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OGT Jeopardy.

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1 OGT Jeopardy

2 It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature! FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION
Chem Is Tree Bio Baby! It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature! Monkey’s Uncle Let’s Get Physical Grab Bag Of Goodies 100 200 300 400 500 FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION

3 What would be the pH of an acid, a base, and a neutral substance?
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4 A chemical reaction in which the final energy of the products of the reaction is greater than the initial energy. Endothermic Reaction Click here for answer Back

5 1. Define radioactivity. 2. Give an example of one beneficial use of radioactivity.
Emission of energy X-rays Click here for answer Back

6 1. Give an example of a physical change in matter. 2
1. Give an example of a physical change in matter Give an example of a chemical change in matter. Ice melting Sugar Burning Click here for answer Back

7 Label each of the following as fission or fusion: 1
Label each of the following as fission or fusion: 1. New elements being formed in the intense heat of stars. 2. Power generated in a nuclear submarine’s reactor. 1 = fusion 2 = fission Click here for answer Back

8 Click here for answer What is a biome? Name 3 common biomes. Back
A biome is a distinct ecological community of plants and animals living together in a particular climate. Arctic Tundra; Deciduous Forest; Desert; coniferous Forest; Tropical Rainforest; Temperate Grassland Click here for answer Back

9 Click here for answer List all biotic factors that could be
found in an ecosystem. 2. Give 3 examples of abiotic factors. Click here for answer Back

10 Energy Pyramid 3rd order consumers………… 10 kcal 2nd order consumers………
Energy Pyramid 3rd order consumers………… kcal 2nd order consumers………..._____ kcal 1st order consumers………… kcal Producers……………………10,000 kcal How many kcal of energy are available to the organisms at the 2nd order consumers trophic level? 100 kcal Click here for answer Back

11 Match the following effects on ecosystems to their possible causes:
a. Acid precipitation 1. Habitat destruction b. Biomagnification 2. Nitrogen and sulfur oxides from power plants and cars c. Global Warming 3. Increased levels of CO2 d. Loss of Biodiversity 4. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) e. Ozone Thinning 5. Ingestion of pollutants by Organisms at the bottom of the food chain Done Back Click here for answer

12 Limiting factors keep population from
growing forever. In which of the following situations does the population decline because of a density-independent limiting factor? About 10,000 sea lions live on a an island in the Arctic Ocean. Most of them die when a volcano erupts. A herd of antelope lives on a prairie between two mountain ranges. As the population continues to grow, many antelope die from starvation. Back Click here for answer

13 Click here for answer Contrast prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.
Prokaryotes: no nucleus, circular chromosomes Prokaryotes: no nucleus, circular chromosomes, no organelles Eukaryotes: nucleus, multiple chromosomes and string like, various organelles Click here for answer Back

14 Explain how the body plan of the sea anemone shows radial symmetry and the body plan of the toad shows bilateral symmetry. Radial symmetry: body parts originates from a central point Bilateral symmetry: body can be divided in half, each half is a mirror image of the other half. Click here for answer Back

15 What are the 6 most common chemical elements found in cell?
What is the source of new cells? Are viruses cell? Why or why not? Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen phosphorus and sulfur All new cells come from existing cells. No: No membrane/cytoplasm, no organelles, can not reproduce on its own. Click here for answer Back

16 Click here for answer Match each process with its example: Back
1. Homeostasis A. Kidneys filter nitrogen from cells. 2. Energy transfer B. Amino acids link to form proteins. 3. Transportation of molecules. C. Light energy is converted to chemical energy in glucose. 4. Disposal of waste D. Water moves through cell membranes. 5. Synthesis of new molecules E. A dog pants after a long run. Done Click here for answer Back

17 Click here for answer Mitosis or meiosis? Haploid daughter cells
Daughter cells are identical to parent Homologous chromosomes form pairs Two consecutive cell divisions Results in cell growth or repair Produces genetic variation. - Meiosis - Mitosis - Meiosis - Meiosis - Mitosis - Meiosis Click here for answer Back

18 Click here for answer Natural Selection
Suppose a population of small lizards lives on an island of black volcanic rock. The lizards range in color form light gray to dark gray. As birds of prey feed on the lizards, they choose the light gray ones far more often than the dark gray ones. What will most likely happen to the skin color trait in this lizard population over many generations. The dark gray lizards are better adapted for survival. Over time, numbers will most likely increase while the number of lighter lizards will decrease. The accumulation of favorable variations in a population illustrates natural selection. Click here for answer Back

19 Click here for answer Describe two ways of estimating geologic time.
Radiometric Dating – a technique based on the half-lives of radio-active isotopes that is used to determine the age or materials. Fossils – remains or traces of prehistoric organisms that are often formed when cell structures of buried organisms are replaced by minerals. Rock Sequencing – analyzing the order of rock strata to estimate their relative ages; Rocks lower in the order tend to be older than those near the top. Click here for answer Back

