1 2011 Academic Lecture Comprehension 2 Coordinator : Yoshio Ueno red: required for all ALC classes green: useful to lower-level students.

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1 1 2011 Academic Lecture Comprehension 2 Coordinator : Yoshio Ueno (yueno@waseda.jp) red: required for all ALC classes green: useful to lower-level students

2 Review of 2011 ALC1 (sources of difficulties) and preview of changes in ALC2 # Classes: Only 11 classes (and 3 make-up classes)  14 ALC course design (from 2007) Summary writing after each of 5 chapters  1 or 2 (incl. 1 before mid-term) (one-paragraph-long  multiple-paragraph-long) 5 chapters  4 chapters No paragraph writing session  Week 1 review of paragraph structure (sample on CD) Week 2 how to write a multiple-paragraph-long passage (sample on CD) Student Performance Record Sheet 7 goals  5 goals 2 in-class tests  1 mid-term (sample draft on CD; rewrite/revise) Achieving a goal: cumulative 60%  60% in one of the assessments “Class Participation”: 3 homework tasks (15 points)  40 points defined by the teacher 2

3 3 Outline Today’s Handouts  Slide 4 Course Overview  Slide 5 Course Goals  Slide 6 Textbook and Materials  Slides 7-12 Course Schedule  Slides 13-14 Lecture and Summary (Application)  Slide 15 Alternative Schedule  Slide 16 Student Performance Record Sheet (SPRS)  Slide 17 Notes to SPRS  Slide 18 Grading  Slide 19 Turning Notes into Passage  Slide 20

4 Today’s Handouts ALC2 Student Performance Record Sheet ALC2 Course Syllabus ALC2 Instructions for Teachers Teachers’ Assessment Responsibilities Teacher’s CD The above documents Supplementary materials Vocabulary worksheets for each chapter Paragraph writing materials and checklist Sample mid-term test and other sample questions 4

5 5 Course Overview : ALC2 Required course for first-year students One 90-minute session per week Number of sessions (including the orientation): 14 Approximately 45 students per class Some new retake students

6 6 Course Goals (simplified) Five Goals in ALC2 Comprehend 5-10 minute lectures. Understand lecture structure. Develop note taking skills. The above three are combined into one goal in 2011 ALC2. Ask and answer questions. Read and understand related articles. Write multiple-paragraph-long summaries. Attain 2000-word-level vocabulary.

7 7 Textbook and Materials (1/6) Textbook Textbook CDs and DVD Students’ Access to CDs and DVD MDL library: 61-03-303 (Room 303, 3rd Floor, Building 61) 理工メディア映像情報ラボ In-house online supplementary materials at CELESE website: www.celese.sci.waseda.ac.jp

8 8 Textbook and Materials (2/6) Textbook Teacher’s Book Intermediate Listening Comprehension transcripts and answer keys Don’t give out transcript copies. Student’s Book Academic Lecture Comprehension No transcripts or answer keys Different cover

9 9 Textbook and Materials (3/6) Chapter Organization I. Prelistening A. Listening Preparation B. Preview of Vocabulary and Sentences C. Rhetorical Listening Cues II. Listening A. Initial Listening (CD, DVD) B. Mental Rehearsal and Review of the Talk (CD) C. Consolidation (CD) III. Postlistening A. The Comprehension Check (CD) B. The Listening Expansion: Task 1 and Task 2 (CD) C. LISTENING FACTOIDS: #1 and #2 (CD)

10 10 Textbook and Materials (4/6) Lecture Types and Chapters Two lecture types and four chapters covered Comparison/Contrast Chapter 10 – Asian and African Elephants [3:25] Chapter 12 – The Titanic and the Andrea Doria [4:48] Causal Analysis Chapter 13 – Dinosaurs [4:17] Chapter 15 – Endangered Species [10:22]

11 11 Textbook and Materials (5/6) Lecture Recordings DVD CD A. Initial Listening (faster, DVD sound) B. Mental Rehearsal and Review of the Talk (very slow, sentences shortened and simplified, comes with soothing music) C. Consolidation (slower than Initial Listening)

