WELCOME Thank you for joining our webinar. We will begin at 1pm Eastern. Please call into the audio portion of our presentation: Dial 800-501-8979 If you.

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1 WELCOME Thank you for joining our webinar. We will begin at 1pm Eastern. Please call into the audio portion of our presentation: Dial 800-501-8979 If you have difficulty, please call us at 716-270-0000 and press 1 for assistance. @CampusLabsCo #labgab Like us on Facebook! www.campuslabs.com/blog

2 How to Use Baseline: Reporting Tools Presented by: Anna Mroch Assistant Director, Assessment Programs March 25, 2013 @CampusLabsCo #labgabLike us on Facebook!www.campuslabs.com/blog

3 About this Webinar 1.We will send the PowerPoint and an evaluation via email afterwards using the email address you just registered with. 2.The lines will be muted for the presentation to eliminate ambient noise. 3.Please feel free to chat in questions throughout the presentation. 4.We will stop for questions throughout the session. When we do so, please raise your hand or chat in your question.


5 Assess student learning and success


7 Sample Headline Sample Sample body copy –Sample subtext

8 Open your “Project Dashboard”


10 Main Page of the Reporting Site


12 Frequency View

13 Frequency View – Viewing the statistics of one of your questions

14 Basic statistics definitions Number Set- 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 9 Mean- the statistical average of the responses (4.67) Median- the response that is in the middle of all responses (4) Mode- the response chosen most frequently (4) Standard Deviation- range of difference from mean (2.24) Top/Bottom- combines the percentages of respondents above and below the middle response(s). More info available on our wiki site. Standard Error Confidence Interval @ 95%

15 Frequency View – “Check all that apply”

16 Frequency View – Viewing questions with open-ended responses


18 Viewing a question in the “Graph View”


20 Graphs – Changing the settings to view your graph

21 Frequency View – Viewing questions with open-ended responses

22 Viewing a question in the “Graph View”

23 Crosstabs



26 Add/Remove Questions







33 Using the Results Toolbox

34 Adding Filters – Select the answer(s) from a question that you would like to filter your results by

35 Adding Filters

36 Removing a Filter

37 Using the “Exclude” tool


39 Different viewing options 1 2 3

40 View all question responses in descending order

41 Creating views – Saving your view Once you have a view of your data that you want to access at a later time, you can save it within the system. Use the “Save/Load View” section to indicate a name for the view so that you can easily access it later. You can access the “Saved Views” from the Results Toolbox or from the Project Dashboard.

42 Opening Views from the Project Dashboard

43 Exporting data and views You can create exports of either your data or the views that you have created with your filters. The data exports will include the raw data collected in the system unlike the aggregate view of data in the Reporting Site. The exported Views can be used for creating presentations or reports of focused interest.

44 Exporting your raw data You can export the data into three different formats: Microsoft Excel- used to basic analysis. Microsoft Text – used for re-uploading raw data into the Baseline system. SPSS – maintains coding from Baseline system.

45 Exported Data into a Microsoft Excel File (alternate codes)

46 Exported Data into a Microsoft Excel File (answer text)

47 Exporting views You can export the Views into three different formats: Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF)

48 Exported View into a Microsoft Word Document

49 Exported View into a Microsoft Excel Document

50 Exported View into Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF)

51 Completing the Assessment Cycle…Reporting!

52 Accessing the online User Guide http://baselinesupport.campuslabs.com

53 Comparative Analysis Reports

54 Baseline’s Comparative Analysis Tool A comparative analysis tool is created to include projects that have a common question set in order to allow for comparisons Allows you to view data for multiple projects in the Baseline system on one screen Our system conducts t-tests to look for statistically significantly different means for answer sets with numeric values (e.g., scales) Can use filters and create specific views of the data

55 Example of a comparative analysis report

56 Examples of comparative analysis projects 1.Same project over time (different respondents) –NSSE data 2.Same project over time (same respondents) –Health and Wellness course: pre and post survey about behaviors and attitudes 3.Across projects (same and different respondents) –Workshop evaluations; same questions for each workshop, compare across workshop topics Please note that any data to be used in the comparative analysis tool needs to be in the Baseline system. As such, data uploads may first need to be completed.




















76 Comparative analysis report



79 Exported report in Word

80 Exported report in Excel

81 Exported report in PDF

82 Items to note: 1.Open ended text: This text is not included in comparative analysis reports. You can access this information in the individual project results. 2.Individual comparisons: If you would like to drill down to the data for an individual respondent, you would use the filter tool. However, in order to filter, the information must be actual answer choices in the projects. Therefore we would need to re- upload open-ended text (e.g., student email addresses) as answer choices in order for you to be able to filter.

83 Next step: Setting up a comparative analysis report 1.You have already collected all of the data for which you want to set up a comparative analysis report. Same survey administered in multiple years How to proceed: Contact your assessment consultant about setting up a comparative analysis report. Let him/her know the exact titles for the projects you want to include in the comparative analysis report. 200720082009 Administered

84 Next step: Setting up a comparative analysis report 2. You have collected some of the data for which you want to set up a comparative analysis report Same survey administered before and after an event, program, or learning experience How to proceed: When you request the post-assessment through Baseline, include information about wanting to set up a comparative analysis report in the “Additional Notes” section of the project request form. Please let us know the titles of the existing projects that you want to include in the comparative analysis report. Pre AssessmentPost Assessment AdministeredNot administered

85 Next step: Setting up a comparative analysis report 3.You have not collected any data yet, but know that you will have multiple projects for which you want to compare data across projects. Same survey to be administered before and after an event, program, or learning experience How to proceed: When you request the pre-assessment through Baseline, include information about wanting to set up a comparative analysis report in the “Additional Notes” section of the project request form. Spring 2013 PreSpring 2014 Post Not administered

86 Webinars of Interest Qualitative Data Analysis Basic Statistics & Quantitative Analysis I Basic Statistics & Quantitative Analysis II Writing Reports and Sharing Assessment Results

87 Anna Mroch Assistant Director, Assessment Programs amroch@campuslabs.com 716.270.0000 http://baselinesupport.campuslabs.com QUESTIONS?

88 THANK YOU! Please remember to fill out our survey! @CampusLabsCo #labgabLike us on Facebook!www.campuslabs.com/blog http://baselinesupport.campuslabs.com

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