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Fossils Earth’s Beginning Age and Eras Classification.

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Presentation on theme: "Fossils Earth’s Beginning Age and Eras Classification."— Presentation transcript:



3 Fossils

4 Earth’s Beginning

5 Age and Eras

6 Classification

7 Taxonomy

8 Miscellaneous

9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

10 Any evidence of an organism that lived long ago.

11 Fossil

12 The aging of a fossil by looking at what rock layer it is found in is called?

13 Relative Dating

14 What type of rock are fossils usually found in?

15 Sedimentary

16 The aging of a fossil by using a radioactive isotope.

17 Radiometric Dating

18 Scientists that studies fossils are called?

19 Paleontologists

20 Earth is thought to be how old?

21 4.6 Billion Years Ago

22 Early earth’s oceans were called what?

23 Primordial Soup

24 Early earth’s atmosphere was made of.

25 Hydrogen, water vapor, ammonia, methane

26 When was it that life was thought to have formed on the earth?

27 3.5 billion years ago

28 Earth’s first forms of life were thought to be what type of cells.

29 Prokaryotes & Heterotroph

30 What era has the oldest evidence of live?

31 Precambrian

32 Photosynthesizing prokaryotes released this into early earth’s atmosphere.

33 Oxygen

34 What era are we living in?

35 Cenozoic

36 What era saw the evolution of worms and arthropods at the beginning?

37 Paleozoic

38 The era the Dinosaurs roamed the earth.

39 Mesozoic

40 Who divided everything up in to 2 groups, either plants or animals?

41 Aristotle

42 Organisms who have cells walls made of cellulose belong to what kingdom?

43 Plantae

44 What was the type of classification that Linnaeus come up with?

45 Binomial nomenclature

46 What language is used for scientific name and give one reason why it is used?

47 Latin & 1.Language is dead 2.The words don’t change 3.Words only have one meaning

48 What kingdoms make up the domain eukarya

49 Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia

50 A group of closely related species

51 Genus

52 It is a group of closely related phyla.

53 Kingdom

54 In the name Pimpheles notatus what is the genus name?

55 Pimpheles

56 What are the 8 categories of classifying an organism? IN ORDER

57 Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species


59 Rewrite the following name using the correct scientific technique: Animalia, chordata, Mammalia, primata, Hominidae, homo, sapien

60 animalia, chordata, mammalia, primata, hominidae, Homo, sapien

61 A type of calendar that allows scientists to communicate about events that have occurred on earth is called what?

62 Geologic Time Scale

63 What are 3 reasons that Latin is used for classifying organisms.

64 1. Language is no longer used 2. Language is dead or doesn’t change. 3. The words only have one meaning.

65 A set of pair statements used to identify a particular organism is called?

66 Dichotomous Key

67 Evolutionary relationships among organisms is called?

68 Phylogeny

69 A branching diagram showing evolutionary relationships is called?

70 Cladogram

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