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By Seungwan Kang & Kostas.  Siddhartha Gautama ▪ Son of an Indian warrior king ▪ From 566 to 480 B.C.  Known as the Buddha ▪ "Enlightened One."

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Presentation on theme: "By Seungwan Kang & Kostas.  Siddhartha Gautama ▪ Son of an Indian warrior king ▪ From 566 to 480 B.C.  Known as the Buddha ▪ "Enlightened One.""— Presentation transcript:

1 By Seungwan Kang & Kostas

2  Siddhartha Gautama ▪ Son of an Indian warrior king ▪ From 566 to 480 B.C.  Known as the Buddha ▪ "Enlightened One."

3  Spread from ▪ India to Central and Southeast Asia, China, Korea, and Japan.  Played a central role ▪ in the spiritual, cultural, and social life of Asia  During the 20th century, ▪ Spread to the West.

4  Conviction that happiness and good fortune a re achievable to everybody  All negative mental states can be overcome through meditation  Reincarnation  Nirvana

5  The Tripitaka ▪ Is the earliest collection of teachings ▪ Is only text recognized by Buddhists ▪ “three baskets” ▪ 50 volumes ▪ Passed down orally ▪ 3 rd B.C.E  The Sutras ▪ Added to total of 2184 sacred writings ▪ Written in 2 B.C.E

6  Nagarjuna ▪ Nagarjuna was an early Buddhist thinker ▪ first writer to systematize key concepts of Buddhism  The Texts of Vajrayana Buddhism ▪ First Buddhist text to be translated into Tibetan

7  Hindu doctrines of reincarnation and karma - rebirth - A state of liberation and freedom is achieved  Tibetan Buddhism ▪ Bardos ▪ Either enters nirvana or returns to Earth for rebirth

8  Describes the way to the end of suffering  It is a practical guideline to ethical and mental development with the goal of freeing the individual from attachments and delusions The Noble Eightfold Path The Four Noble Truths 1. Life means suffering 2. The origin of suffering is attachment 3. The cessation of suffering is attainable 4. The path to the cessation of suffering

9  All the sects of Buddhism do not believe in the myth of God.  Theravada tradition ▪ Buddha still exists in the particles  Mahayana traditions

10  Offers a solution for suffering  Good for who want to believe in religion but reject belief of god  Who like the practice of meditation and finding peace

11  "Buddhism Afterlife and Salvation."Patheos. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2011..  "Buddhist Afterlife Belifes." Near-Death. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2011..  Encyclopedia. "Buddhism."Encyclopedia. N.p., 7 Mar. 2006. Web. 9 Nov. 2011..  Henderson, Charles. "What is Buddhism." GodWeb. Charles Henderson, 10 Oct. 2003. Web. 7 Nov. 2011..  Henry, Julie. "Basic beliefs of Buddhism." Julie Henry, 8 Mar. 2007. Web. 8 Nov. 2011..  "Texts and Tales." Uwacadweb. N.p., 4 May 2005. Web. 13 Nov. 2011..  "The Four Noble Truths." The Big View. N.p., n.d. 2008. Web. 12 Nov. 2011..

12   ythinker/Siddhartha_Gautama_meditating.png?o=1 ythinker/Siddhartha_Gautama_meditating.png?o=1    http://ecx.images- http://ecx.images-  g g   arnation_AS.jpg/220px-Reincarnation_AS.jpg arnation_AS.jpg/220px-Reincarnation_AS.jpg  content/uploads/2011/09/noble-eightfold-path.jpg.gif content/uploads/2011/09/noble-eightfold-path.jpg.gif 

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