1Chapter SECTION OPENER / CLOSER: INSERT BOOK COVER ART Defining Ethics Section 1.1.

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1 1Chapter SECTION OPENER / CLOSER: INSERT BOOK COVER ART Defining Ethics Section 1.1

2 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Section 1.1 Defining Ethics Section 1.2 Sources of Law 1 Chapter Ethics and Law

3 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law What You’ll Learn How ethical decisions are made (p. 6) When to apply the greatest good principle (p. 7) When to apply the golden rule principle (p. 8)

4 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law What You’ll Learn How to explain the nature of ethical character traits (p. 11) When law relates to ethics (p. 12)

5 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law What You’ll Learn How to explain the importance of law (p.12) How to resolve ethical and legal conflicts (p. 13)

6 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Why It’s Important Learning how to apply ethical principles will help you make ethical decisions.

7 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Legal Terms morality (p. 6) ethics (p. 6) honesty (p. 11) justice (p. 11) compassion (p. 11) integrity (p. 12) law (p. 12)

8 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law How Ethical Decisions Are Made Feelings and Opinions The Greatest Good The Golden Rule Ethical Character Traits Section Outline

9 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law The Relationship Between Ethics and Law Why Law Is Necessary Ethical and Legal Conflicts Section Outline

10 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Pre-Learning Question How do you make ethical decisions?

11 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law How Ethical Decisions Are Made Determining the difference between right and wrong can be difficult. Individuals use different methods to choose the right thing to do in any given situation.

12 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law How Ethical Decisions Are Made Morality involves the values that govern a society’s attitude toward right and wrong. Ethics, in contrast, are the means for determining what a society’s values ought to be.

13 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law How Ethical Decisions Are Made Throughout your life, you will face many ethical problems. Adopting a consistent ethical standard can help you with big or small moral problems.

14 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Feelings and Opinions Some people base their ethical standards on whether or not the act “feels” right.

15 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law The Greatest Good Some people feel that an action that creates the greatest good for the greatest number of people is a sound basis for making ethical decisions.

16 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law The Golden Rule Others base their ethical standards on the Golden Rule, which states: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

17 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Ethical Character Traits Honesty is being open and truthful with other people. Justice is treating other people fairly and equally.

18 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Ethical Character Traits Compassion is being sympathetic to the difficulties of others. Integrity is doing what is right regardless of personal consequences.

19 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Describe the characteristics of justice.

20 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law ANSWER Treating people fairly and equally.

21 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Pre-Learning Question How do you think ethics relates to law?

22 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law If everyone made the same ethical decisions with the same results, there would be no need for law. In the real world, however, some people engage in conduct that most people agree is wrong. The Relationship Between Ethics and Law

23 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Why Law Is Necessary Law is the system of rules of conduct established by the government of a society to maintain stability and justice.

24 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Why Law Is Necessary Law defines the legal rights and duties of the people and provides the means of enforcing these rights and duties.

25 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Ethics and Legal Conflicts Because law is made by people, it is imperfect. Legislators and judges bring their own personal opinions on ethics to the lawmaking process. As a result, ethics and law will sometime conflict.

26 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Define law.

27 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law ANSWER Law is the rules of conduct established by the government of a society to maintain stability and justice.

28 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Reviewing What You Learned 1. 1.Explain how ethical decisions are made. Section 1.1 Assessment

29 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Reviewing What You Learned Answers will vary but should refer to the different standards people use, such their feelings and opinions, the Golden Rule, or their own ethical character traits. Section 1.1 Assessment Answer

30 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Reviewing What You Learned 2. 2.How can the greatest good principle lead to ethical decisions? Section 1.1 Assessment

31 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Reviewing What You Learned It concentrates on consequences in a way that leads to ethical decisions. Section 1.1 Assessment Answer

32 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Reviewing What You Learned 3. 3.How can the golden rule principle lead to ethical decisions? Section 1.1 Assessment

33 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Reviewing What You Learned It tells each of us how to treat people based on rationality and can, therefore, lead to ethical decisions. Section 1.1 Assessment Answer

34 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Reviewing What You Learned 4. 4.What are four ethical character traits? Section 1.1 Assessment

35 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Reviewing What You Learned Honesty, compassion, integrity, and justice Section 1.1 Assessment Answer

36 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Reviewing What You Learned 5. 5.How is law related to ethics? Section 1.1 Assessment

37 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Reviewing What You Learned Answers will vary but should refer to the need for law because people do not always make the same ethical decisions with the same results. Section 1.1 Assessment Answer

38 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Reviewing What You Learned 6. 6.Why is law important? Section 1.1 Assessment

39 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Reviewing What You Learned Answers will vary but should recognize that law helps to maintain stability and justice in a society. Section 1.1 Assessment Answer

40 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Reviewing What You Learned 7. 7.How can ethical and legal conflicts be resolved? Section 1.1 Assessment

41 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Reviewing What You Learned Answers will vary but should recognize that by looking at the reasons for specific conflicts, those conflicts may be resolved. Section 1.1 Assessment Answer

42 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Section 1.1 Assessment Critical Thinking Activity Ethics and Law Why is it important to be able to distinguish between actions that are ethical and actions that are not? Why is it important to be able to distinguish between ethics and law?

43 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Section 1.1 Assessment Answers will vary but should recognize the value of knowing right from wrong and of distinguishing between how we determine our values and how we create the system of rules we live by. Critical Thinking Activity Answer Ethics and Law

44 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Section 1.1 Assessment Legal Skills in Action Developing Ethical Standards How would you respond to a friend who says she has never had a consistent set of moral standards?

45 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Section 1.1 Assessment With a partner, role play a response to your friend’s lack of ethical philosophy. Explain how the ethical standards discussed in this chapter could help her develop a consistent set of ethical standards Legal Skills in Action Developing Ethical Standards

46 Understanding Business and Personal Law Defining Ethics Section 1.1 Ethics and Law Section 1.1 Assessment Role-plays will vary but should demonstrate an understanding of the ethical standards discussed in this chapter. Legal Skills in Action Answer Developing Ethical Standards

47 1Chapter SECTION OPENER / CLOSER: INSERT BOOK COVER ART Defining Ethics End of Section 1.1

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