Police: Command and Control Command and Control. Today’s lesson Today we are going to look at the Police command and control structure. We have spent.

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Presentation on theme: "Police: Command and Control Command and Control. Today’s lesson Today we are going to look at the Police command and control structure. We have spent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Police: Command and Control Command and Control

2 Today’s lesson Today we are going to look at the Police command and control structure. We have spent the last few weeks looking command and control in the armed forces but today we will look at how the police works.

3 First we need to get some information from last week. Roles of the different ranks within the armed forces. 2 nd Lt/Lt: This rank is the first rank of an officer after leaving Sandhurst. They will command and Platoon of Soldiers and will manage them and help them through training. A 2 nd Lt/Lt will also have to attend a Platoon Commanders Battle Course in the Brecon Beacons to build up fitness and leadership.

4 Other Ranks Captain/ Major: Both can command a Company of soldiers. A company is made up of 3 Platoons. Both ranks will do less of the day to day commanding of their soldiers and will instead manage the company as a whole. This would include ensuring the company has all the correct equipment, training and resources. Lt Colonel: A Lt Colonel will command a battalion of soldiers. A battalion ranges from 4-6 companies.

5 Class Activity One You a new 2 nd Lt who has just graduated from Sandhurst and has joined his platoon. A young soldier has come to see you one day because he says that he is missing home. He has a girlfriend who is pregnant and he is afraid that he will run away or go AWOL. How would you deal with this soldier and who could you refer him to?

6 Company Commander You are a Captain in Infantry company based in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. A platoon Sergeant has come to see you and has told you that your company is low on ammunition and drinking water. Also a local tribe has threatened to attack another tribe and start violence because of some damage which was done to a local mosque. What are you going to do to solve these problems?

7 The Police: Command and Control

8 Police: Command and Control The Police have a different command and control system than the army. The Army is based on conformity and obedience. That is because the army is regimented and everyone has a role to carry out. What is obedience?

9 The Police The police has a different type of command and control style in which it expects its officers to be less regimented and more independent thinkers. That is because Crime is always changing and adapting and so people have to be able to think or their feet and deal with situations as they happen.

10 Police Training Unlike Military Training, police training involves less shouting and ordering and instead giving instructions and learning how to work with people living in communities. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yTzoBc8FrE Community Work. Working with the Public. Investigation Skills. Kit Inspections Statement Taking.

11 Research Like we did last week I want you to quickly research the rank structure within a the Police Force. London Police have a slightly different rank structure but try Google searching Police ranks in the UK and see what you find.

12 Remembering Police Legislation Another skill that officers need is remembering legislation. For Searching there is a number of different pieces of law to give police powers to search or arrest. 1. Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 or PACE. -Section 1 2. Terrorism Act Section 60A 3. Road Traffic Act Section 30

13 Individual Searching Lets have a go at Individual searching techniques. This is when you suspect someone of carrying a stolen item or drugs and you need to search them. I am showing you a skill and teaching you it. I am not shouting or punishing you for making mistakes, different type of command and control.

14 Taking Statements Break down into pairs. One person will develop a story based around this scenario. You are out on Saturday night and you are attacked by........, who hit you with........ Think about the bar, are you with friends or family, what time is it. The other person will take a breif witness statement and then read it out to the class.

15 Debrief of today’s lesson. Different skills and different command and control techniques used by the Police and the Army. This is because the skills being used are different. Obedience and conformity are vital on the battlefield but not in the local community. Policing requires the ability to work with people and try and solve crime.

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