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Major Belief Systems by 1000 C.E. Polytheism Origin: Earliest religions - all cultural regions Doctrine: none as such – but Epic of Gilgamesh, Egyptian.

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Presentation on theme: "Major Belief Systems by 1000 C.E. Polytheism Origin: Earliest religions - all cultural regions Doctrine: none as such – but Epic of Gilgamesh, Egyptian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Major Belief Systems by 1000 C.E. Polytheism Origin: Earliest religions - all cultural regions Doctrine: none as such – but Epic of Gilgamesh, Egyptian Book of the Dead,, Iliad and Odyssey Tenets: Many gods; spirits; gods as personification of nature, animism Significance: first organized system of religion; examples – Sumerian, Greek Aztec, Roman, African, Vedic Hinduism; modern – African, S. American Judaism Origin: Middle East, Hebrews; monotheism Tenets: One God; covenant w/ chosen people; Torah, Ten Commandments; Mosaic Law, and Talmud; earliest written materials circa 900 BCE Significance: monotheism; influence on Christianity and Islam; no widespread hierarchical structure; modern-day Israel as a Jewish state Hinduism Origin: India, Mix of Indus R. and Aryan religions c 1700 BCE, earliest religious writings (Vedas); changes polytheism to monotheism from 600 BCE – 300 CE – Upanishads, and epic poems - Baghavad Gita and Ramayana; Tenets: Brahman is ultimate reality; rebirth determined by dharma and karma; release of soul (atman) from cycle of reincarnation to become one with Brahman Significance: no founder, tolerant of other religions, few formal beliefs, adaptable, meditation and ritual; creation of caste system – social system determined by birth (priest, warrior, merchant, laborer) – do dharma well, accumulate good karma, move up in caste system Islam Origin: Middle East (Arabia); Muhammad is prophet of God (died 622 CE) Tenets: Monotheism (Allah); Jesus and Jewish prophets accepted; Five Pillars – faith, prayer, alms, fasting, pilgrimage to Mecca; Qur’an is holy book Significance: spilt into Sunni and Shia over political differences; Sharia – legal code; ;no hierarchical structure; Dar-al-Islam – lands of Islam (Arabic, Middle Eastern customs, etc.), not monastic, Sufi mystics as missionaries; Jews and Christians as “Peoples of the Book” Christianity Origin: Middle East, derived from Judaism, New Testament (gospels, letters of apostles), teachings of Jesus (died 30 CE), writings of Paul Tenets: Jesus as God – Jewish Messiah, salvation through God’s grace, sins forgiven, Gospels earliest writings Significance: at first persecuted, later as state religion of Roman Empire, monastic, missionaries, organized – Roman Catholic and Orthodox Catholic, power of RC papacy rivals that of European kings Confucianism Origin: China, circa 6 th century BCE, founder – Confucius, major disciple Mencius (350 BCE) Doctrine: The Analects Tenets: humanness, social roles (Husband –wife; Parent-child, Brother-brother, friend- friend, Ruler-subject), honoring elders – ancestor worship, family as extension of state, only educated should govern Significance: ethical system of conduct, dominant influence in Chinese gov’t and education for 2000 years, civil service system, public right to overthrow gov’t based on loss of Mandate of Heaven Daoism Origin: China, circa 6 th century BCE, Lao Tze Doctrine: Tao te Ching Tenets: Tao (Dao) = The Way, natural approach, live in accord with one’s nature, passive – don’t try to control things, interaction of yin and yang Significance: popular with peasants – polytheism, interest in nature – influence on art, seek immortality leads to development of compass and gunpowder. Buddhism Origin: India, Founder – Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha), comes from Hinduism circa 6 th century BCE Tenets: Four Noble Truths – all of life is suffering, suffering caused by desires, to stop suffering – stop desires, to stop desires follow Eightfold Path; no gods, karma and reincarnation to achieve nirvana – release Significance: monastic tradition, missionaries, spread from India to S.E. Asia (Theravada – strict following of Buddha’s teaching – monastic) and E. Asia; (Mahayana – more open to everyone, less strict); dies out in India

