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Gender Equity Is Sexy not Sexist. Keeping it Real for You “Gender” & “Equity” Title VII and Title IX Sexual Harassment & Violence Politics of Consent.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Equity Is Sexy not Sexist. Keeping it Real for You “Gender” & “Equity” Title VII and Title IX Sexual Harassment & Violence Politics of Consent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Equity Is Sexy not Sexist

2 Keeping it Real for You “Gender” & “Equity” Title VII and Title IX Sexual Harassment & Violence Politics of Consent

3 What is Gender? What is Equity? 3 minutes


5 Equity Equal Equitable Fair Affirmative

6 Gender Justice Sometimes it’s not about equality

7 Title VII 1964 Civil Rights Act: protection employment discrimination

8 Title VII 1964 Civil Rights Act: protection employment discrimination race, color, religion, sex, or nationality (not sexuality explicitly—yet)

9 Title VII 1964 Civil Rights Act: protection employment discrimination race, color, religion, sex, or nationality (not sexuality explicitly—yet) “sex” added as misfired attempt at political sabotage

10 Title VII Hiring, firing, compensation, training, promotion (any aspect of employment)

11 Interview Q’s: Legal? or Illegal? Do you have any children? If so, how many and what are their ages? What kind of childcare arrangements do you have in place?

12 Interview Q’s: Legal? or Illegal? Are you single? Married? Divorced? Engaged?

13 Interview Q’s: Legal? or Illegal? Are you currently taking any form of birth control or fertility treatment?

14 Interview Q’s: Legal? or Illegal? What are your plans if you get pregnant?

15 Interview Q’s: Legal? or Illegal? Does your partner/spouse work? What does your partner/spouse do for a living?

16 Interview Q’s: Legal? or Illegal? Should we refer to you as Mr., Miss, or Mrs.?

17 Illegal Interview Topics Marital Status Childbearing/Parenting Status

18 Title IX Educ. Amendments Civil Rights Act 1972

19 Title IX Educ. Amendments Civil Rights Act 1972 Protects against “sex” bias/discrimination in education (receiving fed funds)

20 Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972 (Title 20 U.S.C. Sections 1681- 1688) Section 1681. Sex: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance

21 Whom does T9 cover? What does T9 cover? 3 minutes

22 Title IX at USF Policy 0-004 Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Harassment (including Battery) Policy 0-007 Diversity and Equal Opportunity: Discrimination & Harassment procedures.asp USF does protect gender identity & gender expression.

23 Title IX at USF Office of Diversity & Equal Opportunity (a.k.a. DEO) Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities (a.k.a. OSRR)

24 Sexual Harassment Quid Pro Quo (This for that) Hostile Environment Both forms violate both T7 & T9

25 Sexual Harassment Type 1: Quid Pro Quo Employment–hiring decisions, promotions, salary increases, work assignments, or performance evaluations–are based on an employee’s willingness to grant or deny sexual favors.

26 Sexual Harassment Type 1: Quid Pro Quo Employment–hiring decisions, promotions, salary increases, work assignments, or performance evaluations–are based on an employee’s willingness to grant or deny sexual favors. Education—student performance assessment is predicated upon a willingness to grant or deny sexual favors. Exacerbated in adult/minor situations.

27 Sexual Harassment Type 2: Hostile Environment Hostile environment sexual harassment occurs when verbal or nonverbal behavior in the workplace or at school : Focuses on sex (i.e., occurs b/c of one’s sex), including “same sex” Is unwelcome Is severe and/or pervasive enough to affect the person’s work environment and ability to do earn a living/get an education

28 Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment = verbal, visual, physical, written

29 Sexual Harassment Conscious or unconscious expression dominance, power, intimidation, control (not mutually satisfying intimate relationship)

30 Sexual Harassment Harasser: No profile; can be anyone Harassed: Statistically = women, but also can be men. Growing numbers of lesbian, gay, bi, trans incidents reported

31 Sexual Harassment “Consent” might be coerced (power) and so may not protect the employer/school

32 Sexual Harassment & Sexual Misconduct Prohibited at USF: True? or False?

33 Sexual Violence is a continuum

34 Video: Asking for It: The Ethics & Erotics of Consent Dr. Harry Brod “Affirmative Consent Standard” Streaming video, USF Library Start 9:06

35 What are our Takeaways? 3 minutes

36 Kim’s Takeaways Gender Justice is for Everyone T7 & T9 (& USF) Protect You We all have a role to play in creating an inclusive community (not hostile) Sexual Consent is Sexy

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