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Community Helpers An Alphabet Electronic Book. A community helper is someone that has a job or volunteers in the community. He or she helps people. We.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Helpers An Alphabet Electronic Book. A community helper is someone that has a job or volunteers in the community. He or she helps people. We."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Helpers An Alphabet Electronic Book

2 A community helper is someone that has a job or volunteers in the community. He or she helps people. We know many workers in our community. Our book shows some of the workers we know.

3 Click on a letter of the alphabet to see the community helper that begins with that letter. ACB GFIH NMPO UTWV ED KJL RQS YXZ

4 Artist A An Artist is like a painter.But an Artist paints picture

5 Baker B A baker makes food like bread and cookies. A baker works in a bakery. A baker has lots of customers.

6 Cook C A cook is a person who makes food. They work in a restaurant.

7 Driver D A Driver is a person who takes people from place to place. A Driver drives taxis, cars, and limos.

8 Electrician E My community worker puts electricity in houses.

9 Firefighter F A fire fighter saves people from fires.

10 G Gardener A gardener plants flowers And sometimes plants vegetables. Some gardeners plants flowers Around the community.

11 Hospital Worker H A hospital worker puts casts on people

12 Inventor I An inventor invents things he will make electrical things like telephones. They invent things that people have never seen.

13 J Journalist A Journalist reports the news. A Journalist looks all over the world for news

14 Karate Master K He teaches us karate.We also learn to defense our selves.

15 Librarian L A librarian helps people borrow books. A librarian checks out books for their community.

16 Musician M A musician plays music on his instrument.

17 Nurse N My community worker takes care of people, and makes people feel better. A nurse works in an hospital.

18 Orthodontist O An orthodontist is a doctor who takes peoples’ teeth out and puts braces on people.

19 Police Officer P A police officer puts bad guys in jail.

20 Quilt Maker Q My community worker is a person who makes quilts for people who want them. Quilts are blankets that keep you warm.

21 Railroad Conductor R A person on a train or bus who collects fares. The conductor also calls out the names of stops.

22 S Solider Soldiers protect are country. Soldiers protect the president. Soldiers fight to protect us. Solider have weapons like canons, guns, lasers, misels and blasters.

23 T T Teacher A teacher helps you learn.

24 UPS Driver U The UPS driver drops boxes at the homes. The UPS driver has a brown truck.

25 Veterinarian V My community worker is a doctor who does things to take care of animals.

26 Waitress W A waitress makes food for people, works in a restaurant and brings people their food.

27 X ray technician X An x ray technician takes pictures of your body to make sure you’re ok.

28 Y yoyo A yoyo maker makes a lot of yoyos.

29 Zoo Keeper Z A zoo keeper takes care of animals like lions. Zoo keepers have to feed the animals and play with the animals.

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