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electrician袁隆平袁隆平 actor teacher typist student 9 assistant act teach type study assist More examples.

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Presentation on theme: "electrician袁隆平袁隆平 actor teacher typist student 9 assistant act teach type study assist More examples."— Presentation transcript:
















16 electrician袁隆平袁隆平

17 actor teacher typist student 9 assistant act teach type study assist More examples

18 Suffix : a letter or a group of letters added at the end of a word to make another word Shortly( 简言之 ): a word +suffix=a new wordsuffix Word formation What is suffix used for?

19 actor teacher typist student 9 +er,or,ant,ent,ist assistant act teach type study assist waiter worker manager sculptor sailor singer accountant servant More examples composer dependent inventor

20 Noun nounMore examples artartist gardener technician librarian physicist farmer pianist musicmusician photographphotographer Adjective noun More examples specialspecialist socialist dentist electricelectrician +ist,ian,er +ist,ian

21 actor actress


23 waiter host actor prince waitress hostess actress princess

24 Supplement( 补充 ) 1 cooker or cook ?

25 Cook uses cooker to cook.

26 judge judge or judger?

27 playwright or playwrighter? Shakespeare A person who writes plays( 戏剧 ) playwright



30 Let’s guess!





35 An is a person who produces works of art, especially painting or drawings. artist 1 1

36 An is a person who travels in a spacecraft. astronaut 2 2

37 A ___________is a person whose job is filling,cleaning and taking out teeth,and fitting artificial teeth. dentist 3 3

38 Thomas Edison was one of the most important ________________ in history.He invented 1,000 things. inventor 4 4

39 A is a person who plays the piano, especially very well. pianist 5 5

40 The is looking up the information of the book I want to borrow in a computer. The is looking up the information of the book I want to borrow in a computer. librarian 6 6

41 A is a person who makes sculptures( 雕塑 / 雕刻 ) sculptor 7 7

42 An is a person whose job is to install,operate, repair electrical equipment electrician 8 8

43 Rule: remember the word on the paper and act it out( 表演出来 ). Other students just guess: what is he/she?

44 What kind of job would you like to have? Why? I would like to be a/an ___________________ because ______________________________.

45 I’ d like to be a librarian because I love reading books. It’s usually very quiet and peaceful in the library, with a variety of books on different subjects.

46 Anything is possible. 一切皆有可能。Anything is possible. 一切皆有可能。 Business makes a man as well as tries him. 事 业可以考验人,也可以造 就人。Business makes a man as well as tries him. 事 业可以考验人,也可以造 就人。




50 ~er, ~or, ~ant, ~ent, ~ist, ~ian, ~ess

51 SuffixesExamplesMore words verb +erteach +oract +antassist +entstudy +isttype teacher actor assistant student typist composer, thinker, player, writer sailor, editor, inventor, governor servant dependent

52 SuffixesExamplesMore words noun +istart +ianmusic +erphotograph Adjec- tive +istspecial +ianelectric artist musician photographer specialist electrician physicist, scientist historian, technician

53 (1)teacher (2)actor (3) electrician (4) artist (5) photographer (6) musician

54 Look at the pictures and give explanations to the new words A principle A composer A sculptor An accountant is a person who is in charge of a university, college or school. is a person who writes music. is a person who has the talent of making solid objects representing people or animals out of stone, wood, day, etc. is a person whose job is to keep and check financial accounts

55 Job words composer dealer sculptor the arts education business accountant musician professorprincipal librarian manager

56 Qualities of being a good teacher, an accountant…

57 Homework 1.Remember the words learned 2.Preview Grammar and usage

58 Do you know any other jobs?

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