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University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest,Romania Splaiul Independenţei nr. 313, Bucureşti – RO-060042, ROMÂNIA Tel. + 4021 410 03 91 Fax. +4021 411 53 65

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Presentation on theme: "University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest,Romania Splaiul Independenţei nr. 313, Bucureşti – RO-060042, ROMÂNIA Tel. + 4021 410 03 91 Fax. +4021 411 53 65"— Presentation transcript:

1 University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest,Romania Splaiul Independenţei nr. 313, Bucureşti – RO-060042, ROMÂNIA Tel. + 4021 410 03 91 Fax. +4021 411 53 65

2 ROMANIA Bucharest – capital city Area: 228 km 2 Inhabitants: 2 mil.

3 University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Is a member of C.E.S.A.E.R(Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research) Has more than 120 joint research grants with European Universities in France, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden

4 U.P.B. History  1818 - First Romanian College of Engineering opened in Bucharest, Romania  1920 - College of Engineering is reorganized as University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest;  Technical Universities were created in other cities (Timisoara, Cluj).

5 Present location

6 Mission statement  engineering training at all levels (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph. D.)  encouraging creative thinking  meeting the demands of market economy  creator of science and technology  meeting the needs of the community

7 Objectives  To impart high quality education in emerging and front ranking areas of Engineering, Technology and Applied Sciences;  To make Engineering education more practical, self supporting and application oriented;  To develop Technologies suited to the Romanian environment and to ensure technology transfer to the industry;  To organize programmes of continuing education in the field of Engineering and Technology;

8 Objectives  To carry out Research and Development works in various fields of Engineering and Technology;  To provide testing facilities for materials/products and other service facilities;  To carry out and encourage scientific researches;  To encourage the students mental and intellectual independency, initiative, and teamwork

9 University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest 23,000 undergraduate students 4,000 graduate students (master and PhD degree) 1700 faculty 1500 research and auxiliary staff

10 Faculties  Electrical Engineering  Power Engineering  Automatic Control and Computer Science  Electronics and Telecommunications  Mechanical Engineering  Engineering and Management of Technological Systems  Aerospace Engineering  Industrial Chemistry  Materials Science and Engineering  Biotechnical Systems Engineering  Transport Engineering  Engineering Taught in Modern Languages

11 Departments  Applied Mathematics  Applied Physics  Modern Languages  Management  Training of Teaching Staff  Human Studies

12 Academic Life  The academic year is divided into two semesters.  Modular degree programs allowing tremendous flexibility and choice.  Strong reputation for student centred learning.  Several departments carrying out first-rate, world-class research.  Various teaching methods; laboratory sessions.

13 Faculty of Electrical Engineering Major fields of study: Electrical engine equipment Electric drive systems; General electrical engineering; Metrology and measurement systems; Management in electrical engineering; Mathematical engineering  Affiliated to the Romanian Consortium of Electrical Engineering Faculties, a National Academic Network.

14 Faculty of Power Engineering  The faculty is equipped with the gas-fired Co-generation Power Plant, the High Voltage Laboratory with outdoor test platform modeling life- size overhead transmission lines of 110…750 kV and the Laboratory of Hydraulic Machines. Major fields of study: Thermal power plants Nuclear power plants Hydro power plants Environment engineering Energy use Electric power engineering Power process automatization and control

15 Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers Major fields of study Computer Science and Engineering Automatic Control and Industrial Informatics  Given the quality of the courses offered by the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, the diplomas obtained here are compatibles with those of the most prestigious universities from all over the world.

16 Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications Major fields of study: Applied Electronics Communications Microelectronics Physics Engineering Economical Engineering for electronics and communications  The Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication offers to its undergraduate and graduate students a unique blend of educational advantages. Senior faculty members with outstanding research reputation teach both undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of Electronics, Microelectronics, Computing Engineering and Telecommunications.

17 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Major fields of study: Thermal machines and equipments Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment Process equipment Fine mechanics Mechatronics Economical engineering for mechanical profile  The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering educates engineers for designing, constructing and commissioning in the fields of Thermal Engines, Classical & Nuclear Thermo-mechanical Equipment, Air Conditioning & Cryogenic Technology, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Equipment, Fine Mechanics, Mechatronics, Industrial Process Equipment. Economics and Management Engineering.

18 Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems Major fields of study: Manufacturing Engineering Production Systems Engineering and Management Nonconventional Systems and Technologies Machine-tools Industrial Robots Welding Equipment and Technology  Besides the academic education, EMST has organized five research centers, financially independent and having scientific preoccupation, specifics to faculty profile.

19 Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Major fields of study: Machines and Equipment for Food Processing Biotechnological and Ecological Systems Engineering  Modeling of the cereal harvesting combines; vehicle terrain interactions; automatic control for cereal harvesting combines, tractors and other mobile agricultural units; physical and mechanical properties of seeds and fruits; expert systems for intelligent automatic control of grain silos storing.

20 Faculty of Transports Major fields of study Automotive Engineering Railway Vehicles Transports Techniques Remote Control and Electronics in Transports

21 Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Major fields of study: Aerospace Constructions Propulsion Systems Equipment and Board Instruments  Graduate students have proved their capabilities in the field of aviation, as well as in the other industries related to fine mechanics, environmental protection, wind energy, medical industry, computer aided design, industrial management

22 Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering Major fields of study: Material Science Medical Engineering Economics Engineering in Materials Industry Engineering of Ferrous Metallurgical Processes Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Casting of Metals Plastic Formed and Heat Treatments  FMSE offers programs of studies and research for both undergraduate (5 years leading to the degree of Master in Engineering diplomat engineer) and postgraduate (Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering) students.

23 Faculty of Industrial Chemistry Faculty of Industrial Chemistry Major fields of study: Chemical Engineering Chemical and Materials Industry Environmental Protection for Chemical Industry  The Faculty of Industrial Chemistry is an efficient presence in scientific production. Every two years the faculty coordinates the "National Conference of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering“.

24 Faculty of Engineering Taught in Modern Languages Major fields of study: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Mechanical Engineering Industrial Chemistry Material Science and Engineering  The students are being taught in three foreign languages: English, French, German.

25 Research Activities Organized in laboratories and research centers More than 30 research centers and 8 multi-user research centers (MURC).

26 Multi-user Research Centers in U.P.B. National Center for Information Technology National Center for Chemical Engineering and Material Sciences National Center for Mechatronics National Center for High Voltage and Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering National Center for the Energy Research National Center for Research and Development for Automotive Engineering National Center for Quality Control Engineering National Center for High Resolution Optics

27 Research Programs Bioengineering and Biotechnology New Materials-Biomaterials Intelligent Manufacturing Cognitive Robots Intelligent Control Systems Modeling and Simulation of Electromagnetic Fields Nonconventional Energy Resources

28 Campus Life Sports and Physical Recreation There are many different sports and physical recreation activities available at the University, ranging from traditional team games such as football, basketball, volleyball plus tennis and table tennis. Surface: 6.000 sq.m

29 Campus Life Accommodation and Canteens

30 Campus Life Central Library (under construction) Levels: S+P+4E Maximum height: 18,60 m Build surface: 3090 sq.m Estimate number of stored books: 1.300.000 Number of reading places (teachers and students): 2920 Auxiliary spaces: 479 sq.m Public spaces: 705 sq.m

31 Campus Life Museum Permanent old books exhibition Personal objects exhibition Functional old laboratories Prototypes, patents and inventions exhibition Cultural Center Building’s age – 153 years old

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