2 Selected Social Orders: 600 – 1450 CE) Feudal Japan (circa 1000 – 1880) Social Order: Emperor (figurehead) Shogun (only later – 1500s and Tokugawa Shogunate 1600 – 1880) Daimyos: Nobility Samurai: Warriors and bureaucrats Peasants: after the Confucian model Artisans Merchants: thriving class; large cities like Kyoto, Osaka and later, Edo (modern Tokyo) Others – monks, priests, actors, geisha, etc. Notes: 1)Bushido – The Way of the Warrior – code of ethics – loyalty to feudal lord and family (no emphasis on religion); honor; ritual suicide to avoid dishonor; literally a way of life – you must 2)Filial piety 3)Although merchants despised – they held the purse strings of society; money lenders 4)Almost constant civil war until Tokugawa Shogunate united the islands 5)Exclusion edicts of 1600s – no foreigners in Japan, no Christianity, no Japanese can leave Japan; exception for Dutch merchants as middlemen for trade with China 6)No social mobility after 1500 Feudal Western Europe (circa 600 – 1500) Social Order: Monarch Pope (Roman Catholic Church) Nobility (Major and Minor)Bishops (also nobles) / Abbots Knights (warriors – considered minor nobility)Priests Commoners Free peasants Serfs (tied to land) Slaves (up to 1000 – then not until African slavery in late 1400s) Notes: 1)Chivalry – code of ethics for warriors – Church first, then feudal lord, then weak and helpless, more a way of you should instead you must – suicide is against RCC – so system of ransoming those who could pay for freedom 2)Little social mobility – best access through RCC or bravery on battlefield 3)Think – those who pray – those who fight – those who farm (work) 4)No “emperors” except Charlemagne (9 th century) and “Holy Roman Emperor” 5)Lay Investiture challenge – bishops are both spiritual and political leaders (hold land) so kings want to appoint and popes want to appoint – continual struggle 6)Notice no “merchant class”. After fall of Roman Empire – cities mostly disappear – merchants and major artisan guilds do not reappear until after 1100 (Crusades open up trade). Then cities grow – become chartered cities - until increased power of monarchs after 1500; wealthy merchants still considered commoners – but remember the power of the Hanseatic League Feudalism: a political and economic system based on the granting of land in return for agricultural taxes and military service – in response to aggression (Europe – internal conflict and external threat like Vikings / Japan – internal conflict) Europe – Manorialism – knight (noble) controlled lands worked by peasants – mostly self sufficient except for iron and salt Mesoamerica: Maya (600 – 900) Aztec (1450 - 1530) Social Order: Kings (Aztec Emperor) Priests and Nobility Commoners Slaves Notes: 1)No code of ethics for warriors 2)No real merchant class – branch of nobility performed 3)Aztec – calpuli – extended family system – ranging from nobility down to “serfs” 4)Slaves were taken from debtors (who could work their way out) and prisoners of war – who were used as human sacrifices 5)Mayan city-states ruled by kings 6)Aztec – tribute based, decentralized empire

3 Eastern European Trade Goods: furs, wood, amber, grain, slaves, wine, perfume, glass, silk (from Byzantine Empire) Trade Routes: River routes from Europe (Danube) and Kievan Russia Significance: safe route away from Mediterranean (pirates, Muslims), spread of Orthodox Christianity to Russia, Byzantine influence on Russian art, religion, architecture Major Trade Routes, Circa 1000 C.E. Trans-Saharan Africa Trade Goods: gold, ivory, slaves, and spices from Sub-Sahara; salt, cloth, metal ware from N. Africa and Sahara Trade Routes: caravan routes N-S across Sahara Significance: rise of W. African empires, spread of Islam Dar-al-Islam Trade Goods: carpets, linens, ceramics from Abbasid; silk and porcelain from China; rubies, silver, ebony, dyestuffs from India; trinkets