Content Update Administrative Conference 2015. New Curriculum Documents ● Less clicks ● Less documents.

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Presentation on theme: "Content Update Administrative Conference 2015. New Curriculum Documents ● Less clicks ● Less documents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Content Update Administrative Conference 2015

2 New Curriculum Documents ● Less clicks ● Less documents


4 Documents ● Unit Overview ● Pacing Guide ● Clarifiers for each TEK

5 Unit Overview Standards Content Connections Guiding Questions Approach to Classroom Use Resources

6 Pacing Guide ● Bundles TEKS and gives suggested days for each TEK

7 Clarifiers ● Standard ● Alignment ● Cognitive rigor, content rigor, and context ● Academic vocabulary ● Sample assessment item(s)

8 Instructional minutes K-23-5 Reading90 minutes75 minutes Writing45 minutes Math75 minutes Science45 minutes60 minutes Social Studies25 minutes

9 August 19 and 20 Understanding and communicating the standards Academic vocabulary Word Walls Anchor Charts The Role of the Academic Coach

10 Elementary Social Studies

11 Social Studies: Expectations ● Students will read and write about Social Studies content. ● Students will use primary and secondary sources. ● Students will use and create maps, timelines, graphs and other visual resources. ● Student will learn through integration with fidelity to Social Studies and ELAR.

12 Social Studies: New Materials ● Pearson My World Text books K-5 ● Leveled reader kits with each teacher edition ● Class set of atlases ● Online assessment and publishing components

13 Social Studies: Coordinator Goals ● Support literacy and critical thinking ● Provide planning support ● Model integrated lessons ● Provide curriculum previews with integration strategies

14 Elementary Science

15 Science Expectations Set expectation of grade level daily science instruction: 80% hands-on for K-1, 60% hands-on for 2-3, 50% hands-on for 4-5 Support use of STEMscopes and AIMS as primary resources for instruction Communicate with Coordinator/coach specific help with: teachers in need of support in science, any teacher new to the district/grade level, especially those in 4 th and 5 th grades Facilitate K-5 weekly usage of science lab; for larger campuses whose lab cannot accommodate all grade levels weekly, weekly lab usage for 3-5 with utilization of mobile carts for weekly labs in classrooms for K-2 Creation/facilitation of campus vertical science team K-5 to collaborate with lab organization and safety system and serve as point of contact for each grade level team

16 Science: STEMscope Update Continue our online accounts for K-5 as last year Consumable books (3 books with pre-printed materials from online program) will again be supplied for each student 1-5; Kindergarten will not receive consumable books this year per teacher survey New teacher STEMscopes training will be offered in September

17 Science Lab Update: Furniture New lab tables and stools are coming 6 tables and 30 stools per lab Will maximize floor space of lab Narrower table reduces safety issue for students reaching materials Teachers have option for sitting or standing labs Promotes smaller grouping for lab activities Tables are light and durable; easily moved Adjustable legs on table to accomodate K-5 students

18 Science Lab Update: Science Resource Manager Science Resource Manager position will continue If there is a change in this assignment from last year, please let me know asap We will have a meeting with a half day to work in the lab on September 11 Sub days are available for lab work during the year and end of year procedures Continued stipend of $250 in May

19 Science Safety All teachers teaching science and/or utilizing the lab space and materials need to complete the science safety training Send Brenda names of new staff members needing this training Science Resource Manager will be adding the Safety Data Sheets binder to the lab, organizing substances per safety training and leading vertical team to develop emergency safety plan for the lab

20 Science: Curriculum Update Unit 1 incorporates science safety for K-5 in the 1 st six weeks Increased focus and clarification of life science vertical biome and Earth science Increased support for 4 th grade K-5 curriculum previews offered every six weeks

21 Elementary Math

22 Math: Focus Areas 1. Interactive Word Walls with Math Vocabulary 2. Use UPS Check 3. Questioning 4. 4. Math Workshop Model

23 Components of the Math Workshop Model Warm up Mini Lesson Student Work Time: Workstations Guided Math Group Reflection

24 Warm Up 5-10 minutes Students will use the warm up to prepare for math as they are engaged in a quick activity. The activity could be over math vocabulary or a word problem. The type of words or problems used would be intentionally chosen to do one of the following: ●Activate the students’ prior knowledge for the topic of the day ●Introduce or review vocabulary words with activities ●Interact with current, student friendly word walls ●Give a problem on the concept that will be taught to identify students that may be familiar with the concept.

25 Interactive Word Walls ●Current ●Readable from across the room ●Visuals ●Examples ●Non-examples ●Definitions are student created

26 Word Problem ● Activate the students’ prior knowledge for the topic of the day. ● Identify students that may be familiar with the concept.

27 Mini-Lesson 10-20 minutes The mini-lesson begins with a whole group lesson. In the mini-lesson the teacher models and uses the gradual release of responsibility. The mini-lesson skill is the focus of math throughout math workshop. Mini lesson topics will be built around math students expectations which include the following: ●Conceptual understanding ●Procedural Skills and strategies ●Fact Fluency ●Problem Solving

28 number of questions by grade process standard (SE) Q on test 71% 100% 21% 20% 38% 86% 14% Multiple Coding of Process Standards on STAAR

29 1(B)1(F)1(A)

30 rigor means think more about it

31 Student Work Time Math Workstations Guided Math 40-45 Minutes

32 Math Workstations

33 Management of Workstation Rotation


35 Workstations Content: Fluency K - Compose and Decompose Numbers to 10; Add and Subtract to 10 1 - Add and Subtract with automaticity to 10; proficiently to 20 2 – Add and Subtract to 20 with automaticity; Conceptually understand multiplication and division 3 – Multiply and Divide to 10 x 10 with automaticity; Multiply 2-Digit by 1 Digit Numbers Proficiently 4 – Add and Subtract Decimals; Divide by 1 Digit Divisors Add and Subtract Fractions with Common Denominators; 5 – Add and Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators; Multiply and Divide Decimals; Multiply and Divide Unit Fractions and Whole Numbers



38 Writing in Math, Use Technology, Skills Practice, Independent Practice

39 Guided Math




43 Meeting Schedule with Groups

44 Reflection 5-10 Minutes

45 Reflection

46 Math Focus Areas

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