12 12 Textbook and Materials (6/6) Online Supplementary Materials Vocabulary Lists (self-study ) Vocabulary List 1 for mid-term test Vocabulary List 2 for final test For each chapter/lecture type: Note Taking Materials Practice Lecture (recorded) Sample worksheets [CD] Supplementary Reading Ch10 and Ch12 for mid-term test Ch13 and Ch15 for final test

13 13 ACL2 Course Schedule (1/2) Week 1: Orientation and Review of ALC1 Review of Paragraph Writing [CD] Week 2: How to write multiple-paragraph-long passage Writing multiple-paragraph-long passage [CD] Weeks 3,4 : Chapter 10 – Elephants Weeks 5,6: Chapter 12 – The Titanic Week 7: In-class Mid-term Test Sample mid-term test [CD]

14 14 ALC2 Course Schedule (2/2) Weeks 8, 9: Chapter 13 – Dinosaurs Weeks 10, 11: Chapter 15 – Endangered Species Weeks 12-14: Lecture and Summary (Application) Sample worksheets (based on MITOCW) [CD] Exam Week: Standardized final test

15 15 Lecture and Summary (Application) (LSA): Plan Ahead! See pp.2-3 in “Instructions for Teachers” Two possibilities LSA at the end of the semester (Week 12 to Week 14) Assign a small portion of a specific lecture every week (with a worksheet that helps understanding) Students have something to watch or listen to every day. No need for the LSA sessions at the end and hence spending three classes for one chapter is possible. (See the next slide.) Other options Teacher delivers a lecture. Students watch the assigned lecture at home and teacher reproduces (a part of) it in class.

16 Course Schedule (alternative) Week 1: Orientation and Review of ALC1; LSA prep Week 2: How to write multiple-paragraph-long passage; LSA prep Weeks 3,4: Chapter 10 – Elephants; LSA prep Weeks 5,6,7: Chapter 12 – Titanic; LSA prep Week 8: In-class Mid-term Test Week 9,10,11: Chapter 13 – Dinosaurs; LSA prep Week 12,13,14: Chapter 15 – Endangered Species; LSA prep 16

17 2011 ALC2 Student Performance Record Sheet (SPRS) GoalsMid- term test Final test Class Partici- pation total Listening comprehension and note-taking 10 [6] 15 [9]35 Reading comprehension5 [3] 10 Q&A5 [3] 15 Turning notes into passage 5 [3] 15 [9]25 Vocabulary5 [3] 15 total30 40100 17

18 Notes to SPRS To achieve a goal, students must obtain 60% of the points (shown in brackets [ ]) in one of the assessment for that goal. To pass ALC2, students must achieve at least 3 out of the 5 goals. Decide how to use the points for Class Participation and explain it in the orientation. Suggestions on p.2 of Instructions for Teachers 18

19 19 Grading ① [attendance policy] Miss more than one- third of the classes → “F” ② [pass/fail] To pass the course, students must achieve at least three of the five goals. ③ [letter grade] Add all the assessment points. A+: 90 ≤ score ≤ 100A: 80 ≤ score < 90 B: 70 ≤ score < 80C: score < 70 Teacher grade is the final grade.

20 Turning Notes into Passage: multiple-paragraph-long summary writing Week 2: How to write a multiple-paragraph-long passage; Explain the guidelines. See p.5 of Instructions for Teachers. (possible exercise) Write a passage that meets the guidelines using a supplementary reading text. (See sample on CD.) See “Class Participation” on p.3 of Instructions for Teachers. Before the mid-term: Write one summary. (Ch10). In the mid-term: Write one summary based on notes. (See the sample mid-term test on CD.) After the mid-term: Write one summary. Write a summary as part of Lecture and Summary (Application). In the final: multiple-choice questions about the guidelines 20

21 21 2011 Academic Lecture Comprehension 2 Questions? Comments? Suggestions? To Course Coordinator Thank you!

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