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Book6 Unit 2 Poems Warming up and Reading. Those sweet memories Try to think back and remember some poems from your early childhood.

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Presentation on theme: "Book6 Unit 2 Poems Warming up and Reading. Those sweet memories Try to think back and remember some poems from your early childhood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Book6 Unit 2 Poems Warming up and Reading

2 Those sweet memories Try to think back and remember some poems from your early childhood.

3 Quiz in Chinese traditional poems Can you recite the Chinese traditional poems according to their English translation. Let’s have competition.

4 If you would ask me how my sorrow has increased, Just see the over-brimming river flowing east! 问君能有几多愁,恰是一江春水向东流。 ——— 李煜 Translated by Xu Yuanchong 《虞美人》

5 How long will the bright moon appear? Wine-cup in hand, I ask the sky. I do not know what time of year, It would be tonight in the palace on high. 水调歌头 明月几时有?把酒问青天 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年? ——— 苏轼

6 I look for her in vain. When all at once I turn my head, I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed. Translated by Xu Yuanchong 众里寻他千百度, 蓦然回首, 那人却在, 灯火阑珊处。 青玉案. 元 夕 --- 辛弃疾

7 Brain Storming Why do people write poems? In small group make a list of these reasons. to tell a story to express feelings to make others laugh to tell the life or friendship to delight the kids to tell stories to describe the seasons or scenes for entertainment as the lyrics of a song

8 A Few Simple Forms of English Poems

9 Go through the passage quickly and answer the following questions. What five kinds of poems does the reading passage talk about? What is the main topic of the reading passage? Topic sentence Some simple forms of English poems. nursery rhymes, list poems, the cinquain, haiku and Tang poems

10 Simple forms of poems Para 2:Nursery rhymes Para 3: List poems Para 4: Cinquain poems Para 5: Haiku poems Para 6: Tang poems Para 1:Brief introduction

11 Nursery rhymes Read Para 2 and find out the characteristics of nursery rhymes. strong rhythm strong rhyme a lot of repetition Watch the flash and try to clap the beat. Circle the pair of rhyming words.

12 List poems Read Para 3 and answer the following question. What are list poems like? repeat phrases Some have rhyme while others do not. Listen and circle the pair of rhyming words in Poem B.

13 Cinquain poems Read Para 4 and answer the following question. How many lines is the cinquain made up of? five lines Listen and observe Poem D and E carefully. Try to find out the characteristics of the two poems.

14 Haiku poems Read Para 5 carefully and find out the similarity and difference between Cinquain and Haiku. Similarity: Difference: a clear picture easy to write convey a special feeling 5 lines 17 syllables Enjoy two poems

15 Poem H: Tang Poem 1.What is the story that the poem tells? Tell the story in your own words. 2.Circle one or more of the feelings below that you think the woman has. Give reasons for your answers. loneliness joy love trust anger hate sorrow Read this poem and answer the following questions.

16 Chinese Version of Poem H 望夫石 山头日日风复雨, 望夫处,江悠悠。 化为石,不回头。 行人归来石应语。 王建

17 A woman’s husband has gone away. The woman waits for him by the river where she last saw him. She waits and waits, never moving from that spot and never speaking, while the river continues to flow and the wind and rain come and go. 2. Her feelings 1.Tell the story in your own words. loneliness, love, trust, sorrow

18 Forms of Poems Characteristics Nursery Rhymes List Poems Strong rhythm and rhyme, a lot of repetition, easy to learn and to recite Repeated phrases and some rhyme What’ve learned today?

19 Forms of Poems Characteristics Cinquain Haiku Made up of five lines, convey a strong picture in just a few words. Made up of 17 syllables; Give a clear picture and create a special feeling in just a few words. What’ve learned today?

20 Forms of Poems Characteristics Tang Poems The translations have a free form. What’ve learned today?

21 Discussion : which poem do you like best? Give reasons.

22 Assignment Practice reading aloud the poems in the passage Choose your favorite form of poems and write one on your own. Tomorrow let’s share your works.


24 Joy and Sharing More about poems

25 Share your own poems in groups and tell the feelings you want to express. Please read aloud your poems in front of the class.

26 Listening task Ben, Sam, Sally Listen for the first time and finish Ex 1 on P53. Listen for the second time and finish Ex 2.

27 Sam Ben Sally What kind of poem is the student going to write cinquainhaiku list poem

28 SamBenSally What topic is the student going to write about? nature the students in her class Ben

29 Three students, Ben, Sam and Sally, are talking about their poetry homework. Listen to their conversation. Listening text

30 BEN: When are you going to do your poetry homework, Sam? SAM: I don’t know, how long have we got? SAM: Oh no – I suppose I’ll have a go at it this weekend. What kind of poem are you planning to write? BEN: Well, I think I’ll have try writing some haiku poems.

31 SAM: What are those? BEN: Sam, don’t you remember –we learnt about them in class. They’re those Japanese poems made up of 17 syllables. SAM: Oh yeah. Sounds a bit difficult to me. What are you going to write about?

32 BEN: Well, usually haiku are about nature so I’m going to go and sit in the park tomorrow and just observe life. I’ll just see what images come into my mind. SALLY: Hi, Sam, hi Ben. What are you talking about?

33 SAM: That horrible poetry homework we have to do. SALLY: Actually, I’m looking forward to doing it. SAM: Well, I always knew you were crazy! BEN: What are you going to do yours on, Sally?

34 SALLY: I’m going to try one of those list poems and write a line about each person in the class. SAM: You can leave me out of it! SALLY: Oh Sam, it’s going to be funny. I’m going to see if I can make the lines rhyme. It’ll be fun.

35 BEN: So Sam, are you feeling inspired now. Look, there are lots of different kinds of poems you could try – a haiku, a list poem – hey, what about a cinquain – you know those five line poems.

36 SAM: Oh yeah, I’d forgotten about those. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do – and guess what I’m going to do it on? BEN: What? SAM: You ! BEN: (laugh) Oh no !

37 Star If you are A love compassionate, You will walk with us this year. We face a glacial distance, who are here Huddld At your feet. A Christmas Tree William Shelly Burford

38 A Grain of Sand William Blake To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. 一花一世界, 一沙一天国, 君掌盛无边, 刹那含永劫。 —— 宗白华

39 Assignment Read the passage A Few Simple Forms of English Poems at least three times and mark out the points you think difficult to understand. Preview Reading 2 I’ve Saved the Summer on P14.

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