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By Anguly M, Shaynee S, Sean H, Jose H, and Lakni J

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Presentation on theme: "By Anguly M, Shaynee S, Sean H, Jose H, and Lakni J"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Anguly M, Shaynee S, Sean H, Jose H, and Lakni J
Surrogacy By Anguly M, Shaynee S, Sean H, Jose H, and Lakni J

2 What is Surrogacy? Surrogacy is when a woman carries a child and gives birth to the child for a couple either through traditional surrogacy or gestational surrogates

3 Types of Surrogacy Traditional Surrogacy- Traditional surrogacy is when they artificially insert the father’s sperm into the surrogate mother. By having a traditional surrogate mother, the surrogate would be the biological mother of the child Gestational Surrogacy- Gestational surrogacy is when they fertilize the egg from the intended mother with the sperm from the intended father and transfer the fertilized egg into the uterus of the surrogate through in vitro fertilization (IVF). This means that the surrogate mother would have no genetic ties to the child.

4 Gestational surrogacy

5 Why do people use Surrogate mothers?
Infertility History of Miscarriage Hysterectomy Age Same sex couples

6 Reasons for Surrogacy There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of surrogacy, so the best option will depend upon each specific situation.

7 Who can be a Surrogate Any women that is able to carry a baby full term Depends on agency. Depends on age limit. Depends on weight limit. Need to apply and get accepted. Depends on medical history. Need to have a background check. Some agencies require that you have children of your own.

8 How to find a Surrogate Normally a Doctor’s advice would be the first step, but a lot of surrogates can be found from multiple different agencies such as Growing Generations,Circle Surrogacy and many others. Doctors only suggest this when a couple is unable to bare children of their own and yet would still want to have one this is 100% related to the mother and father or couple. the picture looks like its off but its not people do not mess with it thank you. Jose Herrera

9 Financial Costs of Surrogacy
In general, the cost for gestational surrogacy (including all agency fees, attorneys’ fees, screening and surrogate fees, and medical and insurance costs) ranges from around $100,000 to $150,000, depending the program chosen. The estimated cost for traditional surrogacy (including all agency fees, attorneys’ fees, screening and surrogate fees, and medical and insurance costs)is about $55,000 dollars and up How much do surrogates get paid? Compensation for gestational surrogates varies based on whether you've been a surrogate before, whether or not you have insurance coverage, which state you live in, and other factors. Total compensation consists of your base fee + additional fees that can vary based on the course of your pregnancy and the terms negotiated in your contract (your Carrier Agreement). Surrogates get paid up to$50,000 in compensation, including the base fee and the additional fees. The Base Fee In general, surrogate applicants can expect the following base fees: $30,000 for first-time surrogates from CA, CT, MA, ME, RI, or VT $30,000 for first-time surrogates from other states, with approved insurance coverage $25,000 for first-time surrogates from other states, without approved insurance coverage Experienced surrogates typically receive an additional $5,000

10 Legal Issues With Surrogacy
Surrogacy is prohibited, highly regulated or strongly discouraged by law in most countries. Being an ART practice in only 17 countries worldwide. With traditional surrogacy there can be trouble with determining parentage, if the mother decides she does not want to give the child up, as the surrogate is genetically related to the child. Extensive legal contracts that need to written, approved by both the surrogate and intended parent attorneys, and achieve legal clearance before a physician can do the procedure.

11 Issues Surrounding Surrogacy
Physical and emotional attachment of the gestational mother Legal involvement of the gestational mother in the child’s life Decision to inform the child of surrogate birth Compensation to the surrogate mother Cost of medical and other expenses related to the pregnancy/birth

12 Religious Opposition to Surrogacy
Christians - surrogacy is “gravely immoral” because a 3rd party comes between the “one flesh”. Also children are a gift from god not a right Judaism - using another person as an incubator is degrading and devalues motherhood. They do recognize infertility can cause sadness so surrogacy is sometimes allowed Islam - liken surrogacy to adultery and claim the child has no legal lineage. Also believe humans must advance the species so surrogacy is sometimes allowed

13 Religious Acceptance of Surrogacy
Buddhism - totally accepting of surrogacy Hinduism - surrogacy is allowed because having children is very important to Hindu families

14 Controversy of Surrogacy
Attempted anti-surrogacy legislation Does it exploit women? Exploitation of lower economic classes Formation of a for-profit business

15 The Emotional Side of Surrogacy
High-risk emotional process Surrogate and fetus emotional attachment Surrogate motivations and desires Good relationships between the intended parents and surrogates

16 Videos

17 Works Cited (1) Using a Surrogate Mother: What You Need to Know. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2015, from (2) Surrogacy - How does surrogacy work? (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2015, from (3) Surrogacy & Egg Donation Agency | Growing Generations. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2015, from (4) Akirehs, Rik. "Why Do People Use Surrogate Mothers?" EHow. Demand Media, 28 Oct Web. 16 Apr (5) Busby, Karen. "Of Surrogate Mother Born: Parentage Determinations In Canada And Elsewhere." Canadian Journal Of Women & The Law 25.2 (2013): Academic Search Premier. Web. 17 Apr (6) "Provisions a Legal Contract Should Contain." Surrogacy Contract:. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr < (7) Imrie, Susan, and Vasanti Jadva. "The Long-Term Experiences Of Surrogates: Relationships And Contact With Surrogacy Families In Genetic And Gestational Surrogacy Arrangements." Reproductive Biomedicine Online (Elsevier Science) 29.4 (2014): Academic Search Premier. Web. 17 Apr (8) Akirehs, Rik. "Why Do People Use Surrogate Mothers?" EHow. Demand Media, 28 Oct Web. 23 Apr

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