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My Science Portfolio By: Maeve 6th Hanscom Middle School.

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Presentation on theme: "My Science Portfolio By: Maeve 6th Hanscom Middle School."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Science Portfolio By: Maeve 6th Hanscom Middle School

2 (Insert Picture of Yourself) * This is a portfolio about me and some science information. *I developed this portfolio so I could show my progress and tell a little about myself. * The purpose of this portfolio is to have a portfolio abut me and my work.

3 All about Me Science Notes Science Labs My Achievement Science Glossary SMART Goals Welcome to my grade six science portfolio. Click on the buttons to see what I’ve accomplished.

4 All About Me Things to Include: – I am interested in animals! – I like to draw and paint! – I have one brother, a mother, and a father. I also have a bird, a hamster, and two dogs!

5 Science Lab Scan in a cell drawing that you have done. Make sure it demonstrates your best effort. This Science Lab drawing was the most detailed plant cell drawing, and it showed the ER and the cell membrane. Which is rare for me to find.

6 Science Notes In this space scan in an example of My Science Notes.. Make sure it demonstrates your best effort. This Science Note was one of my first Science Notes it has everything it needs, pictures, heading, and the actual notes.

7 Science Glossary In this space scan in a glossary page from this unit. Make sure it demonstrates your best effort. This glossary page was one of my neatest and most informational it has the definitions for the ER and the Golgi Body.

8 My Achievement This year it is important to assume responsibility for my own learning. I have done this by doing these specific things: 1. I got an A- on my math mid term, all I had to do is listen. 2. I raised my grades in science, I looked at my report card grade so I knew I needed to improve. 3. Passed in all my science homework and got good grades on all of them. I just did my homework.

9 This year it is important to set goals for continuous improvement as a learner. Here are my goals: 1. I will get at least a B in science by. I will study to achieve this goal. 2. I will increase my math grade by March 16. I will turn in all my homework to achieve this goal. 3. I will not get any C’s on my report card by March 16. I will make good grades to achieve this goal.

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