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Presentation on theme: "YOUTH & MEDIA THE EFFECT OF MEDIA ON TODAY’S YOUTH Pray Day."— Presentation transcript:


2 Effects of Television on youth Learning watching television takes time away from reading and schoolwork. Violence average youth sees 12,000 violent acts on television annually, including many depictions of murder and rape. Nutrition Youth are less physically fit and more likely to eat high fat and high energy snack foods. Sexuality Television exposes children to adult sexual behaviors in ways that portray these actions as normal and risk-free. Alcohol & Smoking One-half of the G-rated animated feature films, as well as many music videos, show alcohol and tobacco use as normative behavior without conveying the long term consequences of this use Advertising The average youth sees more than 20,000 commercials each year.

3 Effects of Television on youth

4 Effects of Television on youth

5 Effects of Television on youth

6 “ SOCIAL MEDIA are forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content.

7 Top Social Media Platforms for teens Facebook Instagram 71% 52% Snapchat 41% Twitter Google + 33% Vine 24% Tumblr 14% Different Social Media Site 11% 71% of teens use more than one social network site

8 ? WHAT DO YOU THINK… …is the average age of a child/youth to regularly consume online media FYI: Facebook has a 13 year old minimum age “requirement”

9 90% have used social media. 75% have used social networking accounts. Facebook has 5 million profiles for users under 10. 39% of online teens admitted to falsifying their age. Social Media on youth

10 ? WHAT DO YOU THINK… …how often are teens using Social Media

11 Boys Using Social Media 60% 28% Daily Weekly 12% Less Often Girls Using Social Media 75% 13% Daily Weekly 12% Less Often Social Media daily use

12 Social networks Casual games Pornography/erotic materials Illegal software Gambling Forums and chats Web mail Online stores ? WHAT DO YOU THINK… …is the percentage of time that children and youth access the following online

13 Internet what you access

14 Exposure to inappropriate advertising online is one of the many risks that parents, youth advocates, and policy makers are concerned about. Found last year that 30% of online teens say they have received online advertising that is “clearly inappropriate” for their age. Caution internet users


16 Prayer Item #1 Youth & Media Pray for Ourselves Every day the world value system bombards us through the news we listen to or read, the television shows and movies we watch, the Internet we spend time on, the music we listen to, the video games we play, and through the magazines and tabloids that jump off the store racks at us. While it’s irresponsible to blame all of our culture problems on the media, there is a dark side that draws most of us into its web, whether it’s emotional, sexual, intellectual, spiritual, or physical. We need to pray first of all for ourselves, that we will acknowledge there is a battle going on for our hearts and minds and souls, and that we will ask God for wisdom and discernment to see through unhealthy entertainment choices we are making regarding ourselves and our friends. We are responsible for what we allow to come into ourselves via the media.

17 Prayer Item #2 Youth & Media Pray for the People Creating Media Contents Today, we have an array of entertainment choices not even dreamed of a few decades ago. Unless we are living in caves, we are aware of the extreme violence, vulgarity, sexual immorality, explosion of pornography through the Internet, and the tearing down of biblical values that has taken place as movies, television shows, singers and musicians, and celebrities all push their own ethics, values and belief systems. But the fact is that what comes out of the entertainment industry will not change until the hearts of the people creating the content change. And the only way their hearts will change is through the power of God, which calls us to pray for them. Miracles still happen, and God is still the same. It truly is that important.

18 Prayer Item #3 Youth & Media Pray for the Christians Working in the Secular Media Every day, thousands of Christians work in the arena of secular media and entertainment, trying to be salt and light in what are often difficult and challenging workplaces. There are numerous Christian writers, directors, and producers who are developing projects with a Christian focus, designed to make an impact in this culture. We need to pray that in every area of the media God will equip believers with the creativity and skills to bring such excellent projects forward that they will counter the flooding of our culture with Hollywood’s “morality.” And we also need to pray for the vast Christian media that is already in place, that it will be authentic, powerful, true to the Word of God, and filled with the creativity of the Holy Spirit.

19 Prayer Item #4 Youth & Media Pray for the Journalists A survey showed that 63 percent of us believe that news stories are often inaccurate. Many believe that much of the news is slanted toward what contributes to hype and fear, that “if it bleeds, it leads,” and that pop culture and sleaze dominate over what is truly “news worthy.” Because journalists wield so much power through their words and images, through what they report and how they report it and what they don’t report, journalists need our prayers just as much as our leaders.


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