20 Click here for answer Back Which idea is NOT one of the main points
of Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection? Overproduction of offspring is common in nature. Organisms within a population must compete to survive. Variations in population are the result of random mutations. Organisms with favorable adaptations have a better chance of surviving to reproduce. Darwin recognized variations in populations. However, he was unable to explain the reason for variations since he had no knowledge of mutations or other genetic processes. Click here for answer Back

21 Click here for answer Explain the theory of plate tectonics.
What are some events that change the Earth’s surface. C. Explain continental drift. A the plates that make up the Earth’s surface shift, they can cause the Earth’s surface to change. Earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain creation, and sea floor spreading are examples of events that change the Earth’s surface. Scientists believe that 200 million years ago, Earth’s continents were joined together, forming a super-continent called Pangaea. As the tectonic plates under the continents shifted, Pangaea broke up, and the continents moved apart. Click here for answer Back

22 Click here for answer What is the Big Bang theory?
What evidence exists to support this theory? The universe began from a small, dense collection of matter, and it has been expanding ever since. Isotopes of hydrogen, helium, and lithium are abundant in the universe; Edwin Hubble observed universal expansion; scientists discovered that Earth receives microwave radiation from all directions. Click here for answer Back

23 Describe how force, acceleration, and mass relate in the action of kicking a soccer ball.
F = ma (Newton’s second law of motion) Force applied to the mass results in acceleration. The greater the force applied to a given mass, the greater the acceleration will be. Therefore, if you kick the soccer ball (mass) with more force, it will speed up faster. Click here for answer Back

24 Click here for answer Give two examples of conserving
energy resources. Recycling Buying fuel-efficient automobiles Riding a bike instead of driving Insulating building. Click here for answer Back

25 Click here for answer Conduction, convection, or radiation? Back
The metal handle of a pot on the stove becomes hot. You warm yourself by a campfire. Warm air at the Earth’s equator rises; cold air at its poles sinks. Medical x-rays are used to produce images of the body. An air mass touches the ocean surface that is part of a warm ocean current. The air heats up and rises. Cooler air moves in to take its place. Conduction Radiation Convection Radiation Conduction and convection Back Click here for answer

26 Click here for answer How does electric current flow?
Explain what makes some materials conductors of electricity and other materials insulators. Electric current flows when electrons move freely. Materials with loosely held electrons are conductors of electricity (like copper). Materials with electrons tightly bound to their atoms are insulators. (like clay and rubber) Click here for answer Back

27 Click here for answer What is Newton’s law of universal gravitation?
2. Compare your weight (the force of gravity) on the surface of the Earth to your weight on the surface of the moon. Between any two objects in the universe there is gravity that is proportional to the masses of the objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The more massive two objects are, the greater the force between them will be, and the farther apart they are, the less the force will be. Your weight on the moon will be about 1/6th of your weight on Earth. Click here for answer Back

28 Organize the following steps to scientifically solve a problem.
Develop a hypothesis. Ask a question based on observations. Draw conclusions. Test hypothesis. Plan test with materials and methods. Do background research. Report findings. Record and analyze data. 3 1 7 5 4 2 8 6 Click here for answer Back

29 Click here for answer Back
Is each event below an observation or inference? When baking soda and vinegar are combined, the mixture foams. A chemical reaction must be taking place when baking soda and vinegar are combined. The ducks arrived at the Wilson’s pond two weeks earlier this spring than last spring. The leaves are falling earlier since the weather has been so cold. The dog must have frightened the rabbit. It ran into a bush. observation inference observation inference inference Click here for answer Back

30 Click here for answer List three causes of weather. Back
Solar energy – heats air and land Elevation – temperature falls with increased elevation Nearness to large bodies of water – humidity and temperature are effected Temperature – determines how much water vapor air can hold Air pressure- produces wind and air mass patterns Click here for answer Back

31 Click here for answer How do science and invention affect one another?
Invention uses known scientific principles to make something work better or create a new tool. Example: the discovery of electromagnetic waves led to the invention of radio, television and x-ray machines. Using new tools (inventions) allow scientists to determine unknown scientific principles and new information. Example: The Hubble Space Telescope allows scientists to learn more about the solar system. Click here for answer Back

32 Click here for answer How do stars produce energy?
How are stars responsible for the creation of elements? The intense heat inside a star causes the hydrogen protons to move so rapidly that they join together, or fuse. This process, fusion, is a nuclear reaction that creates energy. The star starts to glow. Ongoing fusion of protons in starts results in many different proton combinations. Each different combination of protons is an element. After millions of years some stars explode, releasing many elements into space. Those elements may form into new stars. Click here for answer Back

33 What is the “greenhouse effect” and why is it important?
How is the theory of global warming related to this effect? What human activities might contribute to global warming? Carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere prevent the sun’s heat energy from radiating back into space from Earth. The burning of fossil fuels increases the carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Because CO2 absorbs heat, the atmosphere may become warmer. Humans contribute to CO2 levels by burning gasoline and heating homes with fossil fuels. Click here for answer Back

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