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K.I.D.S. Keep Injuries Declining Steadily!. “Careful”, Look both ways”, ”Don’t run”, “Watch where you’re going” These are commonly repeated instructions.

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Presentation on theme: "K.I.D.S. Keep Injuries Declining Steadily!. “Careful”, Look both ways”, ”Don’t run”, “Watch where you’re going” These are commonly repeated instructions."— Presentation transcript:

1 K.I.D.S. Keep Injuries Declining Steadily!

2 “Careful”, Look both ways”, ”Don’t run”, “Watch where you’re going” These are commonly repeated instructions students hear throughout the halls of Royerton Elementary at dismissal time.

3 Problem Keeping kids safe at Royerton Elementary is a top priority. Our safety record has been impeccable in the areas of school bus transportation and building level drills. However, our dismissal procedure for car pickup is an ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN!

4 Currently our school policy requires parents to provide written documentation if students are not to ride the bus home. These notes are placed on file in the office daily. Then at dismissal parents/guardians park their car, enter the building, sign out their child again, and exit the parking lot at their own risk. No supervision is provided at this time and no verification is made if the correct adult is taking the child home.

5 According to the office personnel, many parents are not signing out their child. There have been numerous incidents of near fender benders, irate parent complaints, and concern for unsupervised children darting out to their vehicles without regard to their surroundings.

6 Aerial View of Royerton Elementary

7 Recently in Indianapolis a 5 th grade boy was killed in his school parking lot when he ran into the regular flow of traffic. This tragedy has prompted us to take a proactive approach to examining the safety of our car pick-up procedure. Daily, this affects at least 10% of our student body.

8 Alternative Policy #1 Eliminate in-school sign-out procedure at the end of the school day. Advantages Eliminates congestion in building Speeds up dismissal time People in Favor Parents Office Staff People Against School personnel would be unable to confirm or track whom students go home with Disadvantages Does not address congestion in parking lot School does not monitor who is picking child up

9 Alternative Policy #2 Maintain current policy for dismissal, but add one school employee to monitor the school parking lot. Advantages Adds an upgraded level of safety as students go to their cars People in Favor Parents Office Staff People Against Parents Affected school employee Disadvantages Taking a school employee from his/her regular duties Negative feedback from parents violating policy

10 Alternative Policy #3 Eliminate in-school sign-out and implement a one-way traffic flow pattern in the parking lot. Use additional personnel for monitoring dismissal procedure. Advantages Reduces potential for car accidents and student injuries Reduces congestion in parking lot People in Favor Parents Office staff People Against Parents Affected school personnel Disadvantages Impatient drivers at the end of the line Additional school personnel needed to monitor

11 Alternative Policy #4 Eliminate in-school sign-out and implement a one-way traffic flow pattern in the parking lot. Equip each car with a student identification tag. Use additional personnel for monitoring dismissal procedure. Advantages Reduces potential for car accidents, injuries, and traffic congestion School awareness of student pick-up People in Favor Parents Admin / Office staff People Against Parents Affected school personnel Disadvantages Impatient drivers at the end of the line Additional school personnel needed to monitor Parents forgetting car tag

12 Our Policy Our policy is to eliminate the in-school sign-out procedure and implement a one-way traffic flow pattern in the parking lot. Appropriate signage will be posted. Also we will equip each car with a student identification tag. Additional personnel will be used for monitoring the dismissal procedure.

13 Aerial View of Royerton Elementary

14 Advantages Reduces potential for car accidents Reduces potential student injuries Reduces traffic congestion Increases school awareness of student pick-up Improves overall safety of our car pick-up procedure

15 Parents will no longer need to leave their cars for pick-up Car pick-up dismissal should be expedited Office area congestion is alleviated

16 Supported by success of an existing dismissal program at Walnut Hill Elementary in Harriman, TN, and through interviews with eight various school personnel associated with transportation and administration.

17 Disadvantages Training parents for new pick-up procedures Reassigning school personnel to monitor Impatient drivers located toward the end of the line Drivers who forget tags

18 Level of Government School Administrator Superintendent School Board

19 Constitutionality Our proposed policy does not violate anyone’s constitutional rights. It does not discriminate.

20 Our Action Plan 1. Propose policy to the principal and seek approval 2. Principal presents policy to the superintendent 3. Superintendent presents policy for school board approval 4. School board hears policy at a public meeting 5. School board votes at next meeting on proposed policy by simple 3/5 majority

21 Supporters Principal PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) Teachers Office Staff Superintendent School Board Parents

22 Opponents Affected school personnel who will be reassigned Parents who do not embrace change

23 Winning Support Principal – Present policy PTO – Principal presents policy at meeting Teachers – Principal shares at staff meeting Office Staff – Principal informs Superintendent – Principal discusses School Board – Superintendent proposes Parents – Newsletter, website, and parent meeting

24 Bibliography Burcham, Linda. "Secretary's Role in Car Dismissal." Telephone interview. 15 June 2009. Christopher, Fred J. "Car Dismissal at SouthView." Telephone interview. 15 June 2009. Emrick, Michelle. "A Parent's Perspective." Personal interview. Gibson, Mary. "Aurora Schools - Our Plans." Telephone interview. 15 June 2009. Goehrigh, Jan. "Policies on Transportation." Personal interview. 17 June 2009. Marshall, Doug. "Interview with A Principal." Telephone interview. 15 June 2009. Marshall, Doug. "School Dropoff." Royerton Elementary Newsletter (22 Aug. 2008). Mee, Jessica. "School Teacher - My School's Plan." Telephone interview. 15 June 2009. "Prevent Pedestrian Crashes." Oct. 2008. 15 June 2009. Student and Parent Handbook. Ms. Summit Elementary, Bloomington, IN. Weber, Steve. "School Safety." Rampage (18 Feb. 2009). Weimer, Bruce. "Transportation in DELCOM." Telephone interview. 15 June 2009


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