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Day 1. Middle East Modern Day Africa.

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1 Day 1









10 Middle East Modern Day Africa

11 Horus

12 Karnack

13 Cataracts Giza Red Sea

14 Menes Unites Upper and Lower Egypt Why is this a good thing?

15 Video time Egypt, The Engineering of an Empire

16 Please read Chapter 2 Section 1 by Wednesday, October 7 th. Questions will be asked in order to grab some easy extra credit points!

17 Questions from video shown on 10/4/10 Egypt, Engineering An Empire” 1.These two great civilizations came much later than Egypt? 2.What rivers form the Nile River? 3.What sea does the Nile River empty in to? 4.The first protective dam built in Egypt protected what important city? 5.What pharaoh was responsible for many of the building projects during the Old Kingdom? 6.This pharaoh unified upper and lower Egypt thus creating a large empire? 7.What year did Egypt become an empire? 8.Egyptians built these waterways to transport people as well as materials? 9.The first pyramids were called_______? 10.The pharaoh Djoser lived during what period in ancient Egypt? 11.Why were the pyramids built

18 In Case You Missed It.. The Next slide will give you the Answers to the video we watched on “Egypt, Engineering an Empire 10/5/

19 1.Greece and Rome 2.Blue and White 3.Mediterranean Sea 4.Memphis 5.Menes 6.Upper and Lower Egypt 7.3, 000 BC 8.Canals 9.Mastabas 10.Old Kingdom 11.Burial complex for the pharaoh Djoser I hope this helped!!!!

20 Day 2 The Three Kingdoms of Egypt Old Kingdom 2,700 B.C Middle Kingdom C. 2,050 B.C New Kingdom C. 1,550

21 The Old Kingdom (Pyramid Age) 1 A

22 1B Dynasty=Ruling Family About 33 dynasties But NOT one family The Pharaohs Were gods What is wrong with that statement?

23 “Hey, If we’re gods We can do anything we want” “Why is this sooooooooooo dangerous?” Absolute power, No one to say NO!!!!

24 But there was a funny Side to the pharaohs Martin Bangles Tut Pyramids Day 3

25 Can War Ever Be Good?





30 Catastrophe Hits Egypt

31 Egypt But why?

32 When there is disunity from within

33 T_______________________________Y Horse drawn chariots made all the difference!!!!

34 The Hyksos did one thing wrong We see what you have!!

35 If you are Egypt, what is your next move? It’s a no brainer The Egyptians Expel the Hyksos From Egypt, New Kingdom begins Hyksos, GET OUT

36 Day 4


38 Notice the (fake beard)

39 Proved that a woman can run a country Wore men’s clothingclothing Buried in a tomb pyramids Luxor

40 Da Day 5





45 In 1800’s Jean Champollion figured out the Rosetta Stone Decipher the secret of Egyptian society

46 Egyptians and Their Connection to the Other Side “Allah is Great”

47 “We are all going to a better place”place”


49 Kamikaze pilotspilots “We are killing Ourselves for the good of all Japan”

50 Egyptian Society worshipped the forces that controlled their lives The environment and their emotions Osiris = god of the Nile River Why?

51 Isis = Taught women how to grind corn, spin flax, weave cloth, and care for children

52 Catholic Saints St. Barnabas=Against hailstorms St. Colubanus=Against flooding St. Januarius= Volcanic Eruptions

53 Belief in many gods


55 “All we are saying, is give peace a chance”





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