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Cluster Gaps in the Delivery of Humanitarian Assistance for Victims of Typhoon “Milenya” in Region III Ms. Vilma B. Cabrera Assistant Secretary, DSWD As.

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Presentation on theme: "Cluster Gaps in the Delivery of Humanitarian Assistance for Victims of Typhoon “Milenya” in Region III Ms. Vilma B. Cabrera Assistant Secretary, DSWD As."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cluster Gaps in the Delivery of Humanitarian Assistance for Victims of Typhoon “Milenya” in Region III Ms. Vilma B. Cabrera Assistant Secretary, DSWD As of May 04, 2009

2 Assumptions The Government of the Philippines (GOP) will be able to cover the relief needs of 100 percent of the affected families for a period of two (2) weeks. Thirty (30) percent of the displaced families will be able to return to their respective places of origin/barangays on the 2 nd week of the disaster operations. Seventy (70) percent of the displaced families still require food and non-food items (NFIs) and temporary shelter after 2 weeks of the disaster operations for a maximum of 2 weeks. a. Food and Non-Food Items (NFIs)

3 Assumptions Fifty (50) percent of the displaced families staying in evacuation centres need temporary shelters to decongest the existing evacuation centres as well as to vacate the school classrooms used as temporary shelters for its immediate repair in preparation for the resumption of classes. The Department of Health (DOH) will be providing the WATSAN requirement of the displaced families. b. Camp Management

4 A.Food and Non-Food Items (NFIs) * 70% of the total number of displaced families. Province No. of Displaced Families Target No. of Family- Beneficiaries* Food** Cost (In PhP) (In US$)*** 1. Aurora 6,294 4,406 15,420,300 321,056 2. Bataan 25,632 17,942 62,798,400 1,307,483 3. Bulacan 12,716 8,901 31,154,200 648,640 4. Nueva Ecija 39,620 27,734 97,069,000 2,021,008 5. Pampanga 67,942 47,559 166,457,900 3,465,707 6. Tarlac 36,942 25,859 90,507,900 1,884,403 7. Zambales 33,866 23,706 82,971,700 1,727,497 Total 223,012 156,108 546,379,400 11,375,794 **P250.00/family/pack for 2 weeks consisting of 6 kilograms of rice, 5 tin cans of canned fish, 4 tin cans of canned meat, 5 packs of noodles and a pack of a 50-gram milk for toddlers. ***PhP48.03/US$

5 Food and NFIs (Cont….) * 70% of the total number of displaced families. **P5,000.00/family/package consisting of 1 piece of water container, 1 set each of cooking and eating utensils, 5 pieces of blankets and 1 piece each of sleeping mat/mattress and mosquito, 5 pairs of adult and children slippers and personal hygiene kit consisting of 5 pieces each of toothbrush, toothpaste, bath soap, bath towels, 1 bar of laundry soap, 6 pieces each of sanitary napkins and isposable adult and children diapers. *** PhP48.03/US$ Province No. of Displaced Families Target No. of Family- Beneficiaries* Non-Food Items (NFIs)** Cost (In PhP) (In US$)*** 1. Aurora 6,294 4,406 22,029,000 458,651 2. Bataan 25,632 17,942 89,712,000 1,867,833 3. Bulacan 12,716 8,901 44,506,000 926,629 4. Nueva Ecija 39,620 27,734 138,670,000 2,887,154 5. Pampanga 67,942 47,559 237,797,000 4,951,010 6. Tarlac 36,942 25,859 129,297,000 2,692,005 7. Zambales 33,866 23,706 118,531,000 2,467,853 Total 223,012 156,108 780,542,000 16,251,135

6 Food and NFIs (Summary….) * PhP48.03/US$ Province FoodNFIs Total Cost Cost (In PhP) (In US$)* (In PhP) (In US$)* (In PhP) (In US$)* 1. Aurora 15,420,300 321,056 22,029,000 458,651 37,449,300 779,706 2. Bataan 62,798,400 1,307,483 89,712,000 1,867,833 152,510,400 3,175,315 3. Bulacan 31,154,200 648,640 44,506,000 926,629 75,660,200 1,575,270 4. Nueva Ecija 97,069,000 2,021,008 138,670,000 2,887,154 235,739,000 4,908,162 5. Pampanga 166,457,900 3,465,707 237,797,000 4,951,010 404,254,900 8,416,717 6. Tarlac 90,507,900 1,884,403 129,297,000 2,692,005 219,804,900 4,576,408 7. Zambales 82,971,700 1,727,497 118,531,000 2,467,853 201,502,700 4,195,351 Total 46,379,400 11,375,794780,542,000 6,251,135 1,326,921,400 27,626,929

