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CASCADIA Finding Classes Community College Finding Classes

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1 CASCADIA Finding Classes Community College Finding Classes
This presentation is here to assist you with the registration process. Please go through it with the “Notes” visible. You may have to use the scroll bar on the right to view additional text. Some slides may require “Zoom” to make the slide more readable. The original plan was to hold Orientations then proceed to registration a few weeks later. Orientations were held to inform students about college expectations and resources available to students at the college. In addition, orientation was a opportunity to teach students how to find classes and the nuances of reading and interpreting the class schedule. The college decided to allow new students to register for fall quarter 2012 classes beginning May 22. In previous years, new student registration did not occur until mid-June. This change requires the Running Start program to rearrange the order of our process and make some updates to how information is presented. With registration occurring earlier this year, it will be important for you, the student, to do your part by reviewing this presentation and learning how to select your classes. The main goal is for you to arrive at the registration session prepared with courses you plan to take along with a set of alternative courses in the event your first choices are not available. Please keep in mind, the registration session will have 30 students in the computer lab at one time. There will be a couple of advisors in the room to help answer registration questions, but there will not be time for in-depth one-on-one advising. Be assured it is very difficult to pick the “wrong” classes your first quarter. As we continue with the presentation, we will provide advice for classes to consider during your first quarter. Finding Classes

2 Running Start Enrollment Verification Form
This form needs to be completed each quarter Student’s, Parent’s, and High School Counselor’s signatures are required This form lists maximum credits at the college covered by Running Start Bring this form, completed to your Registration Session. Without it, you will not be able to register for classes. This is the Running Start Enrollment Verification form. This form needs to be completed each quarter. It lets us know you are planning to participate in Running Start for the given quarter. You will notice three highlighted lines on this picture, those are where we need signatures: your signature, your parent/guardian’s signature, and your high school counselor's signature (homeschool families please note: the “high school counselor” line must be signed by a public school district official). The Enrollment Verification form is how your high school or school district lets us know how many credits you are eligible to take at the college through Running Start. This is an important piece of information, because you will be responsible for tuition on any credits that go over your allowable limit. The signature line for “College Representative” will be signed by Jessica or Norm at your registration session. Be sure to bring this form, completed, to your registration session! You cannot register for classes without it. You should have already received the link to the form in your registration confirmation , if not please copy and paste the following url into your web browser: Please print and bring this form to your high school counselor, they may not have one available in their office.

3 How to find classes Online Class Schedule: (Set Quarter to “Fall 2012”) Cascadia does not print quarterly class schedules, to see what classes are offered this quarter go to click “Class Schedules/Catalogs” on the left hand menu. Then click “Searchable Schedule of Classes”. Select the quarter you wish to search from the drop down menu: “Fall 2012,” then select the subject you wish to search and hit the “Search” button. Item numbers are different for separate offerings of same course (there will be different days and times available). Make sure you write down the item number of the specific course you want to take, and that it fits into your schedule! Let’s do an example: look up in the online class schedule – English 101 – notice the number of different sections! Some may even be during the same times but with different instructors. First consider which section works with your schedule, then look at the instructor names, have your friends recommended anyone?

4 Reading the Course Listing
Item Numbers are extremely important! They apply only to the specific Course, time, Instructor, and class type indicated The textbook information is hyperlinked, click on it in the online course schedule to see what books you will need for your class (this will explained at Orientation) Make sure that each part of the course fits into your schedule, times & days and type of class especially. Look closely at the diagram above, and consider each component when selecting your classes. Item numbers tell the computer the specific course you want to take. Clicking the Item # in the online course catalogue gives enrollment info for the course such as how many spots are available or if there is a waitlist for the class. Pay attention to the “section” listed on the course catalogue, for example: Geology &101 (try looking it up in the schedule) – Section “H1” means it is a “hybrid” course. Hybrid’s have both a lecture/lab time and an online component. You will need to attend the lab/lecture day each week as well as complete any online coursework.

5 Online courses Same outcomes as face-to-face Weekly assignments
Participation is critical Visit Distance Learner Page: From Cascadia home page click on the link “Explore Online and Hybrid classes” just below the photo on the homepage. Or use URL in above slide Review the online classes section – “Welcome Letter”; “Before Classes Begin”, etc. Most online classes will use “Angel” platform. See above link. Visit the Week Zero tutorial to experience what Angel looks like and how to navigate Angel. To avoid being dropped form the class for non-participation: Participate during first 2 days of quarter. Online classes do not require a students be at their computer on a specific day or time; however regular participation is critical for success. The college suggest students participate in their online courses five days a week for a total of hours each week. Have a back-up plan if your power goes out or your computer breaks down.

6 Learning Communities A Learning Community is two classes taken together in one time block: two 5-Credit classes combine to become one 10-credit course A great way to simplify your schedule Learning Communities are a great way to simplify your schedule and get a unique learning experience at the same time. Centered around a common theme, a Learning Community takes two courses and put’s them into one time block, usually four hours long with a small break in-between. Two instructors will work together to unify the course theme while contrasting it against the different disciplines they teach. For example, last quarter we had a Learning Community about Food Globalization, it combined Nutrition and Global Studies; the aim was to teach students how to eat healthy and be aware of the politics of food industry worldwide. For more information on Learning Communities check out the above link.