and slaves from Byzantine Empire; ivory and slaves from Africa, spices from S.E. Asia Trade Routes: connected to Silk Roads, Indian Ocean, Trans-Saharan Significance: Spread of Islam, assimilating and adapting artistic styles, scientific and intellectual achievements, spread of technology from China, Swahili (in connection with E. Africa) Indian Ocean Trade Goods: slaves, ivory, gold, iron from Africa; porcelain, silks from China; pottery from Burma; cloth and pepper from India; spices from S.E. Asia (Spice Islands) Trade Routes: waterborne; followed seasonal – half yearly wind patterns called monsoons; regional – Arabia and India to and from E. Africa; S.E. Asia to India Significance: source of most major spices; Swahili – mix of Arabic and Bantu languages; Swahili city-states (Mogadishu, Sofala, Kilwa, etc.); spread of Islam to S.E. Asia (Indonesia); spread of foods – sugarcane from China, banana from Indonesia to Africa Silk Roads Trade Goods: Silk, porcelain from China, horses from steppe nomads Trade Routes: overland from China to Mediterranean (Persia / Byzantine Empire) Significance: Spread of Buddhism (from India), Christianity, and Islam to Central Asia and China; technology transfers from China to the west Mediterranean Sea Trade Goods: furs, wood, amber, grain, slaves, wine, perfume, glass, silk (from Byzantine Empire) Trade Routes: along edges and across seaways; Roman Empire roads Significance: Greek colony city-states, cleared of pirates for several hundred y ears (Roman Empire), spread of Christianity and cultural elements of Egypt Greece, and Rome, later Islam

4 Comparing Developments 600 – 1000 CE Mesoamerica Who: Maya What: Height and decline of their civilization Significance: at 600 CE the Maya had dozens of city-states; fighting for farmland and for sacrificial victims for polytheistic religion; in 800s Chichen-Itza attempted to build an empire but failed; civilization decline due to climate changes, fighting over resources, etc. Sub-Saharan Africa Who: West Africa – Ghana Empire / East Africa – Swahili City-States What: development of political units controlling trade Significance: While much of the region remained stateless, empires developed to control the gold-salt trade of west Africa and city-states developed to take advantage of the Indian Ocean trade; exports included slaves, ivory, gold; imports included salt (W. Africa), cotton textiles, East Africa – spices, silks, porcelain; for both regions – the spread of Islam greatly influenced politics and culture. Middle East Who: Abbasid dynasty What: development and spread of Islam Significance: The prophet Muhammad will develop Islam as a monotheistic religion; Arabs (Bedouins - Arab nomads) conquer Persia and then the eastern Byzantine empire territories and spread across N. Africa to Spain; Abbasid dynasty will control territory from Egypt, the eastern Med, Persia and across Central Asia to the Silk Roads; flowering of Islamic culture; translation and expansion of Greek science and philosophy; Jews and Christians as people of the Book; control of trade routes and improved commerce tools leads to prosperity; new foods introduced to Mediterranean Eastern Europe Who: Byzantine Empire What: only empire to survive the classical era Significance: with its capital at Constantinople, the empire controls the Black Sea trade; strong government structure; Justinian’s Law Code; Eastern Orthodox religion; on and off war with Persian empire will weaken it; will lose territory along eastern and northern Mediterranean to Islamic armies; East Asia Who: Tang and Song Dynasty What: new dynasties in China – political and cultural expansion Significance: The Tang Dynasty (619 – 907) and the Song Dynasty (970 – 1279) will reunify China; cultural developments include gunpowder, printing press, compass, paper money; Grand Canal links south and north; two crop rice from Vietnam and improved agriculture – population explosion; vast urbanization; new types of pottery (porcelain); Tang Dynasty stops spread of Buddhism although it remain s popular; Neo-Confucianism; improvements in civil service exams and strengthening of Confucian bureaucracy. Western Europe Who: remains of Roman Empire What: western empire collapsed because of Germanic invasions leaving the Roman Catholic Church as the only institution with political / cultural control Significance: Roman Catholic Church works to convert German tribes to Catholicism and away from paganism and Arianism.; alliance with Franks leads to development of Carolingian empire and strengthening of Church; monasteries; Viking raids and settlement;; development of feudalism and manorialism

