National Week of Deaf People 2012 Deafaccess Gippsland Sign Bilingualism is a Human Right.

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Presentation on theme: "National Week of Deaf People 2012 Deafaccess Gippsland Sign Bilingualism is a Human Right."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Week of Deaf People 2012 Deafaccess Gippsland Sign Bilingualism is a Human Right

2 What is Auslan? Auslan is the sign language of the Australian Deaf community. Auslan is NOT English. Auslan is NOT a signed version of English. Auslan is the PRIMARY or PREFERRED language of the majority of Deaf people.

3 It is a basic Human Right to have access to information in a way that you can understand.

4 Auslan Interpreters are a vital link between Deaf and hearing community

5 Auslan Interpreters for: Job interviews. Training. Parent – Teacher interviews. Medical appointments. Bank – financial appointments. Community events. Bushfire and other emergency information. AND MUCH MORE

6 How to provide a service that is communication accessible: Be National Relay Service – NRS friendly. Provide hearing assistance at reception. EG: Hearing Loops Consider learning some basic Auslan. Learn how to book Auslan Interpreters. Learn how to work with Auslan Interpreters.

7 How to plan an event that is communication accessible: PLAN AHEAD! Budget for Auslan Interpreters. Provide hearing assistance, Microphones, Hearing Loops etc. Engage the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.

8 All seems too hard?? Consider that this is the everyday struggle of the Deaf community. Remember that access to communication is a basic Human Right. Talk to deafaccess Gippsland for more information……

9 Dale Reddick Gippsland Regional Co-ordinator, P.O. Box 9314,SALE, Victoria, 3853 Voice: 03 5143 1537 Mobile / sms: 0408 637 880 NRS: 133 677 Email:

10 Useful websites: Vicdeaf: ASLIA – Australian Sign Language Interpreters’ Association Deaf Australia Deaf Victoria

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