AN ORGANISATION FOR A NATIONAL EARTH SCIENCE INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM Making your data accessible on the network using standards Bruce Simons.

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Presentation on theme: "AN ORGANISATION FOR A NATIONAL EARTH SCIENCE INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM Making your data accessible on the network using standards Bruce Simons."— Presentation transcript:

1 AN ORGANISATION FOR A NATIONAL EARTH SCIENCE INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM Making your data accessible on the network using standards Bruce Simons

2 2 Standards “Standards are like toothbrushes – everybody wants to use one but nobody wants to share it” Francois Robida, BRGM

3 3 GML Client WMS WFS WMS WFS WMS WFS WMS WFS GeoSciML WMS WFS GeoSciML GSV GA NTGS PIRSA MRT MRT mapping GeoSciML Benefits GeoSciML Format PIRSA mapping NTGS mapping GA mapping GSV mapping Data to GeoSciML Schema mapping OGC Services Datasources

4 4 Systems (Data Services) Syntax (Data Language) Schematic (Data Structure) Semantic (Data Content) interoperability Current ‘World’ Organisation specific Few standards Access, Excel, Proprietary GIS Files, DVD, CD GeoSciML Controlled Vocabularies GML, XML WFS, WMS, WCS GeoSciML ‘World’ Interoperability Requirements Geoscience community OpenGIS community (OGC)

5 5 Systems and Syntax standards WFS 1.0, WFS 1.1, WFS 2.0 GML 2.0, GML 3.1, GML 3.2 Compliance levels (SF-0, SF-1, SF-2) Community defined application schema WFS 1.0, WFS 1.1, WFS 2.0 GML 2.0, GML 3.1, GML 3.2 Compliance levels (SF-0, SF-1, SF-2) Community defined application schema –GeoSciML extends 3.1.1 –GeoSciML conforms to SF-1 Make sure you are compliant with your community specified standard

6 6 ‘Simple features’ vs ‘Complex features’ Level SF-0Level SF-1 Restricted set of non-spatial property typesYY Restricted set of spatial property typesYY User-defined property typesNY Property cardinality0 - 10 - * Property = temperature, Value = ’15-20 C’ Property = temperature, TValue[1] = 15 Unit = C Instrument = thermometer TValue[2] = 17 Unit = C Instrument = thermometer TValue[3] = 20 Unit = C Instrument = thermometer OR Property = temperature, TRange = MinValue = 15 Unit = C MaxValue = 20 Unit = C SF-0SF-1

7 7 Schematic Agreement Victoria South Australia lithology RockMaterial consolidationDegree compositionCategory geneticDescription lithology:ControlledConcept[1..*]

8 8 RockMaterial consolidationDegree compositionCategory geneticDescription Lithology: ControlledConcept [1..*] GeologicUnit +bodyMorphology: [0..*] +compositionCategory: [0..1] +exposureColor: [0..*] +outcropCharacter: [0..*] +rank: [0..1] CompositionPart +lithology: ControlledConcept [1..*] +material: RockMaterial [0..1] +proportion: +role: +composition 0..* Lithology Schematic Agreement

9 9 Cainozoic? Palaeozoic? Archaean? Bolindian? Eastonian? Gisbornian? Late? Early? Semantic Agreement Select geologic features where age = “xxx”

10 10 Geological data is largely text-based and interpretive. Simple numerical data is rare. Compliance to many controlled vocabularies is not a trivial exercise Compliance to vocabularies is crucial to be able to construct standardised requests on distributed data Establish language independent identifiers (URNs) that local terms and languages can be mapped to GGIC Controlled Vocabularies Working Group and CGI Geoscience Concepts Task Group Semantic Agreement