5 Afro-Eurasian Empires 600 - 1450 Tang China (618 – 907) Overthrew the Sui Dynasty Capitol – Chang’an Land distribution – equal field system Expanded borders to Silk Roads in west, south to Vietnam, east to Korea 50 million to 80 million in population Quick-ripening (two crop) rice from Vietnam Notable achievements: Woodblock printing Porcelain Gunpowder Cosmopolitan capitol (spread of Chinese culture to Korea, Japan, Vietnam – esp. meritocracy, Chinese characters, and imperial court Spread of Buddhism until end of 9 th century – then suppression by gov’t in favor of Confucianism Song China (Northern Song 960 - 1127) Succeeded the Tang Dynasty after a brief period of decentralized rule Capital - Bianjing Emphasized use of Confucian bureaucracy to include supervision over military Development of Neo-Confucianism Notable achievements: Movable type printing Compass Expansion of commerce Use of gunpowder in battles Southern Song (1127 – 1279) Pushed out of Northern China (Yellow R.) by Jurchen (pastoral steppe peoples) in 1127. Capital – Hangzhou Population expansion to over 100 million More reliance on lower level scholar gentry Yuan China (Mongols) (1279 – 1368) Mongols invade and overthrow the Song Dynasty Kublai Khan (Genghis Khan’s grandson) Used Chinese advisors – but top gov’t positions went to Mongols who tended to use outsiders, not Confucian scholars Social system: Mongols Other Central Asians North Chinese Southern Chinese (Han) No intermarriage with Han Chinese Focus on Silk Roads trade Overthrown in 1368 by Ming Dynasty Byzantine Empire (476 – 1453) Capitol – Constantinople (on peninsula, heavily protected by wall and control of Bosporus straits) Greek becomes de facto language At crossroads of Black Sea – Mediterranean Sea trade and end of Silk Roads trade Diplomacy and successful war against German tribes and Huns Ruled Eastern Europe and “breadbasket” of Anatolian peninsula and farmlands in the Levant and Egypt Orthodox Christianity Emperor head of church No “pope” – patriarchs (bishops) of major cities More emphasis on spirituality than works Priests – married, but not bishops Use of icons Monasteries Russians will adopt Orthodox Christianity Tripod of bureaucracy (hereditary), patriarchs, and military leaders – lead to stable gov’t Elected new emperor when succession in doubt Persecuted non-Orthodox Christians (Nestorians, Syriac, Coptic), and Jews Used “Greek Fire” in combat, notably on naval vessels Justinian’s Code – recodification of Roman Law Begins to lose ground with rise of Islam – lose Mediterranean and North Africa to Umayyad forces Crusades by Western European forces - 4 th Crusade in 1206 sacked and captured Constantinople – not retaken until 1260) Ottoman Turks eventually take over Anatolia and then Eastern European holdings of empire – finally, using canons, defeat Constantinople and remnants of the empire in 1453. Ghana ( circa 8 th century to 1230) Controlled gold –salt trade of Trans-Saharan Trade Route Introduction of camel increased trade Originally polytheistic – apparent conversion to Islam by 12 th century – although a mix of Islamic and indigenous African customs prevailed Incorporated into the expanding Mali Empire in 13 th century Mali ( 1230 – c.1600) First ruler – Sundiata; epic poem Sundiata about his taking power Not only control of gold-salt trade but of gold mines as well, much larger empire than Ghana Succession not generally father to son – adoption of general’s sons and nephews Rulers and upperclass mostly Muslim Mansa Musa I – went on Hajj in 