Cynthia Kleinheksel.  If you can see it on your screen, you can capture the image, draw on the screen, or narrate live action with Jing  It is a camera.

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Presentation on theme: "Cynthia Kleinheksel.  If you can see it on your screen, you can capture the image, draw on the screen, or narrate live action with Jing  It is a camera."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cynthia Kleinheksel

2  If you can see it on your screen, you can capture the image, draw on the screen, or narrate live action with Jing  It is a camera and a video recorder in one  It is free from TechSmith (maker of Camtasia Studio and SnagIt)

3  PC and MAC compatible  Can be played using QuickTime, Windows Media Player, Flash  Can use in Facebook, Twitter

4  Up to 5 minutes of video for each project – SWF format  Allows you to upload to – up to 2 GB free  Can upgrade to the Pro version for $14.95/yr allowing for MPEG4 format, YouTube uploads, and recording webcams




8  Capture an image on your screen  Capture a presentation or motion on your screen  Record and capture a demonstration for absent students  Grade and return assignments electronically – go paperless

9  Create mini-tutorials  Students demonstrate their learning  Capture a math problem as it is solved  Keep Jing captures for future semesters/years  Captures can be repeated as needed  Demo a software application

10  Read a poem  Grade and provide feedback on student created websites and blogs  Give instructions in your absence  Email screencast to student in answer to their questions – no lengthy email response and student can see and hear your response

11  Capture how to edit writing  Model note taking  Upload capture or screencast in Moodle, Blackboard  Demonstrate use of online catalog in library  Demonstrate use of online databases

12  Capture a shot from recorded video  Model how to fill out a form  Provide feedback to parents  Pair with Google Earth, PowerPoint, library software, databases, etc.  Students can narrate personal stories w/ photos

13  Differentiate instruction  Assist ESL students through visuals and audio  Explain difficult concepts that need visuals  Create video of steps for safe science lab use  Create a walkthrough or tour using laptop webcam as you narrate

14  Capture class brainstorming  Student create video to explain the why and how they did something  Record a reoccurring computer problem and send to tech support (my favorite!!)  …and so many more! What’s your idea?

15  Where do you or your students store your captures/videos?  How do student access captures/videos?  And the toughest question: Do you display or hide the sun? (you can change in Preferences)


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