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Developmental Timeline for Engineering

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1 Developmental Timeline for Engineering
Engineering Your Future Chapter 1

2 Progress of engineering is a continuum
History allows for understanding where we have been, where we are, and where we are going History is about people and accomplishments Study of history helps us create new futures and understand what good qualities from the past are worth repeating and continuing

3 Definition of Engineering
“The profession in which knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences, gained by study, experience, and practice, is applied with judgment to develop ways to use, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind.” -ABET

4 Prehistoric Culture Designed and built needed items by trial and error, using intuition Lack of communication and transportation prevented sharing of knowledge among civilizations Knowledgeable about surroundings, craftsmanship was marvelous in effectiveness, integrity and intricacy, and information was passed down from generations very seriously

5 Prehistoric Culture cont.
Cave painting in Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe Physical limitations of prehistoric man: No known written language Oral language limited No significant means of transportation No concept of formal education No specialized methodology for discovery Survived by gathering food and hunting with primitive weapons Material aspects of life came about slowly

6 Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France
The Speed of History Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France Innovations introduced far more rapidly now than in the past 6000 years Years to accomplish tasks finished in a very short amount of time Up to 200 years to build one church! Proper connection to God, truth, justice, fate, reality, life, and ancestry was goal of early science in many cultures

7 Engineering’s Beginnings
Foundations of engineering were laid with our ancestors’ efforts to survive and improve quality of life. Every person was part of a community, not separate of it. To an extent, everyone was an engineer Modern aborigines and the Amish live like their ancestors, while taking advantage of modern technologies (tools, motors, medicine) but still preserving their culture. phototour.html

8 Mesopotamia’s First System of Writing
Egypt and Mesopotamia Between 4000 and B.C., focal points for engineering Stone tools, copper and bronze axes, plow, wheel, sailing boat, and methods of writing helped improved the way of life Mesopotamia’s First System of Writing

9 Pyramid Design and Construction
B.C. Engineering tactics: Stones properly transported Stones effectively lifted into place Everything fit Tombs secure against robbery Stepped Pyramid at Sakkara About 2700 B.C. Chief Engineer Imhotep to King Zoser Stepped Pyramid in Sakkara photos99/99pics.htm

10 The Great Pyramid of Khufu
Constructed about 200 years after the Stepped Pyramid of Sakkara Largest masonry structure ever built Base = 756 ft. each side 480 ft. tall Over 2.3 million limestone blocks used Weigh over 58 million tons Casing blocks of fine limestone were attached to all four sides Removed for other uses throughout the years

11 Outline of Engineering History
Modern age, inventions appear to narrow, with much focus on computers. The following slides contain significant engineering innovations throughout history. Original McMicken Hall used for Engineering at the University of Cincinnati circa 1892

12 1200 B.C. - A.D. 1 Quality of wrought iron is improved
Swords are mass produced Siege towers perfected Greeks develop manufacturing Archimedes introduces mathematics in Greece Concrete is used for arched bridges, roads, and aqueducts in Rome Roman Aqueduct

13 A.D. 1 - 1000 Chinese further develop the study of mathematics
Gunpowder is perfected Cotton and silk are manufactured

14 1000 - 1400 Growth in the silk and glass industry
Leonardo Fibonacci ( ), medieval mathematician, writes the first text on algebra The Fibonacci Quilt

15 How a Reflecting Telescope Works
Federigo Giambelli constructs the first time bomb First water closet invented in England Christian Huygens begins work on a pendulum-driven clock Charles II charters the Royal Society Isaac Newton constructs a reflecting telescope Leibniz makes a calculating machine to multiply and divide How a Reflecting Telescope Works

16 1700 - 1800 Industrial Revolution begins
Eddystone Lighthouse Industrial Revolution begins Leyden jar stores a large charge of electricity James Watt makes the first rotary engine Ecole des Ponts et Chausses, first civil engineering school established by Louis XV Society of Engineers formed in London David Bushnell designs first human-carrying submarine John Smeaton completes construction of Eddystone lighthouse

17 First Miner’s Safety Lamp
First Miner’s Safety Lamp Automation first used in France First railroad locomotive unveiled Chemical symbols as used today are developed Safety lamp for protecting miners is first used Simple wire telegraph is developed Photography is born Electromagnetism is studied Thermocouple is invented Aluminum is prepared

18 Postcard of First Oil Well
Postcard of First Oil Well Rubber is vulcanized by Robert Goodyear in U.S. Rotary printing press comes into service Reinforced concrete is used Sewing machine invented Henry Bessemer originates process to mass-produce steel cheaply First oil well drilled near Titusville, PA Typewriter is perfected Challenge Expedition ( ) forms basis for future oceanographic study

19 Karl Benz’s Automobile
Alexander Graham Bell Patents first telephone Thomas Edison invents phonograph and incandescent light bulb Gasoline engine invented by Gottlieb Daimler Karl Benz introduces automobile Steam turbine appears Karl Benz’s Automobile

20 Ford’s First “Automobile Plow”
Wright brothers complete first sustained flight Detroit becomes center of auto industry Stainless steel introduced in Germany Diesel engine tractors produced by Ford First commercial airplane service between London and Paris commences Diesel locomotives appear Ford’s First “Automobile Plow”

21 World War II Kommandeurwagen
Modern sound recordings introduced John Logie Baird invents a high-speed mechanical scanning system Leads to development of television Volkswagen Beetle goes into production First nuclear bombs are used Transistor is invented World War II Kommandeurwagen

22 1950 - 1975 Computers first enter the commercial market
In common use by 1960 Sputnik 1 (USSR), first artificial satellite, goes into space Explorer I (first U.S.) follows LASER is introduced Manned space flight begins First communication satellite, Telstar, goes into orbit Integrated circuits introduced First manned moon landing occurs Sputnik 1 Explorer I

23 First Artificial Heart Implant
Supersonic transport from U.S. to Europe begins Cosmonauts orbit the Earth for a record 180 days Columbia space shuttle is launched and reused for space travel First artificial heart is implanted First Artificial Heart Implant

24 Hubble Space Telescope
Today Hubble Space Telescope is carried into orbit (1990) in space shuttle Discovery Internet Society is chartered 1 million host computers connected in a network Computer processor speeds dramatically improve Channel Tunnel (Chunnel) between England and France is completed MP3 audio format traded widely through computer servers Hubble Space Telescope

25 Today cont. Petronas Towers: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia World’s newest tallest building opens in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Global Positioning Satellite technology is declassified Hundreds of safety, weather, and consumer applications available High Definition Television signals/products become available Genetic code of a human chromosome is mapped Robots walk on Mars

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