1324 (spent so much gold it devalued the price of gold in Egypt) Timbuktu (regional capitol) becomes important center of Islamic scholarship Slave trade becomes important Defeated by Moroccan armies in late 1500s and internal feuds by 1600) Abbasid Dynasty (750 – 1258) Founded by uncle of Muhammad Murdered ruling Umayyad family Moved capital from Damascus to Baghdad Greater use of malawi (non-Arab Muslims) than Umayyad who discriminated against them Lost Spain to Umayyad prince; most of Northern Africa to Berber tribes; Egypt to Mamluks in 10 th century Flowering of Muslim science, philosophy, medicine, math, etc. (“House of Wisdom” in Baghdad) Ibn Sina – medical treatise; Al-Khwaizmi – algebra; optics, distillation of alcohol; paper and gunpowder (from China) The Book of a Thousand and One Nights (epic tales – like Aladdin, Sinbad) In 11 th century, Abbasid caliphs remained influential spiritual leaders, but real rule was taken over by the Seljuk Turks Dynasty ends when Baghdad sacked by Mongols in 1258 who establish rule as the IL khanate

6 Major Cities of the World to 1500 Tenochtitlan (Aztec) Founded: (c) 1450 Economic: huge market place, chinampas (floating gardens) Political: capital of Aztec Empire (decentralized, tribute based) Significance: built after Aztec migrated to Lake Texcoco; over 300,000 people, temples to gods (ritual human sacrifices); conquered by Spanish in 1520 Cuzco (Inca) Founded: (c) 12 th century Economic: not a large marketplace – little commerce in empire; storehouse for collected tribute goods (cloth, foodstuffs, etc. – often redistributed to villages in need) Political: capital of Inca Empire (centralized, ruled through governors, tribute based) Significance: Temple of the Sun; center of state religion; thousands of workers from villages (mita tax); connected to empire through vast road/bridge network Timbuktu (Mali; Songhai) Founded: (c) 11 th century Economic: Trans-Saharan trade route – exchanging gold, ivory, and slaves for salt and other goods from north; Political: Administrative city for Mali, Songhai empires Significance: major cultural/commercial center of Mali and Songhai; center of Islamic learning; University of Sankore; libraries Venice (Italy) Founded: (c) 9 th century CE as Republic of St. Mark Economic: trade with Byzantium, then with Islamic empires, controlled Silk Roads / Spice trade into Europe Political: independent city-state; oligarchy of merchant families; Roman Catholic; women as assistants and helpmates; often had treaties with Islamic empires for trade and to avoid sacking Significance: built on marshy lands; canals; benefitted greatly from Crusades (financed effort to take over Constantinople in 4 th Crusade); produces fine glassware Samarkand / Samarqand Founded: (c) 3000 BCE Economic: major city on Silk Roads; silk and other goods from China, grapes, cotton, and other food goods from other trading partners Political: part of various Islamic empires; Abbasid regional capital in 800s; major Mongol city; Tamerlane’s capital in 14 th and 15 th centuries; declined with loss of trade and political power Significance: important trade stop along Silk Roads; trading of technology and religions Guangzhou (later Canton) Founded: (c) 3 rd century CE Economic: Trade w/ western empires through Arab and Persian intermediaries; silk, spices, tea; trade with Islamic and Hindu merchants by 1000 CE, 1500s – first Chinese seaport to trade directly with Europeans; restricted by Qing as only port for Europeans until Opium Wars in 1848 Political: part of most of Chinese dynasties Significance: huge population (up to 1 million), single port of entry for Europeans until 1848 Kilwa Founded: (c) 100 BCE? Economic: important Swahili City-State; Indian Ocean trade system; ivory, animal skins, tortoise shell, slaves, gold Political: the largest of dozens of Swahili City- States on the East African coast, Significance: furthest south merchants from Arabia could travel in monsoon season; connection to gold further south in Sofala which was connected to interior (Zimbabwe); sacked by Portuguese in early 1500s.

