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South Russia State Technical University (SRSTU)

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1 South Russia State Technical University (SRSTU)
(Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute) (NPI) SRSTU (NPI)

2 State Educational Institution for Higher Professional Education “South Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute)” is a multi-profile scientific and technical complex with well-developed infrastructure and up-to-date material and technical base, that offers multi-level Specialist, Bachelor, and Master programs designed to meet modern requirements of business and industry. SRSTU (NPI)

3 The building of the chemical-engineering
The SRSTU (NPI) Buildings The main building The building of power faculty The building of the chemical-engineering faculty SRSTU (NPI)

4 The SRSTU (NPI) Institutes (Affiliations)
Shakhty Affiliated Institute Volgodonsk Affiliated Institute SRSTU (NPI)

5 The building of the Don Polytechnic Institute
Our history The building of the Don Polytechnic Institute South-Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute) is the first higher educational establishment in the South of Russia. It has been founded as Don Polytechnic Institute (DPI) by the Decree of Council of Ministers of Russia approved in January 1907. In 1930 DPI was divided into seven independent establishments by industry. In spring 1933 three of them united and formed North Caucasus Industrial Institute, and later Novocherkassk Industrial Institute. In February 1948 it changed its name into Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute (NPI). On July 5, 1993 the Institute received a University status and was renamed into Novocherkassk State Technical University, and starting from February 2, 1999 – into South-Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute). SRSTU (NPI)

6 Statistics South Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute) encompasses 4 affiliated Institutes, 21 Faculties, 3 Professional Colleges, 5 Affiliates, 109 Departments, 3 Physics and Mathematics High Schools, 8 Representation offices, 10 Research and Development Institutes. In total, South Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute) trains over students, 499 postgraduate students, 32 doctoral students (Full Professor), 6191 trainees of further vocational education, and 2490 students of pre-university program. In 2008 the University prepared 4110 graduates. The teaching staff encompasses: 255 Doctors (Full Professors), 1058 Doctors, Associate Professors, 13 honored workers of science and technology, 2 honored workers of culture, 9 honored workers of higher education, 109 academicians of sectoral and social academies, and 1 Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences. SRSTU (NPI) is rated 6th among the polytechnic institutes of Russia. SRSTU (NPI)

7 The SRSTU (NPI) Scientific Schools
Scientific Foundations of Minerals Extracting Technology; Mechanics in Construction; Electrical Engineering and Electric Mechanical Systems Control; Geology, Prospecting of Mineral Deposits; Technologies of Natural and Waste Water Treatment; Chemical Compounds, Technologies and Power Sources; Technologies of Refractory Non-Metallic and Silicate Materials; Mining Machine Studies and Production Processes Automation; Electric Chemical Technologies; Relay Protection and Electric Power Systems Diagnostics; Crystals and Structures for Solid-State Electronics; Powder and Composite Materials in Machine-Building; Intellectual Simulators and Simulator Complexes for Teaching and Training; Ground Mechanics, Bases and Foundations Social Structures and Social Processes SRSTU (NPI)

8 The SRSTU (NPI) Programs and Degrees
Degree/ Certificate of Education Period of Studies 5 years Bachelor’s degree 4 years Master’s degree 2 years Post-Graduate Courses 3 years Specialist Degree SRSTU (NPI)

9 University Diploma Traditional Undergraduate Courses in the Russian Educational System The period of studies is five years Students study the basics of the speciality at the initial stage of education (within the first two years) Specialization starts in the third year of studies at the main stage of education All those who have the Bachelor’s degree received in their native country can be enrolled for senior courses. They will receive the diploma in two-four years. SRSTU (NPI)

Department of “Electronic and Computing Machines” Speciality: “Computing Machines, Complexes, Systems and Networks” Department of “Data- Measuring Devices and Medical Engineering” Specialities: “Biotechnical and Medical Apparatuses and Systems” “Data-Measuring Equipment and Technologies” Department of “Automation and Telemechanics” “Industrial Electronics” “Control and Informatics in Engineering Systems” Department of “Automated Management Systems” “Information Systems and Technologies” “Automated Data - Processing and Management Systems” “Applied Informatics (in Economics and Jurisprudence)” Department of “Software of Computer Engineering” “Computer-Aided Design Systems” “Software of Computer Engineering and Automated Systems” “Software and Administration of Information Systems” SRSTU (NPI)

Department of “Physics” Specialities: “Micro-Electronics and Solid –State Electronics” “Physics” “Technology of Printing Process Production” “Nanotechnology in Electronics” Department of “Applied Mathematics” “Applied Mathematics and Informatics” “Mathematical Methods in Economics” “Mathematics” SRSTU (NPI)

Department of “Geophysics and Prospecting Engineering” Specialities: “Geophysical Methods of Prospecting of Mineral Deposits” “Sinking of Oil and Gas Wells” Department of “Deposits and Prospecting of Mineral Resourses” Speciality: “Geological Survey, Prospecting of Mineral Deposits” Department of “Underground Mining Of Mineral Deposits” “Underground Mining of Mineral Deposits” Department of “Open-cast Mining of Mineral Deposits” “Open-Cast Mining Works” Department of “Geoecology, Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology” “Prospecting of Underground Waters and Engineering and Geological Surveying” Department of “Mine Surveying and Geodesy” “Mine Surveying” “Applied Geodesy” Department of “Life Activity Protection and Environmental Safety” “Safety of Technological Processes and Productions” SRSTU (NPI)

