Questionnaire on well-being at work – Hanken 2010 and 2011 compared to other universities 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Questionnaire on well-being at work – Hanken 2010 and 2011 compared to other universities 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Questionnaire on well-being at work – Hanken 2010 and 2011 compared to other universities 2011

2 Background information The questionnaire has been developed by the universities and Varma together (under the supervision of PhD Heidi Keso) The questionnaire was carried out for the first time in 2010, when it was answered by a total of ca 4 700 persons (127 of these at Hanken) In year 2011 the total number of responses amounted to ca 12 800 (133 of these at Hanken) In addition to Hanken, the following universities took part in the survey during 2011: Aalto University University of Jyväskylä University of OuluUniversity of Turku University of HelsinkiFinnish Academy of Fine Arts Sibelius AcademyUniversity of Vaasa University of Eastern FinlandLappeenranta University of Technology University of TampereÅbo Akademi University The response rate at Hanken: 59,1 % (compared to 57,2 % in year 2010)

3 Unit/departmentResponse rate 2011Response rate 2010 Department of Finance and Statistics / CREF / CEFIR58% Department of Management and Organisation60%65% Department of Marketing/ CERS / HUMLOG61%38% Department of Accounting and Commercial Law29% 29 % (Accounting and Commercial Law) 43 % (Economics) Department of Economics43% Centre of Languages and Business Communication59%68% Library / Computer Centre76%65% Administration, the Centre for Research and International Affairs, and all other units60% Teaching or research personnel55%50% Other65%66% Helsinki Campus61%58% Vaasa Campus50%51% Rate of Respons - Hanken

4 Average per sub-category

5 Total average per department or unit - Hanken Unit/departmentAverage 2011 Average 2010 Department of Finance and Statistics / CREF / CEFIR3,73,3 Department of Management and Organisation3,83,7 Department of Marketing/ CERS / HUMLOG3,53,4 Department of Accounting and Commercial Law + Department of Economics3,53,4 Centre of Languages and Business Communication3,63,4 Library / Computer Centre3,63,5 Administration, the Centre for Research and International Affairs, and all other units3,73,6 Teaching or research personnel3,73,5 Other3,7 Helsinki Campus3,73,6 Vaasa Campus3,73,6

6 Your job 1. My job description is clear and I understand my goals (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

7 Your job 2. My job is suitably challenging (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

8 Your job 3. I have enough time to carry out my duties during working hours (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

9 Your job 4. I am able to concentrate on my job without undue disturbances (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 258

10 Your job 5. I have enough influence over my own job and duties (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

11 Your job 6. Changes at work do not lessen my ability to cope at work (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

12 Your job 7. I have the appropriate tools (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

13 Your job 8. The dining and other social areas are adequate (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 258

14 Your job 9. The ratio between teaching and research work is satisfactory (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 129

15 Managing 10. The university's strategy is clear and comprehensible (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

16 Managing 11. The university acts openly when making and preparing decisions (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

17 Managing 12. Employees are able to influence the university's decisions (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

18 Managing 13. The strategy steers the activities and primary tasks of our unit (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

19 Managing 14. Men and women have equal opportunities for advancement in our unit (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

20 Managing 15. Our meeting practices are well suited for achieving the unit's goals (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

21 Supervisory work 16. My supervisor makes sure that our goals and tasks are clear (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

22 Supervisory work 17. My supervisor regularly carries out performance evaluations with me (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 258

23 Supervisory work 18. I get enough constructive feedback from my supervisor (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 258

24 Supervisory work 19. My supervisor trusts me (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

25 Supervisory work 20. I dare to disagree with my supervisor (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 257

26 Supervisory work 21. My supervisor is impartial and fair (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 258

27 Supervisory work 22. My supervisor takes the differences between people into consideration (for instance regarding skills, experience or abilities) (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

28 Supervisory work 23. I tell my supervisor about my ideas to develop our unit or my work (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 258

29 Supervisory work 24. My supervisor encourages me to make suggestions, take responsibility and develop my work (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 258

30 Work community and co-operation 25. Our unit is a dynamic community of experts (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

31 Work community and co-operation 26. Our unit has a positive attitude towards development (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

32 Work community and co-operation 27. The communications practices in our unit promote efficient communication (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

33 Work community and co-operation 28. No negative competition between individuals takes place in our unit (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

34 Work community and co-operation 29. Our unit has a constructive attitude towards human errors (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

35 Work community and co-operation 30. We have developed effective processes to take up difficult issues for discussion (Question 2010: Even difficult subjects are taken up for discussion in our unit ) (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 133

36 Work community and co-operation 31. We support and encourage each other (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

37 Work community and co-operation 32. It is easy for me to ask my colleagues for help (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

38 Work community and co-operation 33. Rumours and gossip do not interfere with work (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

39 Work community and co-operation 34. I have not been a target of workplace bullying or harassment at work over the past year (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

40 Competence 35. Job introductions are handled well in our unit (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

41 Competence 36. Experience and knowledge (skills, networks, contacts, finding financing) are shared systematically before people leave the unit (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

42 Competence 37. My skills match the demands of my job (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

43 Competence 38. I am able to efficiently make use of my skills in my work (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

44 Competence 39. I have sufficient opportunities to develop my competence (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

45 Competence 40. I know what skills will be required of me during the next few years (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

46 Competence 41. Know-how is shared sufficiently between experts (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

47 Motivation 42. My contribution is important for the success of my unit (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

48 Motivation 43. I have career advancement opportunities at the university (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 258

49 Motivation 44. I gain incentive from the rewards and personal recognition I get from my unit (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 257

50 Motivation 45. I am able to work independently and freely (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

51 Motivation 46. My tasks are interesting and challenging (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

52 Motivation 47. My work allows me to be inventive/creative (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

53 Motivation 48. I get a sufficient amount of constructive feedback at work (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 258

54 Motivation 49. I get support in commercializing and developing a business based on my findings (if this statement does not apply to you, select "no opinion") (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 133

55 Motivation 50. I get support in finding project financing (if this statement does not apply to you, select "no opinion") (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 133

56 Health and life situation 51. I feel I have a good mental work capacity (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

57 Health and life situation 52. I feel I have a good physical work capacity (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 258

58 Health and life situation 53. Retirement plans are discussed openly in my unit (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

59 Health and life situation 54. My unit is prepared to accommodate people with reduced work capacity (in terms of working hours or tasks) (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

60 Health and life situation 55. My unit takes the necessary measures in terms of following up on sick leaves (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

61 Health and life situation 56. The occupational health-care services support the well-being of the personnel (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

62 Health and life situation 57. The co-operation between HR, supervisors and OHS works smoothly (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 260

63 The university's image 58. The quality of research in our unit (1 = Poor, 5 = Good) Question answered by: 258

64 The university's image 59. The quality of teaching in our unit (1 = Poor, 5 = Good) Question answered by: 258

65 The university's image 60. Our unit's success in acquiring external financing (1 = Poor, 5 = Good) Question answered by: 258

66 The university's image 61. The university's image as an employer (1 = Poor, 5 = Good) Question answered by: 258

67 The university's image 62. The university's attractiveness to students (1 = Poor, 5 = Good) Question answered by: 259

68 Equality 63. Equality between genders is realized in my unit. (1 = Disagree completely, 5 = Agree completely) Question answered by: 259

69 Your job


71 Managing

72 Supervisory work


74 Work community and co-operation


76 Competence

77 Motivation


79 Health and life situation

80 The university's image

81 Equality

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