7 Comparing the Decolonization Process Belgian Congo / Democratic Republic of Congo Former Colony of Belgium Process to independence: removed as personal fiefdom of King Leopold II of Belgium in 1908 because of brutality Belgium colony – reforms instituted including education Rebellions in late 1950s Belgians bow to world opinion & violence Independence in 1960 Kenya Former Colony of Great Britain Process to independence: Mau Mau, secret organization, bloody campaign against British rule British military response is brutal repression British bow to pressure Independence in 1960 Gold Coast / Ghana Former Colony of Britain Process to independence: Strikes, protests by nationalists in 50s Gradual independence – constitution but British control foreign policy, defense, economy, law demands for complete freedom Independence in 1957 French Indochina / Vietnam Former Colony of France Process to independence: Occupied by Japanese in WW II Declaration of independence in 1945 Reoccupation by French French-IndoChinese War Partitioned by Geneva Conference into Communist North and non-Communist South Overthrow of president in 1963, Vietcong (communists) insurgency throughout 60s, Vietnam War with U.S. support of South 1959 – 1975 Communist Vietnam declared in 1976 Morocco Former protectorate of France and Spain Process to independence: Divided and under protectorate status in 1912 Rebel fighting throughout 1920s and 30s Heavy fighting in WW II Open warfare on French from 1947 onward French withdraw in 1955 Independence in 1956 Spanish area returned in 1969 Burma / Myanmar Former Colony of Britain Process to independence: province of British India rebellions in 1930s crown colony in 1938 sided with British in WW II Independence in 1948 India Former Colony of Britain Process to independence: Sepoy Mutiny – 1857, made crown colony Indian National Congress / Muslim League provide input to governing – 1880s Aided British in WW I – promised independence – didn’t happen 1935 India Act allowed for local rule by Indians Gandhi's non-violent resistance (boycotting British goods, taxes, etc.) Aid British in WW II Independence in 1949 Partition into Muslim Pakistan and Hindu India Cross border migrations and millions of deaths

8 Comparing Migrations (19 th & early 20 th centuries) Irish From: Ireland To: North America (United States mostly) Push: lack of farmland to own (farmland was owned by British – farmed w/ cheap labor by Irish), Famine (potato disease Pull: Economic opportunities, political freedom, farmland Significance: much of labor for early canals (Erie Canal, etc.) and railroads in East came from Ireland. Over 1,000,000 immigrants between 1854 and 1864, many in North fought in Civil War, political power in major cities (New York, Boston) ; Roman Catholic Italians From: Italy and Sicily To: South America (Brazil, Argentina) Push: lack of economic opportunities, drought Pull: Economic opportunities – at first mostly on plantations, then urban Significance: after abolition of slavery, plantations needed cheap labor, used “salesmen” to convince Italian men to migrate to Brazil and Argentina to work on plantations, many stayed; golondrinas (swallows) migrated between S. America and Europe to take advantage of opposite growing seasons; up to 4 million migrated in 1880s and 1890s; contributed to cosmopolitanism of cities like Buenos Aries To: Canada, Hawaii America, Peru, Brazil Asians From: China and Japan To: North America and South America Push: poor economic conditions, gov’t agreements Pull: Economic opportunities – laborers on railroads, plantations, gold rush (California), mining Significance: A million or more Chinese and several hundred thousand Japanese migrated in the mid to late 19 th century; provided indentured labor on plantations, and in mining; railroad labor in U.S. and Canada; in U.S. and Canada – Chinatowns with their own urban economic opportunities; sparked a backlash in both countries – in 1880s limited Asian immigration; more than half population of Hawaii is Asian or Asian descent by early 1900s. Rural Japanese arranged to go to Brazil as indentured laborers – many stayed - important sub- culture in Brazil. Europeans From: Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Scandinavia / later from Southern Europe, Russia, Poles, Slavs, Jews To: North America Push: increasing rents and indebtedness Pull: Farmland Significance: almost 3 million immigrants, mostly to the United States – Midwest; most sought farmland; others stayed in Eastern cities to become part of new industrial workforce; labor was a major part of U.S. industrialization efforts. Other significant migrations in this timeframe: English and Scottish forced migration to Australia – criminals, debtors, etc.; created “Australia” as we know it; farmland, sheep, etc. Indian and Sri Lankan (Ceylonese) indentured servants to the Caribbean and to Madagascar to work on sugar plantations; created separate enclaves of their traditional societies Urbanization – rural to urban as countries industrialized