Department of “Culture Studies and Design” Speciality: “Design” Department of “Law” “Law” Department of “Economic Theory” “State and Municipal Management” Department of “Economics and Organization of Mining, Chemical and Building Productions” “Economics and Management at the Enterprises of Fuel, Extractive Industries and Geological Prospecting of Mineral Wealth” Department of “Economics and Enterprise Management” Specialities: “Economics and Enterprise Management (Machine-building and Metal Working)” “Anti-Crisis Management” Department of “Economics and Production Organisation” “Economics and Management at Power Industry Enterprises” SRSTU (NPI)

Department of “Electric Power Stations” Specialities: “Electric Power Stations” “Relay Protection and Automation of Electrical Power Systems” Department of “Power Supply of Industrial Enterprises” Speciality:: “Power Supply of Industrial Enterprises” Department of “Automated Electrical Power Systems” Speciality: “Electrical Power Systems and Networks” Department of “Steam Generator Manufacture” “Boiler and Reactor Manufacture” Department of “Thermal Power Stations” “Thermal Power Stations” Department of “Theoretical Foundations of Thermal Engineering” “Enterprise Power Supply” SRSTU (NPI)

Department of “Electromechanics” Speciality: ”Electromechanics” Department of “Electrical, Electronic and Microprocessor Apparatuses” Specialities: “Electrical and Electronic Apparatuses” “Electrical Equipment and Electrical Facilities of Enterprises, Organisations and Institutions” Department of “Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Units and Technological Complexes” “Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Units and Technological Complexes” “Electrical Equipment and Automation of Ships” Department of “Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering” “Electrical Equipment of Automobiles and Tractors” Department of “Automation and Production of Robotics and Mechatronics” “Mechatronics” “Robotics and Robot Systems” Department of “Hoisting Machines and Robots” “Hoist and Transport, Road-Building Machines and Equipment” “Operation of Port and Transport Terminals Equipment for Transferring Cargo” Department of “Road-Building and Municipal Machines” “Transport and Technological Machines and Equipment Service” Department of “Oil and Gas Field and Mining Machines and Equipment” “Mining Machines and Equipment” “Oil and Gas Field Machines and Equipment” Department of “Hydropneumoautomatics and Hydraulic Drive” “Hydraulic Machines, Hydraulic Drives and Hydropneuautomatics” SRSTU (NPI)

Department of “Systems of Computer-Aided Design of Projects and Foundation Constructions” Speciality: “Industrial and Civil Engineering” Department of “Construction Activity and Architecture” “Town Development and Facilities” Department of “Water Facilities of Enterprises and Inhabited Settlements” Specialities: “Water Supply and Water Disposal” “Water Conservation and Its Complex Use” SRSTU (NPI)

17 FACULTY OF MECHANICS Department of “Technology of Machine Building”
Speciality: “Technology of Machine Building” Department of “Internal Combustion Engines” “Internal Combustion Engines” Department of “Science of Materials and Their Technology” “Powder Metallurgy, Composite Materials and Plating” Department of “Foundations of Automobile Design” “Equipment and Technology of Wear Resistance Increase and Reconditioning of Machine and Apparatuses Elements” Department of “Automobile Transport and Traffic Organisation” Specialities: “Automobiles and Automobile Equipment” “Traffic Organisation and Safety” SRSTU (NPI)

Department of “Machines and Apparatuses of Chemical and Food Productions” Specialities: “Machines and Apparatuses of Chemical Productions” “Machines and Apparatuses of Food Productions” Department of “Automation and Control of Technological Processes and Productions ” “Quality Control” “Automation of Technological Processes and Productions” Department of “Technology of Inorganic Substances” “Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances” “Chemical Technology of Organic Substances” Department of “Technology of Ceramics , Glass and Binding Materials” “Technology of Art Metal Working” “Chemical Technology of Refractory Non-Metallic and Silicate Materials” Department of “Analytical Chemistry” Speciality: “Standartization and Certification” Department of ”Inorganic Chemistry” “Chemistry” Department of “Chemical Technology of High-Molecular Compounds, Organic, Physical and Colloid Chemistry” “Technology of Fermentative Productions and Winery” “Chemical Technology of High-Molecular Compounds” Department of “Technology of Electrochemical Productions” “Technology of Electrochemical Productions” SRSTU (NPI)

19 International Cooperation
Higher Schools – Partners in Germany: Munich Technical University Dresden Technical University Ilmenau Technical University Paderborn Technical University Stuttgart Higher Technical School SRSTU (NPI)

20 Teaching Process The computing centre The library The lecture Hall
The drawing room SRSTU (NPI)

21 Sport Activity The sports hall The swimming Pool

22 Student Recreation The “DON” sports and recreational complex
The “Kishket” sport and recreational Complex in the Caucasus mountains SRSTU (NPI)

23 Thank you for your attention.
Please contact us at SRSTU (NPI)

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