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Presentation on theme: "SCOUTING - A VFW PARTNERSHIP STAN HUNTER 22 July 2007."— Presentation transcript:


2 Our Vision Provide Support To The Scouting Program Throughout The State Of Virginia As A Partner To Scouting Councils, Scouting Units And Individual Scouts BSA Vision: The Boy Scouts of America is the nation's foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training. The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.

3 Our Topics How Scouting Works Partnering with Scouting Our Scouting Team Scout of the Year Recognize an Eagle Eagle Retreat Freedom Award

4 How Scouting Works Test: How Many Units Does The Boy Scouts Of America Own ? a. 10,000 b. 100,000 c. ???

5 How Scouting Works Chartered Partners –BSA Issues Charter To A VFW / Auxiliary –The BSA Unit Becomes Part Of Your Post’s Youth Program. YOU OWN IT –Post Cdr/ Ladies President - Appoints A Representative To Over See The Unit As Chartered Organizational Representative (COR). –Your COR Must Select Committee Chairman, Scoutmaster And Approve Application For All Adults –Use Your Unit To Influence Young People, Support Post Programs, Gain Community Recognition, Find Membership

6 Parternering with Scouting Sponsor a Scout unit – –Cub Pack ( age 6 – 10) –Scout Troop (age 11 – 18) – Venture crew (age 14 – 21 boys and girls) Partner a Scout unit in you area Provide funding for Scout Councils to help Scouting grow Support Eagle Scout projects

7 Scouts Helping VFW Posts Flag retirement ceremonies Flag education for the community Post property clean up Hospital Visits with Post members Support Christmas, Halloween and Easter children’s events Assist with poppy distribution Flag ceremonies for post events Scouts will show up for volunteer projects when asked Post 5414 Memorial day ceremony 2006

8 Community Relations Enhance Post Image in the community Earn Community Service Hours For Scouts And Parents Supporting Your VFW Programs For Working With Scouting Programs Scouts And Parents Tell Community About VFW Potential source of VFW Membership –Tomorrow’s veterans Participate in VOD/Patriots Pen

9 Veterans of Foreign Wars National Scouting Team Mission Statement The mission of the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Scouting Team is to support the programs of the Boy Scouts of America within all VFW Departments, Districts and Posts by promoting our shared values of volunteerism, Americanism and youth development.

10 Stan Hunter & Ron Knowles- National Team State Team –Terry Bohlinger (Dist 1) Ray Wetherell Jim Geirlak –John Palomares (Dist 2) Richard Zick –George Vogel (Dist 3) –Lowell Flickinger (Dist 4) -Robert King (Dist 5) -Charlie Elgin (Dist 6) Ray Snyder The Virginia Scouting Team Richard Raskin (Dist 8) Peter Pate (Dist 10) Stu Sanford Mike Ford Jim Perna Bill Rooney Bob Stine Don Hall (Dist 11)

11 Virginia Scouter’s Team Goals Help every post select and recognize a Scout of the year Develop a Flag retirement program supported by local Scouting units Test the Freedom Award for students and scouts Enhance the website sponsored by the Department of Virginia Develop an Eagle Scout Retreat

12 Department of Virginia Scout of the Year Posts select an Eagle Scout, Venture Silver Award, Sea Scout Quartermaster Award The Department Cdr Will provide recognition to every post selecting a Scout of the Year Information and applications will be posted on the Department web site Winner to receive $500 award at convention

13 Eagle Retreat Virginia War Memorial Offers to conduct a retreat for all Eagles recognized by Virginia Posts One Saturday 9 – 5 Recognize our war heros, VFW building of our nation Looking for volunteers to help, funding for lunch/ dinner

14 Freedom Award Opportunity For Youth To Better Understand Concept Of Freedom Increase VFW Name Awareness. Eligibility: youth 6 th – 12 th grade –Target Audience Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, School Classes Award: Certificate And Special Medal

15 Freedom Award Requirements Visit A War Memorial Or Military Cemetery - Write Short Essay Participate In VOD Or Patriots Pen Meet With And Interview 2 Of Following And Discuss Experience –WW2, Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq – Veteran Describe Significance Of The Poppy To Veterans Meet With A Post Officer and discuss VFW Make An Essay Or Oral Report To A VFW Meeting Or Other VFW Group On What Freedom Means To You Submit Folder To Post For Award

16 Need your Help Appoint a Post Scouting rep who will –Support selecting a Scout of Year –Record post support to Scouting in terms of time and money and provide to Scouting team –Work with district Scouting team leaders to help enhance VFW image and Scouting as partners in the community


18 “You know, the problem with the Boy Scouts is that there ain’t enough of them!” Will Rogers

19 Stan Hunter 7544 Mill Pond Ct Warrenton VA 20187 540-347-1093 THANK YOU


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