9 Comparing Revolutions (17 th, 18 th, and 19 th Centuries) American Revolution (1775 – 1781) What: N. American colonial revolt against mother country – Great Britain (England) Causes: “taxation w/out representation” to pay for British efforts in 7 Years War abuses of personal liberties – quartering troops in homes, denying self government, etc. war – colonies united to overthrow British rule were aided by the French (navy, arms, ammunition, training, troops) eventual British defeat at Yorktown, VA in 1781 Results: United States of America enlightenment ideals evident in Declaration of Independence (1776) and eventual Constitution (1792) - personal liberties, separation of church and state, three branches of gov’t, etc. still acknowledged slavery (3/5ths Compromise) Federal gov’t has sovereignty over states No immediate gains for women Haitian Revolution (1791 – 1804) French slave colony in Caribbean Social system: Whites (blancs) Free blacks (gens de colouer libres) – many of whom served as soldiers for French in American Revolution African slaves – thousands are “maroons” or escaped slaves Slave rebellion in 1791 French Revolution – National Convention grants equality to free blacks – whites on Haiti do not recognize this – so free blacks and slaves revolt Toussaint le Overture is leader but is captured by French and dies in prison Rebellion put down by Napoleon – but flairs back up - whites are massacred if they don’t flee (mostly to U.S.) Establish a republic – abolish slavery – demolish sugarcane plantations French banks provide loans for rebuilding – but Haiti never wealthy enough to pay back – continual cycle of debt and poverty Only successful slave rebellion in history French Revolution (1792 – 1820) Review Three Estates – feudalistic social inequality Each Estate has one vote in Estates General but 1 st and 2 nd always vote together so 3 rd Estate has no political voice French gov’t bankrupt by helping American Revolution Louis XVI calls Estates General to raise taxes (from nobles who pay no taxes) – refuses to change voting system 3 rd Estate calls for National Convention to create a new constitution – Constitutional Monarchy Sans-culottes intercept king’s troops coming to break up - storm the Bastille prison to get guns New Constitution – constitutional monarchy; abolishes feudalism, places Roman Catholic Church (RCC) under state governance Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen – social contract with both rights and responsibilities of citizen Declaration of Rights of Man and Woman – Olympe de Gouges – adds women as equals of men Louis XVI tries to flee France with family – captured and brought back to Paris Radicals (Jacobins) take control of gov’t – new constitution – strict Republic - no king; Louis and his wife are executed War with Austria and Prussia to restore monarchy Year of The Terror – Committee for Public Safety - ensure revolution is upheld – executes over 40,000 (mostly 3 rd Estate) – finally leader, Robespierre is arrested and executed New government – Republic led by Conservative 5 man Directory – very corrupt – and two house legislature Napoleon – French general successfully defends the revolution Eventually takes over gov’t in a coup de’tat – by 1804 is “elected” Emperor. Conquers or subjugates most of Europe – not England - places family members on thrones of various nations. Nationalistic rebellions against his rule. Major mistake – invades Russia – Russian winter kills over 90% of his force – forced to withdraw – defeated by Alliance in 1812 – exiled but comes back for “Hundred Days” and is defeated again at Waterloo by English and Prussian forces Although Congress of Vienna puts Louis’ grandson on throne of France – there is a rebellion and they reestablish a Republic Women gain almost nothing from this although they are active in all phases. Napoleonic Code of Laws becomes basis for most European law codes Napoleon strapped for cash sells Louisiana Purchase to U.S. Latin American Revolutions (1820 – 1830) Spanish colonies ruled by Spanish appointed administrators Social system has Peninsulares (Spanish born) on top with creoles (American born Spanish) underneath then, in order, Mestizos, Mulattos, Natives, African Slaves Creoles not happy about not being to self-rule and with Spanish mercantilism they believe holds them back economically Revolutions in Venezuela led by Simon Bolivar, in Argentina by San Martin – this is war against the Spanish Eventually rebels win – Only change socially is that creoles are now on top – everyone else discriminated against Economically not much changes – still agriculturally based societies – plantation agriculture – slavery until the 1860s – 1880s) Although Bolivar sought to establish a Gran Columbia – it never really happens and it breaks up into 4 states Most are ruled by caudillos – military strongmen by 1860s Enlightenment Ideals used to justify each Revolution: Social contract – people contract with gov’t to protect life, liberty, property - can replace gov’t that fails to do so Liberties vary by region – America and Latin Americans keep slavery til later In the century United States most fully embraces Enlightenment ideals – three branches, bill of rights, federalism Women gain little out of the revolutions with regards to political and economic opportunity

