Central Payroll AccountTotal $ (or Eastern & Evergreen’s bank account) Vendor Numbers in EFT Vendor File (EFT-VNDR-TBL-M in TBL5 on PRO99) are coded as follows: Pxxx = Central Payroll Account VXX = College’s Payroll Bank Account xxxx = Vendor Bank Accounts Central Payroll Account (US Bank) Central Payroll Account (US Bank) 1. Total Local Funds for the payroll are transferred from the college’s bank account to the central payroll bank account on the check date. 2. The total State Funds for the payroll are manually EFT’ed from the State Treasurer into the central payroll account (the person reconciling the payroll initiates this process). At this point in time, 100% of the dollars to cover the payroll are in the central payroll account. 3. Total Vendor Payments (Total Gross Payroll Amount + Employer Costs - Total Net Pay) are deposited back into the college’s bank account (effective on the check date + 1 banking date). Vendor Checks & EFT Vendor Payments Central Payroll Bank Account central_bank_acct.ppt 030 College’s Bank Account 030 College’s Bank Account 010 thru 290 State Funds (from State Treasurer) 010 thru 290 State Funds (from State Treasurer) 020 College’s Bank Account 020 College’s Bank Account 010 College’s Bank Account 010 College’s Bank Account 030 College’s Bank Account 030 College’s Bank Account 020 College’s Bank Account 020 College’s Bank Account 010 College’s Bank Account 010 College’s Bank Account

4 Stop Payments

5 When to place a stop payment: Check is stolen, or Check is lost, and Signed/notarized affidavit has been completed Overpayment has been determined, or

6 When NOT to place a stop payment: You have possession of check, or Signed/notarized affidavit has not been completed and the check is “lost”

7 Have the following information available: Check # NET amount Date issued Last name, First name, MI

8 Why cancel the check in the PPMS system? Since the check is cancelled, it becomes a non-negotiable item If the check is not cancelled in the PPMS system, the income will still be recorded on the employees W-2 Not canceling the check produces an outstanding item on the bank reconciliation

9 WASHINGTON COMMUNITY & TECHNICAL COLLEGE STOP PAYMENT REQUEST Account #______________ Today’s Date: ________________ Person placing stop pmt: _________________ Con Seq: ______________ College: _____________________________________________________ Check #: ________ Net amt of check: ______ Date issued: ___________ Payee: _____________________ ____________________ ____________ Last First MI ( ) Checked last bank statement? Which one: _____________________

10 Cancel Advices Canceling advices can be done until the second day after cut-off before 10:00am. For example, if cut-off processed on a Wednesday, the deadline for canceling an advice would be Friday morning at 10:00am.

11 If it is found that an advice must be canceled after the 10:00am deadline has passed, call SBCTC. SBCTC will call US Bank and the bank will determine if there is a possibility that the reverse can be processed successfully. All the steps remain the same (see below), except the waiting period is extended to 5 (five) days instead of 3 (three) days after payday.

12 Once it has been determined that canceling an advice is necessary, complete the steps in the following order: 1. Complete the “US Bank ACH Services Fax Adjustment Request” form

13 3.Complete the “US Bank ACH Services Fax Adjustment Request” form 2. Call SBCTC at (360) 586-1939 to request the advice to be “reversed”. The required information the SBCTC needs is: (a) college name (b) employee’s name (c) the net amount of the advice.

14 Return Resolution Reports Zero Balance Report Balance Report

15 Requesting Copies of Checks College Check Number (always 8 digits long) Net amount of check Date issued Last name, first name, MI When requesting copies of negotiated payroll checks, have the following information available:

16 Handwritten Checks When inputting a handdrawn check into the PPMS system, always have the first two digits be your college number. This will place the hand drawn check with the other unpaid checks for your college.

17 Cancellation/ Overpayment/ Handdrawn Screens

18 Allow you to: Record the gross-to-net activity of a handdrawn payroll check Cancel a payroll check or advice issued in error Enter the return of overpaid funds

19 These screens are used to: Cancel a payroll check or advice Reverse all transactions originally processed into Payroll History

20 They generate transactions which: Decrease expenditures to the payroll accounts previously charged As well as the vendor payments affected Reimburse accounts payable

21 A cancellation of an advice: Reduces the net pay that is deposited into the central payroll account Transfers it back to the local payroll clearing account

22 Then the gross-to-net activity: Credits the vendor payments Transfers the gross pay back into the individual’s job account code(s)

23 If you do not stop the deposit from going to the employee’s bank account, the advice is considered “cashed.”

24 If you cancel an advice that has already been deposited, you’ll be: Taking funds out of the central payroll account for a second time Not replacing any funds

25 Automatic Check Cancellation Screen - PS1005 Starts the process Retrieves the information from payroll history Only valid for the period of time that the payroll history is available on-line

26 If the check or advice is no longer in history You will get error: “CK-AD-Num must be in Payroll History” Sometimes you need to cancel a check twice When you need to reverse a cancellation Then press enter again, and the transaction will be accepted

27 When cancellations entered on PS1005, transactions are automatically entered on: C/O/H Header Screen, PS1006 C/O/H Bonds Screen, PS1008, if applicable C/O/H Distribution Screen, PS1007

28 You can make changes and may need to for the following reasons: Account code is no longer valid To remove the savings bond transactions because the savings bond has already been purchased Change to a reversal

29 Cancellation/Overpayment/ Handdrawn Header Screen - PS1006 Cancel checks or advices not in the on-line payroll history Overpayment recoveries Recoveries of Direct Deposits issued in error that can’t be stopped Payroll checks that have been handwritten and processed through Accounts Payable

30 Ensure the check number starts with your college code.

31 When manually inputting, you need: The original amounts The deduction source coding that was automatically generated when the payroll check was originally issued The Payroll Audit (PS1315) is good source for this information

32 You can delete these transactions using the PS1006 Only if the transaction hasn’t processed (if the payroll has not run in final) Even if entered on Auto Screen PS1005

33 Cancellations and Overpayments are normally negative transactions The system will reduce the appropriate gross balances and deduction vendor amounts automatically You don’t need to enter the minus sign (-) unless they were originally negative amounts

34 Minus signs usually are for: Reductions to the gross A refunded deduction

35 When to use the Reverse? indicator: If the transaction was originally entered incorrectly If the action was canceled and the entries posted need to be reversed (Entered as handdraw and it should have been a cancellation)

36 When entering a Reverse transaction Enter the reversal exactly as originally entered Do NOT type minus signs, unless they originally were negative amounts Enter the reversal on the current payroll Any correction entries need to be on next payroll

37 C/O/H Distributions Screen - PS1007 Process the payroll account distribution for the expenses The Cancellation/Overpayment/Handdrawn Header Screen, PS1006, must be filled out first

38 Reminders: The account code must be valid and active in FMS The job class must be on Job Class Table. The job is not edited. The earn type must be active on Earn Type Table. The job is not edited.

39 Cancellation/Overpayment/ Handdrawn Bonds Screen - PS1008 Bond number Amount In order to distribute the deduction amount accurately over one or more bond numbers This screen is used to process savings bond transactions by:

40 If a bond deduction is entered on PS1006 and there is no bond number distribution on PS1008, you will receive a fatal error on the Payroll Transaction Edit Report (PS1115A).

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