7 B.Camp Management *50% of the total number of displaced families in evacuation centers. **P81,600.00/bunkhouse of 32-rooms made of tarpaulin, coconut lumber and plywood. ***PhP48.03/US$ Province No. of Families in Evacuation Centers Target No. of Family- Beneficiaries* Purchase/Construction of Temporary Shelter/Bunkhouse** No. of Units Cost (In PhP) (In US$)*** 1. Aurora 750 375 12 956,250 19,909 2. Bataan 9,000 4,500 141 11,475,000 238,913 3. Bulacan 4,400 2,200 69 5,610,000 116,802 4. Nueva Ecija 11,900 5,950 186 15,172,500 315,896 5. Pampanga 51,310 25,655 802 65,420,250 1,362,071 6. Tarlac 20,310 10,155 317 25,895,250 539,147 7. Zambales 25,550 12,775 399 32,576,250 678,248 Total 123,220 61,6101,925 157,105,500 3,270,987 *50 percent of the total number of families in evacuation centers.

8 Camp Management (Cont…..) *50% of the total number of displaced families in evacuation centers. **P2,800.00/community kitchen @ 10 families/community kitchen. ***PhP48.03/US$ Province No. of Families in Evacuation Centers Target No. of Family- Beneficiaries* Purchase/Construction of Community Kitchen** No. of Units Cost (In PhP) (In US$)*** 1. Aurora 750 375 38 105,000 2,186 2. Bataan 9,000 4,500 450 1,260,000 26,234 3. Bulacan 4,400 2,200 220 616,000 12,825 4. Nueva Ecija 11,900 5,950 595 1,666,000 34,687 5. Pampanga 51,310 25,655 2,566 7,183,400 149,561 6. Tarlac 20,310 10,155 1,016 2,843,400 59,200 7. Zambales 25,550 12,7751,278 3,577,000 74,474 Total 123,220 61,6106,161 17,250,800 359,167

9 Camp Management (Cont…..) *50% of the total number of displaced families in evacuation centers. **P40,000.00/generator set (6,500 watts)/50 families. ***PhP48.03/US$ Province No. of Families in Evacuation Centers Target No. of Family- Beneficiaries* Generator Sets** No. of Units Cost (In PhP) (In US$)*** 1. Aurora 750 3758 300,000 6,246 2. Bataan 9,000 4,500 90 3,600,000 74,953 3. Bulacan 4,400 2,200 44 1,760,000 36,644 4. Nueva Ecija 11,900 5,950 119 4,760,000 99,105 5. Pampanga 51,310 25,655 513 20,524,000 427,316 6. Tarlac 20,310 10,155 203 8,124,000 169,144 Total 123,220 61,610 1,232 49,288,000 1,026,192

10 Province Purchase/ Construction of Temporary Shelter/ Bunkhouse Purchase/ Construction of Community Kitchen Generator Sets Total Cost Cost (In PhP) (In US$)* (In PhP) (In US$)* (In PhP) (In US$)* (In PhP) (In US$)* 1. Aurora 956,250 19,909 105,000 2,186 300,000 6,246 1,361,250 28,342 2. Bataan11,475,000238,9131,260,000 26,234 3,600,000 74,953 16,335,000 340,100 3. Bulacan5,610,000116,802 616,000 2,825 1,760,000 36,644 7,986,000 166,271 4. Nueva Ecija15,172,500315,8961,666,000 34,687 4,760,000 99,105 21,598,500 449,688 5. Pampanga65,420,2501,362,0717,183,400149,561 20,524,000 427,316 93,127,650 1,938,948 6. Tarlac25,895,250539,1472,843,400 59,200 8,124,000 169,144 36,862,650 767,492 7. Zambales32,576,250678,2483,577,000 74,474 10,220,000 212,784 46,373,250 965,506 Total157,105,5003,270,98717,250,800359,167 49,288,000 1,026,192223,644,300 4,656,346 Camp Management ( Summary….)

11 Province Food and NFIsCamp Management Total Cost Cost (In PhP) (In US$) (In PhP) (In US$) (In PhP) (In US$) 1. Aurora 37,449,300 779,706 1,361,250 28,342 38,810,550 808,048 2. Bataan 152,510,400 3,175,315 16,335,000 340,100 168,845,400 3,515,415 3. Bulacan 75,660,200 1,575,270 7,986,000 166,271 83,646,200 1,741,541 4. Nueva Ecija 235,739,000 4,908,162 21,598,500 449,688 257,337,500 5,357,849 5. Pampanga 404,254,900 8,416,717 93,127,650 1,938,948 497,382,550 10,355,664 6. Tarlac 219,804,900 4,576,408 36,862,650 767,492 256,667,550 5,343,901 7. Zambales 201,502,700 4,195,351 46,373,250 965,506 247,875,950 5,160,857 Total1,326,921,400 27,626,929 223,644,300 4,656,346 1,550,565,700 32,283,275 C. Summary

12 Thank You! 931-8101 local 506-507 951-7119/951-7435

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