10 Cold War (1945 – 1991) General: The defeat of the fascist governments (Germany, Italy, and Japan) during World War Two left two opposing ideologies facing off against each other in the form of the two major nations to emerge victorious from the war: United States: Liberal democracy, free market capitalismSoviet Union: Totalitarian, communist Stalin (Soviet Union) created a buffer zone of eastern European nations (to include the eastern half of Germany) and forced communist governments on them. Through force the Soviet Union crushed any attempt to either build democracies (Poland, Hungary, Czech) or to work with the U.S. and its allies. There were no personal rights or liberties. Communist economic policies failed. The Soviet Union itself was a multi-ethnic empire that stretched from eastern Europe to the Pacific and down into Central Asia. The Soviet Union quickly developed atomic and then nuclear weapons leading to a nuclear arms race with the United States (leading to Mutually Assured Destruction - MAD; space race). Both the US and the USSR used third world nations as proxies to avoid direct conflict (the Koreas, Vietnam, African nations like Egypt, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Shah in Iran). Both use the United Nations as a platform to achieve their ends. Although both sides signed treaties after the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 that began to ease tensions, the Cold War was still alive and well into the Reagan / Gorbachev era of the early 1980s. It was Gorbachev’s denial of economic or military aid to the communist governments of the Warsaw Pact that led to eastern European countries holding either holding elections to bring in democratic reforms (Poland), or through “Velvet Revolutions” oust the communist regimes, or in one case (Romania) through violent revolution. Significant Events: 1945: Yalta and Potsdam Conferences – US and Soviet decision to divide up administration of Germany 1946: Truman Doctrine – aid to Greece and Turkey against Communists 1948: Marshall Plan – financial aid to Europe - Soviets would not let Eastern Europe participate 1949: Communist’s win in China 1949: NATO formed 1949: Berlin Blockade and subsequent airlift Korean War (1950 – 1954) 1955: Bandung Conference in Indonesia – third world nations meet to discuss non-aligning with either US or USSR 1955: Warsaw Pact formed 1961 – Berlin Wall 1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis 1968 – Prague Spring – Czechoslovakia’s democratic movement put down by USSR 1959 – 1974: Vietnam War (Domino Theory) 1971: Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT I) signed 1972: Nixon visits People’s Republic of China 1980: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 1986 – 1990: Gorbachev – Perestroika (free market initiatives) and Glasnost (openness); also ends Soviet economic aid to satellites 1989: Poland, Hungary becomes independent 1989: Berlin Wall taken down 1990: Other nations break away from Warsaw Pact 1990: Germany reunited 1991: Breakup of the Soviet Union – End of Cold War First World Nations: United States and its allies Second World Nations: Soviet Union and its allies (satellite states) Third World Nations: Nations not officially aligned with either the US or the USSR Non-Aligned Nations: Movement started in 1951 at Bandung Conference Initial and major players included: Indonesia, India, Egypt, Ghana, and Yugoslavia In 1970s up to 121 nations Idea was to not align with either U.S. or USSR; combat economic imperialism Never really became a strong movement - mostly from lack of cohesive leadership India – accepted economic aid from USSR and later the US Egypt - accepted economic and military aid from USSR, then became a US ally in 1970s People’s Republic of China – ostensibly aligned with Communist Soviet Union, but increasingly went down different paths – in 1972, Nixon visits the PRC and normalizes relations South Africa – white minority fears over spread of communism led them to interfere in neighboring country elections (Zimbabwe) led to hard line Apartheid policies which will lead to economic sanctions against them in the 1980s. Apartheid will end in the 1990s. Warsaw Pact Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

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