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Xbox 360 – “US Army Halo 3 Championship” Objective: Make a tangible connection between the Prospect and the Army using the Gaming Passion Point as the.

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Presentation on theme: "Xbox 360 – “US Army Halo 3 Championship” Objective: Make a tangible connection between the Prospect and the Army using the Gaming Passion Point as the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Xbox 360 – “US Army Halo 3 Championship” Objective: Make a tangible connection between the Prospect and the Army using the Gaming Passion Point as the vehicle Strategy: Align real Army assets alongside Halo 3 imagery; leverage excitement around the game to drive excitement for the Army Target Audience: GCM AR/RA M18-24 Results: –Over 2 million pieces of content were downloaded, including sponsored Tips And Tricks videos, co-branded skins for Prospect’s Xbox, and Army video –673,000 users registered to participate in the Championship, shattering all previous records for participation on the Xbox platform –Campaign drove a 225% increase in Likeliness to Speak to a Recruiter and 265% increase in Likeliness to Enlist among exposed Prospects –Program won multiple prestigious industry awards, including an Effie, a Mixx Award, and One Show Pencil 1

2 NHL – “Hockey’s Finest” Objective: Communicate and draw a connection between Prospects and the Army Core Values through the Sports Passion Point Strategy: Engage prospects through an original video series interviewing the best American-born players through the lens of the core values Target Audience: GCM AR/RA M18-24 Results: –The Hockey’s Finest video series is pacing to be viewed over 150 million times by campaign end –On track to successfully tease the Hockey’s Finest content into 12 nationally broadcast hockey games throughout the season –Featured players have recorded 12 PSAs, thanking the troops for their service and stating their support for the Army’s efforts around the world 2

3 GO211 – “Army Strong Sports Tour” Objective: Use the “action sports” segment of the Sports Passion point to make a multiplatform connection with a new group of Prospects Strategy: Design an encompassing experience that connects Army with “action sports” at every touch point Target Audience: GCM AR/RA M18-24 Results: (program launches end of April ’09) : –On-site Army integration at 20 different events across the country, with athlete autograph sessions at each Army tent –Army sponsored microsite for each event with information, capability to set mobile reminders, and co- branded video of athletes 3

4 Yahoo – “Full Court Press” Objective: Have a conversation about Army Core Values with Prospects over an extended period of time using the Sports Passion Point Strategy: Create an episodic original content piece following the Memphis Tigers in their 08/09 season, focusing on Teamwork, Leadership, and Strength; extend the content to TV through the TiVo platform Target Audience: GCM AR/RA M18-24 Online Results: –Over 2,350,000 users viewed the Army sponsored content over the 13 week series –The series was featured editorially four separate times on the Yahoo! Homepage, which reaches 1.9 million M18-24 Broadcast Results (TiVo): –Over 250,000 minutes were spent with Army and Full Court Press content –Exposed Prospects experienced a 45% lift on “overall perception of Army” and a 25% lift in “interest in learning more about the Army” 4

5 NASCAR RaceBuddy - “US Army Battlecam” Objective: Enhance NASCAR race watching experience Strategy: Position the US Army as a provider of premium NASCAR content that would otherwise be unavailable Target Audience: GCM AR/RA M18- 24 Results: –US Army Battle Cam video stream is always trained on the best racing action, wherever it’s happening on the track –Unique custom content featuring Mark Martin and the U.S. Army Stryker vehicle aired on TV and –Placed Mark Martin/Stryker content on PS3 gaming console to drive incremental views 5

6 Spike GCA – “Salute the Troops” Objective: Drive clicks to and user upload videos Strategy: Leverage broadcast promotion and Spike’s access to celebrities to drive Prospect to a US Army microsite on Target Audience: GCM AR/RA M18-24 Results: –Adam Sandler presented the U.S. Army with a “Mantlers Award” at the show –Users submitted personal message to troops; montage of “shout outs” aired during the show 6

7 “Leaders Among Us” Objective: Engage Hispanic prospects with Army messaging in online environments Strategy: Create an Army branded experience around Hispanic passion points Target Audience: Hispanics 18-24 Results: 167,798 unique visitors 851 contest submissions Interest in joining the Army increased by 22% among those exposed to the program (from AdIndex study) Awards: 2008 IAB MIXX Gold 2008 W3 Silver Award 7

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9 NBA – “Strength of the Team” Objective: Demonstrate that Army Core values like teamwork, leadership and hard work are the cornerstones of the best NBA franchises Strategy: Align the Army with premium NBA content by commissioning a video series featuring the top coaches interviewed by top TV talent Target Audience: GCM AR/RA M18- 24 Results: –Strength of the Team episodes aired on nationally televised games on TNT –Guarantee of 2 MM views on –Editorial integration into homepage 9

10 ESPN – “March Madness” Objective: Improve the perception of the Army in the eyes of College Basketball fans Strategy: Integrate Army Core Values into custom video content around NCAA March Madness Target Audience: GCM AR/RA M18-24 Results: –Army custom halftime show in 124 live streaming CBB games –Over 125M views of Army NCAA custom video segments –Special segment featuring West Point Grads and Hall of Fame Coaches Bob Knight and Coach K featured on HP 10

11 Project Name: “Orgullo En Alto” Objective: Establish a dialogue with Hispanic Influencers Strategy: reach Hispanic Influencers that normally would not visit Target Audience: Hispanics 35-54 Results: 11,813 unique visitors 413 contest submissions 124 picture submissions Interest in visiting increased by 27% among those exposed to the program (from AdIndex study) 11

12 Project Name: Vibe Remix Lounge Objective: Create Army branded experience through passion points Strategy: Allow users to mashup, remix, DJ and apply video effects over web-based and catalog content. Target Audience: 18-24 African Americans Results: 49,917 unique visitors 565 submissions 41,887 Pre-roll views 1,970 send-to-phones 12

13 Project Name: “Are you Army Strong?” Essay Contest Objective: Engage African American Prospects with Army messaging in online environments Strategy: Create a personal value connection and branded experience between users and the Army Target Audience: 18-24 African Americans Results: 23 Million impressions 0.64% CTR 46 essay submissions 13

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