7 Checking Prerequisites
Check the course description of every class you plan to take to make sure you meets the prerequisites Check if a class needs to be taken in sequence Prerequisites indicate prior knowledge/course work completion in order to take the course. If your placement is above what is listed, then you can take the course. High school courses may be used for prerequisites for foreign language and CHEM&161 only. Math placement scores and math classes will expire after 24 months for use as prerequisites. If you’ve taken a “College in the High School” course, we may be able to use the course as a prerequisite. You will need to bring an unofficial copy of the college transcript to an advisor to verify it will meet prerequisites. Advanced Placement (AP) scores may also be used to satisfy prerequisites. Bring a copy of your AP scores to an advisor. Check and see if there are any prerequisites for the classes you want to take, most classes will require English, and many science courses need specific math placements. This information will be in the course description. If you register for a class that you do not meet the prerequisites for you risk being dropped from that class without notice! Some classes are sequential, but others are not. For example: you do not need to take History 127 to take History 128. Check the course description, but in this case the 127 vs. 128 simply means that you will be covering different periods in history, you do not need to take both classes. This is not always the case for classes like Biology and Chemistry, so be sure to check the course description, take a look at the highlighted examples.

8 Your first quarter credit load
Part-time students take 1-10 credits Full-time students take credits Expect two hours of homework for every hour of credit, a 5-credit course will have approximately ten hours of homework per week on top of class time The main goal of Running Start is to assist you in completing courses towards a high school diploma, while giving you a chance to acquire some college credits and experience. A full course load is credits each quarter! You will likely be doing hours of homework per week, in addition to class time. There is nothing wrong starting with 5 credits (one class) or 10 credits (two classes) and seeing how college works out for you. If you like the pace and prefer self-motivated study, take a full course load the following quarter. If it seems overwhelming, plan on taking fewer credits and get some credits you can use towards an Associate’s degree or use to transfer to university after high school.

9 Wait, there are fun classes here?!
College is all about self-discovery! Look through the class schedule catalog and see what looks fun. This is a great time to try lots of subjects and figure out what might interest you in your future career. Take a class in a subject you enjoy to build your academic confidence. Among the many courses Cascadia offers are: drawing, painting, drama, cinema, music, screenwriting, Japanese culture, global communication, American Sign Language, Spanish, Japanese, math, atmospheric science, astronomy, geology, computer science, political science, psychology, history, poetry, creative writing, and there are many more to choose from!

10 Your first quarter schedule
Not everyone has to take English, math, history, or political science the first quarter Science majors start your math early Taking enjoyable classes is important, but there may also be some courses that will make future quarters easier, such as: College Strategies (COLL 101) – learn about campus resources, academic planning, and more. This is a great introductory course and is required for all Cascadia transfer degrees. Please note: Running Start only covers classes occurring October-December for fall quarter, so do not sign up for the “Pre-fall” college strategies class unless you intend to pay out-of-pocket. Pre-Fall courses are designated in the course schedule with a section of “PF.” English 101 and 102 are required for every academic transfer degree at Cascadia, and are a prerequisite for many classes. If you can, try to get your English done within the first few quarters to get the most out of your future classes. If you are starting at a math 75, 85 or, 95 level try to start your math within your first few quarters. All of Cascadia’s transfer degrees require a college level math or quantitative reasoning course. Also, math is a subject that needs to be practiced frequently to maintain the skills. Do not delay your math courses too long or spread them out too much! Please note: Running Start does not cover courses numbered under the 100 level, if you wish to take a math class that is below 100 be prepared to pay out-of-pocket expenses (approximately $525), and be sure to discuss with your high school counselor to make sure the credits will apply to your high school graduation requirements. Another subject that should be considered early is foreign language, Cascadia offers programs in Japanese, Spanish, and American Sign Language. Like math, language is something that should be taken sequentially. It may be a prerequisite to get into university later, so why not get started now? Universities typically require 2 years of foreign language in high school or 2-3 quarters at the college level. Be sure to check with your specific university. Finally, be sure to arrange your schedule so that there are no overlapping classes. If your Cascadia classes overlap you will be dropped for the most recently added class.

11 What’s a WAITLIST? There may be a waitlist for full classes
Top person added when space opens No time conflicts, account holds, excessive credits Maximum 3 waitlists at a time Not different sections of same class Check your waitlist status regularly! Drop yourself from a waitlist if you do not intend to take the course This can be very confusing for students, it is important to know how the waitlist works. When a class fills up students who still wish to join may put their names on the “waitlist” (putting your name on the waitlist is the same process as registering for an open course, your name will automatically go on the waitlist if the class is full). If a student who is currently enrolled in the class drops the class then the first person on the waitlist will take their place, and so on until the day before classes begin, then the waitlist will close. Once the waitlist is closed students may still try for a seat in the course, they just need to take a “Credit Add/Drop” form to their instructor and have them sign it (if they will allow the student into the class, some classes have strict space restrictions). This form can be found online: or at Enrollment Services in the Kodiak Corner. Students do not pay for a course until they are enrolled, being on the waitlist is a place holder, you/your high school does not owe the college any money until you are enrolled and the course appears on your course schedule: Questions? More information will be available at your Registration Session.

12 Questions? Norm Wright Jessica Wightman For Appointments
Running Start Coordinator Jessica Wightman Running Start Office Assistant For Appointments Visit Kodiak Corner or call Running Start Registration, Orientation, and deadlines are very busy times for us and it may take a few days to get back to you. If sending/leaving a message - Be sure to tell us your name and let us know your specific question. If leaving a voice mail, be sure to leave your telephone number! Also, please speak slowly and clearly, it never hurts to leave your name and number at both the beginning and the end of the message. For appointments to see an advisor, call the Enrollment Services Office at They have access to the Norm’s calendar.

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