Sara Rauchwerger APEC 2011 Co-Incubation Conference 6-8 September Xian, China.

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Presentation on theme: "Sara Rauchwerger APEC 2011 Co-Incubation Conference 6-8 September Xian, China."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sara Rauchwerger APEC 2011 Co-Incubation Conference 6-8 September Xian, China

2 Founder & Managing Director Strategic Management Market Entry Services Investment Consulting Founder & Director Mission – Connect Entrepreneurs Globally Platform for access into and out of Silicon Valley to develop business expertise, partnerships & knowledge sharing Dedicated events, seminars Talent Delegation Programs Business Partnership Investments Encourage growth & opportunities across international boundaries in technology centric environment Networking Visiting Professor - Entrepreneurship Courses

3 SMEsIncubatorsTools Key to Success

4 SMEsIncubatorsTools Key to Success

5 Venture Capital Law Firms Accountants Finance SME’s 100 km 2 OtherServiceProviders Angels University

6 Diverse audience representing almost every nation from around the world High concentration of intellectuals -upper graduate degrees (Bachelor, Master, PhD) Stanford, Berkeley, Santa Clara Universities Workaholics Technologically savvy – passionate Focused industry sector Peripheral network infrastructure Anything is possible – the “American Dream”

7 Pre-Incubation Post Incubation Incubation Idea Startup Expansion Maturity Private - Public

8 Engineer/ Expert in their field focused on their idea – product/service Passionatee about their ideas Targeted Not necessarily business oriented at an early stage Narrow market Not necessarily scalable Protective No experience in partnership with suppliers local or foreign

9 SME’s opportunities are abundant Analysis Select direction Exploiting market opportunities Right decision Sound environment SME’s geared to be global KnowledgeTransferKnowledgeTransferPhysicalLocationPhysicalLocationIncubationEnvironmentIncubationEnvironment Network/ Local Support SEEKING

10 GlobalOutlookGlobalOutlook InternationalMarketsInternationalMarkets Business Environment Changes Business Environment Changes Cost Effective Path Path Dependencies of Products/Services Globally CompetitivePositioningCompetitivePositioning

11 SMEsIncubatorsTools Key to Success

12 LimitedtoLocalResidentEnterprisesLimitedtoLocalResidentEnterprises Economic Scale Employment Wealth Shared Investments InitiallyInitiallyTodayToday

13 GerminationIdea Accelerate/Incubatee Mature Risky Safe Public Support/ Private Risk Capital Refine Plan/ Resource / Early intervention Network/ProfitableSmall

14 Provide a platform for formation and development of companies Link SME’s with resources Encourage Innovation Link R&D between research institutes, university and corporations Supports formation of industry clusters Shared resources Collaboration Localization

15 Incubators welcome “everyone” In the Leasing business Focus is limited Management lacks experience Funding is tight There is no support unit from the service sectors Limited success stories No effective graduation benchmarks

16 SME’sIncubatorsTools Key to Success

17 PolicyInitiativesFundingPolicyInitiativesFundingLeaseLegal/IPFinancialBusinessCapitalVC/Angel Data Center InternetConsultingLeaseLegal/IPFinancialBusinessCapitalVC/Angel InternetConsulting IndustryIndustryServicesServices GovernmentGovernment SMEsSMEs CorporationsOrganizations Industry Leaders StandardsCorporationsOrganizations StandardsProducts/Services New Technologies Game Changer New Industry Products/Services New Technologies Game Changer New Industry

18 InternationalEventsInternationalEventsTraining/WorkshopsTraining/Workshops NetworkingNetworking SME Assessment ConsultingConsulting MentorsMentors Local Events ReferralsReferralsSupportGroupsSupportGroups Social Networking Cultural Awareness BlogsBlogs

19 Provide the support to help build SME business Specialized Capable to provide resources Third party perspective Certified Trained in respective service sector Partners in the ecosystem

20 Investment Funds LocalInternationalBusinessLocalInternationalBusiness DonorsDonors BanksBanks UniversitiesUniversities GovernmentGovernment

21 Naturally formed networks Transfer of technology easily considered Innovation is encouraged R&D linked between research institutes, university and corporations Formation of industry clusters Shared resources Collaboration Localization

22 SME’sIncubatorsTools Key to Success

23 Business training Peripheral support system Understanding of the local and international environment Understanding SME business Business discipline Business path Business vision Cultural context Effective communication / hall way discussions

24 Available Resources Supporting tools Adopt to local practices Industry specific Network Collaborative environment Funded Seamless services A better product /service in the market Performance driven An environment that brings out the best in the SME Growth driven Co-IncubatorCo-IncubatorSMESME

25 Start small and grow organically based on need/demand Leverage on Service Providers Leverage on the internet and virtual environment Share key point of contact by APEC location Share resources on each incubation center Highlight activities Categorize by industry sector Local market opportunity Local resources Availability of facilities Programs Get SME’s to be more active to seek out their needs Promote across the network Build the database Build the relationship and network


27 Thank You 谢 Contact: Sara Rauchwerger

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