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Do Now 9/8/10 Take out HW from last night.  Text p.5-7, #4-52 multiples of 4 Copy HW in your planner.  Text p. 10-11, #2-32 even In your journal answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 9/8/10 Take out HW from last night.  Text p.5-7, #4-52 multiples of 4 Copy HW in your planner.  Text p. 10-11, #2-32 even In your journal answer."— Presentation transcript:


2 Do Now 9/8/10 Take out HW from last night.  Text p.5-7, #4-52 multiples of 4 Copy HW in your planner.  Text p. 10-11, #2-32 even In your journal answer the following. In your journal answer the following. If 26 = L. of the A. means 26 letters of the alphabet, how many of the following “equations” can you translate? If 26 = L. of the A. means 26 letters of the alphabet, how many of the following “equations” can you translate? 24 = H in a D. 90 = D. in a R.A. 18 = H. on the G.C. 8 = P. in the S.S. 1000 = W. that a P. is W. Hours in a Day Degrees in a Right Angle Holes on the Golf Course Planets in the Solar System Words that a Picture is Worth

3 Homework Text p. 5-7, #4-52 multiples of 4 4). 2.4 8). 4.5 12). 1/3 16). Twelve to the fifth power; 20). One half to the eighth power; 24). 0.4 was multiplied by two instead of squared; 0.16 28). 1 32). 64 36). 16/81 40). 17.4 44). C 48). 30 m 52). C

4 Evaluate the Expression 3 + 7 x 3 3 + 7 = 10 10 x 3 = 3 33 30 7 x 3 = 21 3 +21 = 2 22 24

5 Objective SWBAT use the order of operations to evaluate expressions.

6 Section 1.2, Order of Operations Order of Operations Order of Operations – the rules established to evaluate an expression involving more than one operation 4(y² – 8) 13 * 22 - 14 5 ÷ x · 6

7 Evaluate expressions within grouping signs. ( ) parentheses or [ ] brackets Evaluate powers. Multiply and divide from left to right. Add and subtract from left to right. 1 3 4 PEMDAS 2 Order of Operations

8 Evaluate the Expression PEMDAS 4 + 7 x 3 4 + 21 25 25 ² 2 + 7 x 3

9 Evaluate the Expression [2 x (4 + 4)] + 3 PEMDAS [2 x 8] + 3 16 + 3 43 ³ ³ ³ 16 + 27

10 Evaluate the expressions when m = 3. a. (1 + m²) Substitute. Evaluate power. b. m³ – 6 ÷ 6 Substitute. Evaluate power. Divide. (1 + 3²) 3³ – 6 ÷ 6 (1 + 9) 10 Add within parentheses. 27 – 6 ÷ 6 Subtract. 27 – 1 26

11 Divide. Evaluate power. 27 3 2 2 – 3 = 27 9 2 – 3 27 9 2 – 3 = 3 2 – 3 3 2 – 3 = 6 – 3 Multiply. Multiply and divide from left to right. STEP 3 Evaluate the expression 27 3 2 2 3. – There are no grouping symbols, so go to Step 2. STEP 1 Evaluate powers. STEP 2 STEP 4 Add and subtract from left to right. 6 – 3 = 3 Subtract. ANSWER The value of the expression 27 3 2 2 – 3 is 3.

12 24 – (9 + 1) = 2[9] Evaluate the expression. a. 7(13 – 8) = = 35 Subtract within parentheses. Multiply. b.b. 24 – (3 2 + 1) = Evaluate power. =24 – 10 Add within parentheses. = 14 Subtract. c. 2[30 – (8 + 13)] = Add within parentheses. Subtract within brackets. = 18 Multiply. 7(5) 2[30 – 21]

13 Evaluate the expression when x = 4. 9x 3(x + 2) Substitute 4 for x. Add within parentheses. 18 36 = Multiply. =2 Divide. = 9 4 3(4 + 2)3 6 9 4 =

14 24 Text p. 10-11, #2-32 even Homework

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