11 11 Uniform Resource Name (URN) Examples: urn:cgi:classifierScheme:ICS:StratChart:2008 –identifies the Stratigraphic Chart published by the International Commission for Stratigraphy urn:cgi:classifier:CGI:sandstone –identifies the concept designated "sandstone" by CGI urn:cgi:feature:GSV:GeologicalFeatureID:167775491269309 51 –Identifies a specific feature maintained by GSV A web-based service architecture requires the ability to identify resources The CGI has developed a scheme using URNs for use with GeoSciML: urn:cgi:{CGIResource}:{ResourceSpecificString}

12 12 Example … urn:ogc:def:nil:OGC::missing 50 Undifferentiated: sandstone, siltstone, black shale; sparsely fossiliferous Castlemaine Group Oc urn:cgi:feature:GA:Stratno:36202 ogc:def:nil:OGC::missing typicalNorm urn:cgi:classifier:ICS:StratChart:2004:Ordovician turbidity current … Most property values refer to registered concepts Common values  interoperability

13 13 Can define your own or use those provided by CGI or GGIC – which you do will depend on use case CGI vocabularies will generally have lower semantic resolution than data provider’s – but will be more interoperable Vocabularies

14 14 MappedFeature View: Provides Geometries (eg polygons) – GeologicFeature may be in-line or byReference –In response to a question like ‘find all GeologicUnits in this area’ GeologicFeature View: Provides GeologicFeatures (eg GeologicUnit) –geometry data (MappedFeature) in-line or byReference –In response to a question like ‘find all units of Devonian age’ MappedFeature vs GeologicFeature Views

15 15 Tony Cragg, Subcommittee, 1991 Governance IWG

16 16 MappedFeature – geologic map elements The map sheet Map polygons and lines Map legend

17 17 MappedFeature – use of standards ISO 19109 Feature Model ISO 19107 Geometry ISO 19115 Metadata OGC 07-002 Sampling Model

18 18 Extensions Related communities building specializations on GeoSciML –GroundWaterML –GeochronML –Mineral Occurrences ML


20 20 RockMaterial consolidationDegree compositionCategory geneticDescription Lithology: ControlledConcept [1..*] GeologicUnit +bodyMorphology: [0..*] +compositionCategory: [0..1] +exposureColor: [0..*] +outcropCharacter: [0..*] +rank: [0..1] CompositionPart +lithology: ControlledConcept [1..*] +material: RockMaterial [0..1] +proportion: +role: +composition 0..* Lithology Schematic Agreement Cardinality

21 21 MineralSystem associationType geneticDescription InorganicFluid fluidDescription classification MineralDepositModel mineralDepositGroup mineralDepositType commodityDescription Commodity commodityGroup commodityName commodityImportance commodityRank MineralOccurrence type supergeneModification composition source SupergeneProcesses depth material type EarthResourceMaterial earthResourceMaterialRole material proportion EarthResource sourceReference dimension expression form linearOrientation planarOrientation shape parent child GeologicFeature observationMethod purpose MappedFeature observationMethod positionalAccuracy GeologicEvent eventAge eventEnvironment eventProcess geologicHistory preferredAge Description IGNORES HUMAN INTERACTION

22 22 commodityDescription Commodity commodityGroup commodityName commodityImportance commodityRank MineralOccurrence type source EarthResource sourceReference dimension expression form linearOrientation planarOrientation shape parent child Endowment includesReserves includesResources OreMeasure calculationMethod date dimension proposedExtractionMethod sourceReference estimatedProperty:ore CommodityMeasure commodityAmount cutOffGrade grade Resource category includesReserves Reserve category oreAmount measureDetails commodityOfInterest

23 23 commodityDescription Commodity commodityGroup commodityName commodityImportance commodityRank MineralOccurrence type source EarthResource sourceReference dimension expression form linearOrientation planarOrientation shape parent child Product productName sourceReference grade production recovery sourceCommodity deposit composition relatedMine associatedMine relatedActivity MiningActivity activityDuration activityType oreProcessed Mine endDate mineName sourceReference startDate status RawMaterial material proportion rawMaterialRole producedMaterial resourceExtraction MiningFeatureOccurrence observationMethod positionalAccuracy specification occurrence

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