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Chapter 15 and 16 By Howard Mayo AP Modern European History Mount Airy High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15 and 16 By Howard Mayo AP Modern European History Mount Airy High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15 and 16 By Howard Mayo AP Modern European History Mount Airy High School

2 Final Jeopardy 18 th CenturyCountriesPeopleIndustriesHodgepodgeOdds & Ends 100 200 300 400 500

3 The single largest free- trade area in Europe during the 18 th Century was who? 100

4 Great Britain 18 th Century

5 During the 18 th Century bread prices did what? 200

6 Slowly, but steadily rose 18 th Century

7 The economic basis of the Eighteenth-Century life was what? 300

8 Land 18 th Century

9 Eighteenth-century Europeans enjoyed what right? 400

10 Community Rights 18 th Century

11 In 18 th Century Europe, the nobility consisted of approximately what percent of the total population? 500

12 1-5% 18 th Century

13 100 French nobles were divided between nobles of the “sword” and nobles of the what?

14 “Robe” Countries

15 The War of Jenkins’ Ear as fought by England to block incursions on British trade by whom? 200

16 Spain Counties

17 As a result of a scarcity of Labor, these nations were the first to quickly turn to the importation of African Slaves 300

18 Spain and Portugal Countries

19 A peninsulares refers to a person born in what country? 400

20 Spain Countries

21 The 19 th Century carving of new empires saw new European settlements in such places as what? 500

22 Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Algeria BONUSCountries

23 In the 18 th Century and thereafter, the Jewish population of Europe was concentrated in what countries? 1000

24 Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine Countries

25 His pamphlet “Common Sense” galvanized public opinion in favor of separation from Great Britain. Who is this man? 100

26 Thomas Paine People

27 Much credit for Britain’s victory in the Seven Years’ War should go to whom? 200

28 William Pitt the Elder People

29 He boasted of having won America on the plains of Germany. Who is he? 300

30 William Pitt People

31 Benjamin Franklin gained assistance against Britain from what countries? 400

32 Spain and France People BONUS

33 Maria Theresa’s great achievement was what? 800

34 The preservation of the Hapsburg Empire as a major political power People

35 500 Fredrick II and his invasion of Silesia offset the continental balance of power and did what?

36 Shattered the Provisions of the Pragmatic Sanction People

37 100 What industry pioneered the Industrial Revolution?

38 Textile manufacturing Industries

39 Factory production of purely cotton fabric was made possible by the invention of what? 200

40 Water Frame Industries

41 By the early 19 th Century, the steam engine had become a prime mover for all of the following industries. What are they? 300

42 Wagons, iron rails, ships, mining Industries

43 The Industrial Revolution first came to what country? 400

44 Great Britain BONUS Industries

45 The largest single group in the 18 th Century cities was who? 800

46 Shop keepers, artisans, and wage earners Industries

47 During the Industrial Revolution, consumption was not automatic so manufacturers did many things to sell their products, but they didn’t do what? 500

48 Appeal to contemporary Christians to sell products to cleanse their outward appearance during services Industries

49 In the years between 1600 and 1750, the cities that grew the most vigorously were which ones? 100

50 Capitals and Ports Hodge Podge

51 In spite of European industrialization what still didn’t happen? 200

52 Industrialization never overcame the economy of scarcity Hodge Podge

53 Colonial trade in the Mid- Atlantic world followed roughly what geometric shape? 300

54 Triangle Hodge Podge

55 The following factors allowed European nations to exert influence and dominance over much of the world. What are they? 400

56 Technological supremacy related to naval power and gun powder (Black Powder) BONUSHodge Podge

57 Mercantilist thinkers assumed what? 800

58 Only modest levels of economic growth were possible Hodge Podge

59 Given what you know about the impact of the agricultural and industrial revolutions concerning the lives of women, the following statement is most applicable. What is this statement? 500

60 As the revolutions progressed, the role and importance of women already in the workforce diminished Hodge Podge

61 The term “Old Republic” has come to refer to what? 100

62 The social, political, and economic relationships that were prevalent in Europe before the French Revolution Odds & Ends

63 Why is Great Britain aristocracy remembered? 200

64 They had the smallest, wealthiest, and best defined aristocracy. Odds & Ends

65 The heart of the 18 th Century colonial rivalry in the Americas lay where? 300

66 West Indies Odds & Ends

67 Despite Dutch and Danish possessions, who were the three main rivals during the era of colonization? 400

68 Great Britain, France, and Spain Odds & Ends

69 From the British victory in the French and Indian War, Great Britain became not only a European power, but a world power until when? 500

70 World War II (1939) Odds & Ends BONUS

71 The American Revolution did many things. What are four things it didn’t do? 1000

72 1.It did not grant political equality 2. It did not end slavery 3. It did not result in political rights for women 4. It did not give rise to a new set of elites Odds & Ends

73 Category Stages of the World

74 Since the Renaissance, European contact with the rest of the world has gone through four stages. What are these stages?

75 1. Exploration, Conquest, and Settlement/Commercial Gain 2. Colonial trade rivalry between Spain, France, and Great Britain 3. The creation of Formal Empires in Africa and Asia and new areas of Settlement 4. Decolonization Stages of the World

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