Wicklow County Council Waste Prevention in the catering and Hospitality Sector.

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Presentation on theme: "Wicklow County Council Waste Prevention in the catering and Hospitality Sector."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wicklow County Council Waste Prevention in the catering and Hospitality Sector

2 Aim To benchmark food waste with a view to developing prevention measures in the hospitality and catering sector. To trial alternative composting methods of food waste. Cooked Food costs €2000 a tonne to produce and how much for disposal???

3 Partners Wicklow County Council Staff Canteen Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation – Restaurant & Hostel An Óige Knockree Youth Hostel The Baltinglass Inn - Pub The Portview Day Care Centre Carnew Community Care Centre Clermont Campus, Rathnew

4 Work Undertaken to Date A waste categorisation audit for one weeks waste for each of the partners. Food waste was collected separately from the dining areas and kitchens and where feasible peelings were kept separate from cooked food waste. This will allow us to develop a better understanding of how food waste is generated in the catering process.

5 Glencree Coffee Shop

6 Portview Day Care Centre

7 Staff Canteen Wicklow County Council

8 Report A report profiling waste production was written for each partner: Explaining results of waste audit Recommendations on general waste management Recommendations on food waste prevention and composting of food waste. Meetings with staff to discuss results and recommendations

9 Some observations…. Food cooked but not served can be a high proportion of food waste Plate waste – leftovers- was much lower than expected Peelings and trimmings were up to 50% of food waste Good stock control and managing events were particular problems

10 Prevention Measures Implemented Wicklow County Council – 136kg/week –self service salad bar, –sandwiches made to order, –portion control, –ramekins for jam & butter(free), sachets are charged

11 Prevention Measures Implemented Glencree – 124kg/week –Chef decides portion size –Second helpings offered –Peelings composted –Improved recycling Raw food waste is composted Wormery installed

12 Prevention Measures Implemented Knockree – 164kg/week –Stock control –Over cooked meals frozen for other guests –kitchen management for catered events, –food left by guest made available to other guests –Using stock to prepare meals –Wormery installed Food Waste reduced to approx 15 kgs/week

13 Prevention Measures Implemented Baltinglass – 142kg/week –Changes in kitchen management have significantly reduced production of cooked food waste, –opening hours have been adjusted to suit market. –Food waste reduced by over a half –Energy management Food Waste reduced By over a half

14 Prevention Measures Implemented Portview Centre – 22kgs/week –Good menu planning taking account of clients, –use local suppliers purchasing exact ingredients for planned meals, –meals cooked for clients who don’t attend are given to clients to take home. –Wormery Installed

15 Prevention Measures Implemented Carnew Community Care Centre – 63kgs/week –32% of food waste already composted, –use local suppliers purchasing exact ingredients for planned meals, –13% of cooked food is stored for reuse as prepared meals. Food waste management began in 2001 with staff training and composting

16 Handling Organic Waste Research was undertaken reviewing composting technologies available on the Irish market and internationally. No appropriate technology is currently available for small businesses generating food waste between 50Kgs and 150Kgs per week at a viable cost.

17 Worm Composting Two worm composting systems have been developed for trial with our partners. New Zealand Box in use Earthworms Unlimited – local Company

18 Composting Glencree New Zealand Box

19 Worm Composting Large Wormery

20 Worm Composting Stacking Wormery

21 Worm Composting Trials Knockree, Glencree and Portview Wormeries are handling up to 15 kgs a week Need careful controls in the set up period Larger wormery is in use at Glencree Cold composting for raw vegetable food working very well in Glencree & Carnew

22 Knockree Worm Compost Harvested 13 th October 2010

23 Some useful hints… Portion control – let people ask for more! Fruit in season made into coulis which is frozen Extra meals sold cheaper at end of day or frozen for future use Cold composting effective especially where there is also garden waste Daily recording of unused cooked food to accurately predict quanities Daily accurate stock control Local purchasing of food with short storage Cooking smaller batches of staples in advance – rice, paste, etc. Table staff alerting cooking staff of dishes that are creating leftovers

24 More Information… www.foodwaste.ie (sectoral fact sheets) www.epa.ie - go to downloads, waste, waste prevention projects: ‘Calling Time on Waste’ & ‘Less Waste More Profit’ www.stopfoodwaste.ie www.lovefoodhatewaste.org http://envirowise.wrap.org.uk - ‘Cost-Effective Management Of Organic Waste From The Food & Drink And Hospitality Sectors’

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